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Rock-and-Roll, etc. songs and which politician they remind you of (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 2, 2013
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Hope i"m in the correct forum.
I'll begin with the Republicans being "down with the (tea)sickness".
Went to get gas--$2.749--good job BHO
"more than a feeling" goes out to C. Chameleon Matthews
"Panama" reminded me of a comment about the 'Banana Republicans'
Santana/Winning>>>well, the election 332 to 206 for those who want to forget>>>and now for Obama...
a clean CR now, a clean CR tomorrah, a clean CR forever
Joe Walsh/Life's been good--this one goes out to Turtle Dude with my best wishes.
EriClapton once remarked that Jimi Hendrix was the best he had ever seen. Too bad Hendrix and Cobain had to go the way they and so many others went.
With that, where does Clapton's Cocaine fit in politically?
Good Times Bad Times----beginning in 1992 and alternating every 8 years starting with Good Times in 1992
EriClapton once remarked that Jimi Hendrix was the best he had ever seen. Too bad Hendrix and Cobain had to go the way they and so many others went.
With that, where does Clapton's Cocaine fit in politically?
Marion Barry.
War Pigs = The Democratic party.
Rock and a Hard Place/Rolling Stones >> goes out to Speaker Boehner
You've got another thing coming/Judas Priest -- for me, I'd love to shove this one up the arses of TEAturd Senators cruz-lee-Paul- who have led the house insurrection.

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