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Robert Blake Not Guilty. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 12, 2005
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Political Leaning
I didn't follow the whole trial, but this was a bit of a surprise. Do you think he did it even though the jury acquitted?
The whole thing seems kind of suspicious to me. The fact that he was caring a gun and the gun that killed his wife was in a dumpster only a few yards away.
Something doesn't smell right.........
Wasn't on the jury. :rolleyes:

This is another fine example of the media creating guilt before a trial.
He had to pay out so much money to his lawyers, he says he is now broke. Do you think he can make a comeback?
Repubteen said:
The whole thing seems kind of suspicious to me. The fact that he was caring a gun and the gun that killed his wife was in a dumpster only a few yards away.
Something doesn't smell right.........

Are you retarded? The whole reason he wasn't convicted is because his gun was not the murder weapon. There was no connection between Blake and the murder weapon.
Argonaut said:
The whole reason he wasn't convicted is because his gun was not the murder weapon. There was no connection between Blake and the murder weapon.
Not only that - tests couldn't show that there was gun powder residue on his hands or clothing.
I don't think it helped that one of the prosecution's witnesses was high on coke while on the stand either.
What's the big deal? The tabloids convicted him but the jury didn't.

The comparison to Scott Peterson who was also convicted first, by the tabloids, is worth noting.

Before his defense began, the prosecution spent four months parading witness after witness who did nothing but paint Peterson a bastard. By the time the defense got under way, the jury hated him.

He may have done the deed, but the prosecution did not prove it. All they proved was that he was a bastard and on that basis, the jury convicted him.

Perhaps, if his lawyer had not been running back and forth with the cases of shoplifter Wynona Ryder and alleged pedophile, Michael Jackson, he could have done a better job for Peterson.

Who knows............

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