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RNC drinking game. (1 Viewer)

These headlines were written before the convention even started}
I would recommend a shot every time a white nationalist dog whistle is given or when there is a blatant lie, but I could only recommend water since I don't anyone to be harmed by alcohol poisoning.
Drink up! It's 5 O'Clock somewhere. ;)

RNC 2020: key takeaways from the first night of Republicans' dark convention | US news | The Guardian

RNC 2020: key takeaways from the first night of Republicans' dark convention

Trump uses dark message to kick off RNC despite aides' claims of optimism - CNNPolitics

Trump uses dark message to kick off RNC despite aides' claims of optimism

2020 RNC night 1: GOP paints dark picture of future if Biden wins, Trump formally nominated on Republican ticket - ABC7 Los Angeles

2020 RNC: Republican National Convention showcases GOP's rising stars, dark warnings

I would recommend a shot every time a white nationalist dog whistle is given or when there is a blatant lie, but I could only recommend water since I don't anyone to be harmed by alcohol poisoning.

That's a drink!
I would recommend a shot every time a white nationalist dog whistle is given or when there is a blatant lie, but I could only recommend water since I don't anyone to be harmed by alcohol poisoning.

Good thing we aren't watching the DNC then.
That's a drink!

How about we play the game on the site?
That way, we get to take a shot every single time tacomancer post.

I'll be hammered before my shift even starts tonight.
I would recommend a shot every time a white nationalist dog whistle is given or when there is a blatant lie, but I could only recommend water since I don't anyone to be harmed by alcohol poisoning.

Or if you want to remain sober while still imbibing only take a drink when a speaker takes the podium that is not a Trump or bedding a Trump. That is the most ABSURD lineup of speakers for a so-called political party convention I have ever seen. The GOP is no longer a political party. It's a cult of personality. It's high time Republicans, Trumplican, whatever you want to call them admit it. If there was any doubt before this "convention" its waaaaaaaaay gone now!
Good thing we aren't watching the DNC then.

While I would agree there were some iffy statements made during the DNC, where were the white nationalist dog whistles in your opinion?
I am a left jorno?

Absolutely. You're not a professional journalist, but you do offer commentary on the news and political issues and you are certainly on the left. That's journalism.
The KKK is truly still in control of the Democratic Party - even its terminology. Dark skinned people are evil. Light skinned people are good.

It was recognized decades ago that referring to "dark" as evil and "light" as good is racist, given racists often call black people "darkies."
The KKK is truly still in control of the Democratic Party - even its terminology. Dark skinned people are evil. Light skinned people are good.

It was recognized decades ago that referring to "dark" as evil and "light" as good is racist, given racists often call black people "darkies."

Now there is a stretch if I ever saw one. Squeeze that bit of logic through a strainer did ya'?
Absolutely. You're not a professional journalist, but you do offer commentary on the news and political issues and you are certainly on the left. That's journalism.

:shrug: if you say so
I would recommend a shot every time a white nationalist dog whistle is given or when there is a blatant lie, but I could only recommend water since I don't anyone to be harmed by alcohol poisoning.

If a person took a drink for every GOP lie told yesterday, they probably would be dead of alcohol poisoning.

(**** show thread in the making, too bad... could have been more fun coming up with a legit drinking game for both conventions. Perhaps the debates will be our next opportunity for a drinking game.)
Does anyone notice the Goebbelian lie in the above post and how it is done?

Now you did it.

When I'm.bored i will now dissect your posts for propaganda content.

Since you have admitted you know what you're doing.
Trump’s RNC 2020 opening speech got things off to a dark start - Vox

“12 more years!”: Trump’s opening speech got the 2020 RNC off to a dark start:drink

Republican convention speakers share dark vision of Democrats and praise Trump’s character

As RNC kicks off, Republicans issue dark warnings about country’s future and distort Trump’s record - Chicago Tribune

As RNC kicks off, Republicans issue dark warnings about country’s future and distort Trump’s record
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Staggering lack of interest in discussing Night 2 of the RNC and frankly there was not much interest at a forum titled Debate Politics in discussing Night 1. Is anybody watching, even in this crowd????

Has Donnie Boy simply seeded the ground with his nonsense so well for 4 years that its a "nothing to see here" event?

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