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Riots have run up over a billion dollars in damage (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
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Very Conservative
The democrats and their running dogs BLM and Antifa has run up over a BILLION dollars in damage rioting all over the US. This was on Fox News this morning.

So do people realize that Insurance companies have to pay off all that damage. That means EVERYONE'S insurance rate will be going up. This rioting nonsense has gone on for over 100 days. It is time this BS be called to a halt and these criminals arrested.
I wonder how much damage the anti-maskers have caused, both in terms of health and lives, and because businesses close down again, or simply cannot open up?
I wonder how much damage the anti-maskers have caused, both in terms of health and lives, and because businesses close down again, or simply cannot open up?

Maybe you should ask China and stop deflecting.?
The democrats and their running dogs BLM and Antifa has run up over a BILLION dollars in damage rioting all over the US. This was on Fox News this morning.

So do people realize that Insurance companies have to pay off all that damage. That means EVERYONE'S insurance rate will be going up. This rioting nonsense has gone on for over 100 days. It is time this BS be called to a halt and these criminals arrested.

Insurance may not pay off on the claims. Civil unrest may be excluded. The people that did the damage should be forced to pay the damages. Liens over their heads for the rest of their lives if needed.
Apparently blue regimes are fine with the damages. Do it for Floyd or anyone else.
I wonder how much damage the anti-maskers have caused, both in terms of health and lives, and because businesses close down again, or simply cannot open up?

Over $6 trillion and counting and all due to POTUS and his administration's response to his mishandling of the pandemic.
Over $6 trillion and counting and all due to POTUS and his administration's response to his mishandling of the pandemic.

Trump never claimed to be an expert on the subject. Now, one could actually accuse the WHO, epidemiologists and the CDC of mishandling the pandemic.
I wonder how much damage the anti-maskers have caused, both in terms of health and lives, and because businesses close down again, or simply cannot open up?

Your talking about the anti-masking rioters, right?
The democrats and their running dogs BLM and Antifa has run up over a BILLION dollars in damage rioting all over the US. This was on Fox News this morning.

So do people realize that Insurance companies have to pay off all that damage. That means EVERYONE'S insurance rate will be going up. This rioting nonsense has gone on for over 100 days. It is time this BS be called to a halt and these criminals arrested.

But but but they are peaceful protesters.
The democrats and their running dogs BLM and Antifa has run up over a BILLION dollars in damage rioting all over the US. This was on Fox News this morning.

So do people realize that Insurance companies have to pay off all that damage. That means EVERYONE'S insurance rate will be going up. This rioting nonsense has gone on for over 100 days. It is time this BS be called to a halt and these criminals arrested.

I heard weeks ago, many insurance companies won't cover losses due to rioting.

Maybe you should ask China and stop deflecting.?

or they could ask Donald Trump. He seems pretty familiar with CCP talking points.
The democrats and their running dogs BLM and Antifa has run up over a BILLION dollars in damage rioting all over the US. This was on Fox News this morning.

So do people realize that Insurance companies have to pay off all that damage. That means EVERYONE'S insurance rate will be going up. This rioting nonsense has gone on for over 100 days. It is time this BS be called to a halt and these criminals arrested.

Agreed! Get these ****ty cops off the street!
The democrats and their running dogs BLM and Antifa has run up over a BILLION dollars in damage rioting all over the US. This was on Fox News this morning.

So do people realize that Insurance companies have to pay off all that damage. That means EVERYONE'S insurance rate will be going up. This rioting nonsense has gone on for over 100 days. It is time this BS be called to a halt and these criminals arrested.

Global warming has cost us $20 billion in the wildfires alone. And unlike rioting, global warming will be with us forever.
Agreed! Get these ****ty cops off the street!

I love it... The Progressive ideology at it's finest.... Blame police for the riots instead of the rioters.

Keep up the good work.

I love it... The Progressive ideology at it's finest.... Blame police for the riots instead of the rioters.

Keep up the good work.


Oh dear, someone doesn't understand cause and effect, root cause analysis, and personal accountability. Tsk. Ah well, at least Trump still loves the uneducated...
Oh dear, someone doesn't understand cause and effect, root cause analysis, and personal accountability. Tsk. Ah well, at least Trump still loves the uneducated...

Now you are justifying the rioting, looting, arson, destruction of property, violence and murdering of innocent people.

I said keep up the good work and you came through like a champ.
Now you are justifying the rioting, looting, arson, destruction of property, violence and murdering of innocent people.

I said keep up the good work and you came through like a champ.

Weak strawman is weak. I didn't justify anything. If you want to fix a problem, you address the root cause. It's ok if you don't understand...some people are perfectly ok with using weak debate tactics to cover their ignorance. ;) :thumbs:
Weak straman is weak. I didn't justify anything. If you want to fix a problem, you address the root cause. It's ok if you don't understand...some people are perfectly ok with using weak debate tactics to cover their ignorance. ;) :thumbs:

I'm sorry, I must have missed the post where you condemned ANTIFA's violence, BLM's looting and terrorizing of innocent people, and where you stated that a few bad cops is no justification for more than 3 months and a billion dollars of senseless violence and destruction.

As soon as I find that post, I'll be sure to give it a "like".
I'm sorry, I must have missed the post where you condemned ANTIFA's violence, BLM's looting and terrorizing of innocent people, and where you stated that a few bad cops is no justification for more than 3 months and a billion dollars of senseless violence and destruction.

As soon as I find that post, I'll be sure to give it a "like".

lol...you can find it all over the place. Your mistake was assuming, but it's understandable, given that any independent thinking among you folks was sacrificed on the altar of partisanship in 2016.

But, here, a summary of my point of view, from a man better than both of us:


I suppose that if someone were to post about the tragedy of MLK being assassinated, you would also say it was cause and effect.

Have a nice day... And thank you for being you.

Trump never claimed to be an expert on the subject. Now, one could actually accuse the WHO, epidemiologists and the CDC of mishandling the pandemic.

The buck stops with him. He knew early on how dangerous it was. As with every president, the buck stops with him. It's his virus.
I suppose that if someone were to post about the tragedy of MLK being assassinated, you would also say it was cause and effect.

Have a nice day... And thank you for being you.


Yeah, figured you'd scurry away. Thanks for enforcing the stereotype, though. You made a great example. You have a wonderful day as well. :)

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