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Right Wing Watch is devoted to exposing what the GOP has become ....... (1 Viewer)

The Libertarian to Fascist Pipeline Could be Shorter Than You ...​

https://medium.com › discourse › the-libertarian-to-fasc...

Jun 3, 2020 — Libertarianism is a philosophy promoting Laissez-faire capitalism — or unfettered capitalism. They are non-interventionists and strong advocates ...

America is now in fascism's legal phase | The far right - The ...​

https://www.theguardian.com › world › dec › america-f...

Dec 22, 2021 — Fascist forces have found a popular leader, unconstrained by the rules of democracy, in the figure of Donald Trump ...
Missing: libertarian ‎| Must include: libertarian
Dylan Matthews...the same POS from Vox that supports abolishing the Senate, midterm elections and thinks the American Revolution was a mistake.
your thoughts on fascism and the right wing are missing .......

Voting Rights: We Need Immediate Action AND Long-Term Strategy

Voting Rights March - No More Excuses banner
Time is running out to pass voting rights protections before antidemocratic gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics lock in minority rule. Time is running out, so please take action today!
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Eight Ways State Legislatures Are Undermining Direct Democracy

Ballot initiatives provide a crucial opportunity for citizens to step in when legislators ignore their wishes. Now, many states are removing that accountability and stripping citizens of power. Here’s how.
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Can a Deadly Storm Again Spark Progress for Justice?

Environmental injustices during Hurricane Katrina sparked public outrage. We see a familiar pattern, as the effects of Hurricane Ida on our communities of color become more clear.
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Voting Rights: We Need Immediate Action AND Long-Term Strategy

Voting Rights March - No More Excuses banner
Time is running out to pass voting rights protections before antidemocratic gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics lock in minority rule. Time is running out, so please take action today!
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Eight Ways State Legislatures Are Undermining Direct Democracy

Ballot initiatives provide a crucial opportunity for citizens to step in when legislators ignore their wishes. Now, many states are removing that accountability and stripping citizens of power. Here’s how.
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Can a Deadly Storm Again Spark Progress for Justice?

Environmental injustices during Hurricane Katrina sparked public outrage. We see a familiar pattern, as the effects of Hurricane Ida on our communities of color become more clear.
[Read more]

Not really (re the bolded sentence above). At least, not if you live in WA state. Here, crooks are mainly the ones in control of most of the initiatives, pay their signature gatherers to get enough signatures for the initiative to get on the ballot and then misinform the public, using tons of money to do so. It's worse than what the politicians do to get elected. The crooks make out very well, if they don't get caught.

'Hidden History' Of Koch Brothers Traces Their Childhood - NPR​

https://www.npr.org › 2016/01/19 › hidden-history-of-ko...

Jan 19, 2016 — According to Mayer, the Kochs and other conservatives have created philanthropic entities that enable them to aggressively pursue a libertarian ...

The Koch family's Nazi ties are more entrenched than you think​

https://timeline.com › the-koch-family-s-nazi-ties-are-m...

Jan 19, 2016 — But the Koch family has a history of patronizing Nazi sympathizers, ... awakening under the tutelage of libertarian theorist Robert LeFevre.

Dark Money review: Nazi oil, the Koch brothers and a ...​

https://www.theguardian.com › us-news › jan › dark-m...

Jan 17, 2016 — Dark Money review: Nazi oil, the Koch brothers and a rightwing revolution. New Yorker writer Jane Mayer examines the origins, rise and dominance ...

The libertarian-fascist alliance | Ben Norton​

https://bennorton.com › the-libertarian-fascist-alliance

Mar 7, 2016 — The newspaper of record describes libertarian leader Charles Koch as having been “toilet trained by a Nazi.” As I detailed in an article about ...

The Secrets of Charles Koch's Political Ascent - Politico​

https://www.politico.com › magazine › story › 2016/01

Jan 18, 2016 — Eisenhower, were communist agents. In contrast, Charles had been drawn to a radical libertarian thinker with a checkered past named Robert ...

The Koch Brothers, Libertarianism And The Growth Of Neo ...​

https://populistdaily.com › ALEC

Mar 4, 2018 — Students would be taught Koch-sponsored Libertarian (we would call it “Neo-Fascist”) theory, that our governm
In Dark Money, Jane Mayer’s book published today, the New Yorkerjournalist reports that the Koch family patriarch Fred Koch built an oil refinery for the Third Reich that was used to fuel Nazi warplanes. That looks pretty bad for the political mega-donors.

You know what else looks bad? Financing the publication of Holocaust denial literature over the course of several decades. Which is exactly what Charles Koch did between the 1960s and the 1980s.

The Koch brothers, David and Charles, plan to donate $900 million to presidential campaigns in 2016, as much money as each major party, so the origins and past uses of their family fortune have some heavy political implications.

To be fair, there’s no solid evidence that the Koch brothers themselves are secret neo-Nazis. In fact, there are major ideological differences between the Kochs’ libertarian politics and the Third Reich’s — on the most basic level, dictatorship doesn’t really square with limited government. But the Koch family has a history of patronizing Nazi sympathizers, starting with Fred Koch in the 1930s.


The Koch family in 1950, from left: Charles, David, Fred, Mary, Bill, Frederick © Special Collections and University Archives, Wichita State University Libraries

Fred wasn’t only a Nazi business partner or profiteer. He was also an admirer of the Axis powers. His biographer David Schulman notes that he “saw something laudable in the rise of fascism.” His private letters indicate that he was impressed with Hitler’s Germany.

In addition to his dealings with Hitler, Fred Koch also did business with Stalin. He came away from that experience a staunch anti-communist. In 1958, he even co-founded the radical right-wing John Birch Society, a charming bunch of paranoiacs who believe the strings of internationalist politics are being pulled by a “one-world socialist government.”

The Koch family's Nazi ties are more entrenched than you think

https://timeline.com › the-koch-family-s-nazi-ties-are-m...

Jan 19, 2016 — But the Koch family has a history of patronizing Nazi sympathizers, ... awakening under the tutelage of libertarian theorist Robert LeFevre.
Probably some DNC sponsored site? The democrats have all the power levers now. They are the ones who have screwed up most everything
they touch today.


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports, and omit information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.
Probably some DNC sponsored site? The democrats have all the power levers now. They are the ones who have screwed up most everything
they touch today.


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports, and omit information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.
You don't know this ......... apparently the Left Bias Sources is extremely bias as in sponsored by Right Wing Anti American ALEC Covert Action To Over Throw The USA.
Who’s pulling the USA way right and far down?


  1. Introduction
  2. Undercutting Health Care Reform
  3. What Does ALEC Lobby For?
  4. How Does ALEC Work?
  5. Who's Behind ALEC?
  6. Who Founded and Funds ALEC?
  7. Private School Vouchers
  8. Tax Policy
  9. Corporate Power and Workers' Rights
  10. Conclusion
  11. Obstructing Environmental Protection
  12. Voter ID and Election Laws


When state legislators across the nation introduce similar or identical bills designed to boost corporate power and profits, reduce workers rights, limit corporate accountability for pollution, or restrict voting, odds are good that the legislation was not written by a state lawmaker but by corporate lobbyists working through the American Legislative Exchange Council.

ALEC is a one-stop shop for corporations looking to identify friendly state legislators and work with them to get special-interest legislation introduced. It’s a win-win for corporations, their lobbyists, and right-wing legislators. But the big losers are citizens whose rights and interests are sold off to the highest bidder.

I often sift through their twitter account for entertainment / keep up to date on the cults activities.

If you want to see people wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross, that is good place to start.


Who’s pulling the USA way right and far down?


  1. Introduction
  2. Undercutting Health Care Reform
  3. What Does ALEC Lobby For?
  4. How Does ALEC Work?
  5. Who's Behind ALEC?
  6. Who Founded and Funds ALEC?
  7. Private School Vouchers
  8. Tax Policy
  9. Corporate Power and Workers' Rights
  10. Conclusion
  11. Obstructing Environmental Protection
  12. Voter ID and Election Laws


When state legislators across the nation introduce similar or identical bills designed to boost corporate power and profits, reduce workers rights, limit corporate accountability for pollution, or restrict voting, odds are good that the legislation was not written by a state lawmaker but by corporate lobbyists working through the American Legislative Exchange Council.

ALEC is a one-stop shop for corporations looking to identify friendly state legislators and work with them to get special-interest legislation introduced. It’s a win-win for corporations, their lobbyists, and right-wing legislators. But the big losers are citizens whose rights and interests are sold off to the highest bidder.


FROM : The Secrets of Charles Koch's Political Ascent - Politico​

https://www.politico.com › magazine › story › 2016/01

Among those delivering papers on how the fringe movement could obtain genuine power was Charles Koch. The papers are striking in their radicalism, their disdain for the public and their belief in the necessity of political subterfuge aka the art of deception.

What exactly does subterfuge mean? ALEC is centered around deception apparently which may also indicate ALEC lies.

Choose the Right Synonym for subterfuge​

DECEPTION, FRAUD, DOUBLE-DEALING, SUBTERFUGE, TRICKERY mean the acts or practices of one who deliberately deceives. DECEPTION may or may not imply blameworthiness, since it may suggest cheating or merely tactical resource. magicians are masters of deception FRAUD always implies guilt and often criminality in act or practice. indicted for fraud DOUBLE-DEALING suggests treachery or at least action contrary to a professed attitude. a go-between suspected of double-dealing SUBTERFUGE suggests the adoption of a stratagem or the telling of a lie in order to escape guilt or to gain an end. obtained the papers by subterfuge TRICKERY implies ingenious acts intended to dupe or cheat. resorted to trickery to gain their ends

Speakers proposed that libertarians hide their true antigovernment extremism by banishing the word “anarchism,” because it reminded too many people of “terrorists.” To attract a bigger following, some suggested, they needed to organize synthetic “grassroots” groups and issue meaningless titles to volunteers, without yielding any real control.
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ALEC claims it “does not lobby in any state.”20 However, ALEC’s tactics and operations are strikingly similar to those of registered lobbyists with corporate benefactors.

Beyond distributing model legislation to state and Capitol Hill legislators, ALEC provides its members with “issue alerts,” “talking points,” and “press release templates” expressing support or opposition to state legislation.

The organization tracks the status of its model bills in legislatures, and sends its employees to testify in support of its bills in state houses across the country.21

Among those delivering papers on how the fringe movement could obtain genuine power was Charles Koch. The papers are striking in their radicalism, their disdain for the public and their belief in the necessity of political subterfuge aka the art of deception.

What exactly does subterfuge mean? ALEC is centered around deception apparently which may also indicate ALEC lies.

Choose the Right Synonym for subterfuge​

DECEPTION, FRAUD, DOUBLE-DEALING, SUBTERFUGE, TRICKERY mean the acts or practices of one who deliberately deceives. DECEPTION may or may not imply blameworthiness, since it may suggest cheating or merely tactical resource. magicians are masters of deception FRAUD always implies guilt and often criminality in act or practice. indicted for fraud DOUBLE-DEALING suggests treachery or at least action contrary to a professed attitude. a go-between suspected of double-dealing SUBTERFUGE suggests the adoption of a stratagem or the telling of a lie in order to escape guilt or to gain an end. obtained the papers by subterfuge TRICKERY implies ingenious acts intended to dupe or cheat. resorted to trickery to gain their ends
ALEC propagates a wide range of “model legislation” that seeks to make it more difficult for people to hold corporations accountable in court; gut the rights and protections of workers and consumers; encumber health care reform; privatize and weaken the public education system; provide business tax cuts and corporate welfare; privatize and cut public services; erode regulations and environmental laws; create unnecessary voter ID requirements; endorse Citizens United; diminish campaign finance reform; and permit greater corporate influence in elections.

In order to draft and promote their “model legislation,” ALEC operates task forces that bring representatives from corporations together with lawmakers. Each ALEC task force is chaired by both elected officials and “private sector” members, who have an equal vote on introduced bills. According to Jesse Zwick of the Washington Independent, “ALEC’s task forces are better known for crafting legislation that coincides, rather than conflicts, with the interests of its private-sector members. Famous for hosting lavish conferences for state legislators who possess no staff of their own, the group pampers lawmakers while providing them the opportunity to collaborate on legislation often previously researched and introduced by the policy shops of its corporate members.”13


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