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Right-Wing Conservatives Win: Then What? (1 Viewer)

Dans La Lune

Senior Defenestrator
DP Veteran
Aug 30, 2019
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Oceania, 1984
Political Leaning
Lets say the right-wing wins the culture war, the political war, and the next ~50 years are shaped by the modern conservative movement. All elements of 'socialism' are removed from government except for the military (no social security, medicare, no safety net), corporations gain far control, nationalism ascends both in America and globally, legal abortion is abolished, homosexuality is largely outlawed, the transgender community recedes into the shadows. Christianity becomes the state religion. America's borders are closed to most immigrants. Since corporations have control, and there are no real regulations, green energy is virtually non-existent in the West. Vaccines are largely abolished and/or all viruses are a treated through herd immunity. This is, by all accounts, a right-wing paradise.

What is the outlook for humanity?

Note: For the purpose of this discussion, I've left out the bombastic elements of the right-wing agenda, and referenced only the mainstream ones.
Lets say the right-wing wins the culture war, the political war, and the next ~50 years are shaped by the modern conservative movement. All elements of 'socialism' are removed from government except for the military (no social security, medicare, no safety net), corporations gain far control, nationalism ascends both in America and globally, legal abortion is abolished, homosexuality is largely outlawed, the transgender community recedes into the shadows. Christianity becomes the state religion. America's borders are closed to most immigrants. Since corporations have control, and there are no real regulations, green energy is virtually non-existent in the West. Vaccines are largely abolished and/or all viruses are a treated through herd immunity. This is, by all accounts, a right-wing paradise.

What is the outlook for humanity?

Note: For the purpose of this discussion, I've left out the bombastic elements of the right-wing agenda, and referenced only the mainstream ones.
geez , i''l vote them out myself if i see this happening. most conserv types don't actually think that much like an authoritarian about things.
i dont want transgender type in the shadows or outlawed, I just want womens sports to be fair to WOMEN.
Lets say the right-wing wins the culture war, the political war, and the next ~50 years are shaped by the modern conservative movement. All elements of 'socialism' are removed from government except for the military (no social security, medicare, no safety net), corporations gain far control, nationalism ascends both in America and globally, legal abortion is abolished, homosexuality is largely outlawed, the transgender community recedes into the shadows. Christianity becomes the state religion. America's borders are closed to most immigrants. Since corporations have control, and there are no real regulations, green energy is virtually non-existent in the West. Vaccines are largely abolished and/or all viruses are a treated through herd immunity. This is, by all accounts, a right-wing paradise.

What is the outlook for humanity?

Note: For the purpose of this discussion, I've left out the bombastic elements of the right-wing agenda, and referenced only the mainstream ones.
No conservative can possibly respond to this because it's fatally flawed.

Those policies don't represent mainstream conservatives.

Most of those policies are taken from the far, outside, extreme right fringe if they exist at all... Those are the very people that have no political clout and aren't given a seat at the table.

No conservative can possibly respond to this because it's fatally flawed.

Those policies don't represent mainstream conservatives.

Most of those policies are taken from the far, outside, extreme right fringe if they exist at all... Those are the very people that have no political clout and aren't given a seat at the table.


That seems to be the future of the party. Just look at what they've done to a solid, traditional conservative like Cheney.

Look at what they just did to a black woman nominated to the Supreme Court.
Lets say the right-wing wins the culture war, the political war, and the next ~50 years are shaped by the modern conservative movement. All elements of 'socialism' are removed from government except for the military (no social security, medicare, no safety net), corporations gain far control, nationalism ascends both in America and globally, legal abortion is abolished, homosexuality is largely outlawed, the transgender community recedes into the shadows. Christianity becomes the state religion. America's borders are closed to most immigrants. Since corporations have control, and there are no real regulations, green energy is virtually non-existent in the West. Vaccines are largely abolished and/or all viruses are a treated through herd immunity. This is, by all accounts, a right-wing paradise.

What is the outlook for humanity?

Note: For the purpose of this discussion, I've left out the bombastic elements of the right-wing agenda, and referenced only the mainstream ones.
Did you ever read H.G. Wells "Time Machine"?
Lets say the right-wing wins the culture war, the political war, and the next ~50 years are shaped by the modern conservative movement. All elements of 'socialism' are removed from government except for the military (no social security, medicare, no safety net), corporations gain far control, nationalism ascends both in America and globally, legal abortion is abolished, homosexuality is largely outlawed, the transgender community recedes into the shadows. Christianity becomes the state religion. America's borders are closed to most immigrants. Since corporations have control, and there are no real regulations, green energy is virtually non-existent in the West. Vaccines are largely abolished and/or all viruses are a treated through herd immunity. This is, by all accounts, a right-wing paradise.

What is the outlook for humanity?

Note: For the purpose of this discussion, I've left out the bombastic elements of the right-wing agenda, and referenced only the mainstream ones.
Probably we're all gonna die.

Maybe there will be peace, prosperity and global love.

Might be something in between.

Nah, we all gonna die.
It’s going to be a “tale of two cities”

The oligarchy will lord over the masses….
No conservative can possibly respond to this because it's fatally flawed.

Those policies don't represent mainstream conservatives.

Most of those policies are taken from the far, outside, extreme right fringe if they exist at all... Those are the very people that have no political clout and aren't given a seat at the table.

The cited fictional policies are from the leftists nightmare and are unlikely to ever happen in anything other than a leftists nightmare, so not reality. 🤷‍♂️
Probably we're all gonna die.

Maybe there will be peace, prosperity and global love.

Might be something in between.

Nah, we all gonna die.
Anytime the leftists don't get what they want it is always 'we're all gonna die', climate change catastrophe appearing to be the most frequently sighted consequence.
Anytime the leftists don't get what they want it is always 'we're all gonna die', climate change catastrophe appearing to be the most frequently sighted consequence.
All the best crises involve all of us dying and only the best crises get people to vote for you.
So our future is fossil fuels. Sounds awesome.
No conservative can possibly respond to this because it's fatally flawed.

Those policies don't represent mainstream conservatives.

Most of those policies are taken from the far, outside, extreme right fringe if they exist at all... Those are the very people that have no political clout and aren't given a seat at the table.

All those things on that list and more have been discussed by conservatives past and present. It sounds pretty bad when all lumped together. But give them a few cycles in a row with a majority SC and watch what happens. It's already started.
The cited fictional policies are from the leftists nightmare and are unlikely to ever happen in anything other than a leftists nightmare, so not reality. 🤷‍♂️
The only one he stated that I believe could possibly become reality, was "America's borders are closed to most immigrants".

I don't think that it's beyond the realm of possibility that a time might come where restricting people from migrating here would be a logical step to take. What I don't understand is how anyone could think that the people of the world have a right to migrate here, and we have some global obligation to keep our doors open.
Lets say the right-wing wins the culture war, the political war, and the next ~50 years are shaped by the modern conservative movement. All elements of 'socialism' are removed from government except for the military (no social security, medicare, no safety net), corporations gain far control, nationalism ascends both in America and globally, legal abortion is abolished, homosexuality is largely outlawed, the transgender community recedes into the shadows. Christianity becomes the state religion. America's borders are closed to most immigrants. Since corporations have control, and there are no real regulations, green energy is virtually non-existent in the West. Vaccines are largely abolished and/or all viruses are a treated through herd immunity. This is, by all accounts, a right-wing paradise.

What is the outlook for humanity?

Note: For the purpose of this discussion, I've left out the bombastic elements of the right-wing agenda, and referenced only the mainstream ones.
So you have written here that you don't have a clue about the Conservative agenda. Your description is by all accounts, bull.
All those things on that list and more have been discussed by conservatives past and present. It sounds pretty bad when all lumped together. But give them a few cycles in a row with a majority SC and watch what happens. It's already started.
There isn't an issue on either side that hasn't had extreme proposals suggested.

Basically, of all the things he listed, these are the ones I feel need addressing... Anything I don't list I completely dismiss as BS, or are speculative on his part based on what he listed.:

Medicare may be eliminated, but there will be something to replace it.
Social Security may not exist in it's current form and name, but there will be a retirement safety net of some sort.
Nationalism is possible, and I would hope it did take root. There's nothing wrong with people wanting to put America and our people first, or becoming less dependent on other nations.
The Border could be closed to most people wanting to migrate here, and there could be a number of reasons for that to occur.

That's it.
All the best crises involve all of us dying and only the best crises get people to vote for you.
Yup. 'Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste' (for gaining political advantage).
So much fear mongering from the left.
If they really are that fearful, they should retire under their beds in their parent's basements never to be heard from again, frankly.

I'm frankly fed up with it from them, the same way I'm fed up with the baseless accusations of being a racist and a bigot, before that was over used.
I'm frankly fed up with it from them, the same way I'm fed up with the baseless accusations of being a Nazi, before that was over used.
I'm frankly fed up with it from them, the same way I'm fed up with the baseless accusations of being a Fascist, before that was over used.
I'm frankly fed up with it from them, the same way I'm fed up with the baseless accusations of being a White Supremacist, before that was over used.

They are constantly over using accusations to the point where they have lost all their meaning and have become meaningless. It's 'their thing' I guess.
The only one he stated that I believe could possibly become reality, was "America's borders are closed to most immigrants".

I don't think that it's beyond the realm of possibility that a time might come where restricting people from migrating here would be a logical step to take. What I don't understand is how anyone could think that the people of the world have a right to migrate here, and we have some global obligation to keep our doors open.
Agreed. US immigration should be focused on merit, and nearly merit alone, much different than the open borders which Biden, more so the radicals in his administration, have implemented.
No conservative can possibly respond to this because it's fatally flawed.

Those policies don't represent mainstream conservatives.

Most of those policies are taken from the far, outside, extreme right fringe if they exist at all... Those are the very people that have no political clout and aren't given a seat at the table.


All of this is 100% mainstream conservatism, and I challenge you to point to an item that isn't.
All of this is 100% mainstream conservatism, and I challenge you to point to an item that isn't.
It does seem the Republican Party has been highjacked by the most fringe extremist elements.
There isn't an issue on either side that hasn't had extreme proposals suggested.

Such as what on the left?

Basically, of all the things he listed, these are the ones I feel need addressing... Anything I don't list I completely dismiss as BS, or are speculative on his part based on what he listed.:

Medicare may be eliminated, but there will be something to replace it.

Such as what? Obama offered the free market alternative to socialized medicine -- straight from a conservative think tank -- and you guys voted against it.

Social Security may not exist in it's current form and name, but there will be a retirement safety net of some sort.

Conservatives have been looking to privatize social security since forever, if not eliminate it entirely.

Nationalism is possible, and I would hope it did take root. There's nothing wrong with people wanting to put America and our people first, or becoming less dependent on other nations.

Ethnic nationalism and jingoism are a great combination.

The Border could be closed to most people wanting to migrate here, and there could be a number of reasons for that to occur.

Such as the impending climate catastrophe?
I'm frankly fed up with it from them, the same way I'm fed up with the baseless accusations of being a Nazi, before that was over used.

At what point can we call the right-wing Nazis, racists, and/or neo-confederates? When they start marching in the streets with tiki torches screaming 'Jews will not replace us'? Book burnings? Banning accurate history being taught in schools?
Then we look like places similar to Iran and Afghanistan, but with more money. At first.

Iran with better shopping malls, and a twangy accent, because you do realize that in order to be thought truly loyal, you have to talk like them,
dress like them and have deep admiration for ignorance like them.

Meanwhile, ginned up by all that rhetoric-fueled anger, the "circle of loyalty" will get smaller and smaller, because one HAS to give all
those heavily armed "patriots" something to do to keep them feeling relevant and useful.
Ergo this so called conservative "paradise" will become more and more hellish with each passing day.

Think Fallujah, only with Babay Jeebus instead.

ISIS versus Vanilla ISIS.jpg
Lets say the right-wing wins the culture war, the political war, and the next ~50 years are shaped by the modern conservative movement. All elements of 'socialism' are removed from government except for the military (no social security, medicare, no safety net), corporations gain far control, nationalism ascends both in America and globally, legal abortion is abolished, homosexuality is largely outlawed, the transgender community recedes into the shadows. Christianity becomes the state religion. America's borders are closed to most immigrants. Since corporations have control, and there are no real regulations, green energy is virtually non-existent in the West. Vaccines are largely abolished and/or all viruses are a treated through herd immunity. This is, by all accounts, a right-wing paradise.

What is the outlook for humanity?

Note: For the purpose of this discussion, I've left out the bombastic elements of the right-wing agenda, and referenced only the mainstream ones.
I think conservatives simply want the culture war to be over without the culture being annihilated completely.

They're not fighting a war to vanquish an enemy they're fighting it for survival.

At this point the left is trying to argue for legitimacy of pedophilia. And destruction of pretty much everything the culture is and they say it's for equality your some broad meaningless gibberish like that but I don't think so I think it's more about contempt.

There are people who want to preserve the culture and people that want to burn it all down and that's what the war is about.

So it will never be one you always be fighting against this and if you're ever not I think it would be because both sides were annihilated.

I'm one of those people that thinks both sides of this are valuable because of the result of challenging cultural norms is sometimes the expansion and recognition of rights that should have been recognized all along.

But it seems a lot of people would pretend like we never evolved past the 1960s.

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