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Right now, everyone should request a mail-in ballot and safely exercise their right to vote (1 Viewer)

Right now, everyone should request a mail-in ballot and safely exercise their democratic right to vote.

No thank you, I will safely exercise my democratic right to vote in person
I'm planning to get mine before Republicans have a chance to suppress it.
Right now, everyone should request a mail-in ballot and safely exercise their democratic right to vote.

Get Your Vote by Mail Ballot Online - VoteAmerica

Nah...don't have to request a mail-in ballot. I'm registered. It'll come to me.

Sucks to be in a state that doesn't have a mail in voting program set up. Y'all have to rely on an inadequate, overloaded absentee ballot system. Good luck.
I'm planning to get mine before Republicans have a chance to suppress it.
Or before the aliens come and take you away...
Or before the aliens come and take you away...

that's a poor comparison. space aliens have never visited me or anyone else on earth, most likely. Republicans, however, have tried to suppress my vote.
Or before the aliens come and take you away...

I’m sure Jared is right now investigating that possibility due to some Lou Dobbs segment President Ramp watched that one time.
Why should there be any more fear in leaving the house to vote than, say, going to the store?
that's a poor comparison. space aliens have never visited me or anyone else on earth, most likely. Republicans, however, have tried to suppress my vote.
C'mon Helix. Don't tell us you're selective on which conspiracy theories you believe.
Democracy is enough of a disaster without relying on the inept post office to screw it up even more.
C'mon Helix. Don't tell us you're selective on which conspiracy theories you believe.

no, i'm telling you that space aliens haven't ever visited me and that Republicans have tried to suppress my vote.
Right now, everyone should request a mail-in ballot and safely exercise their democratic right to vote.

Get Your Vote by Mail Ballot Online - VoteAmerica

FYI and keep checking back to be sure conservatives have not removed your name aka purged......

Mali in voting has been around for a few decades.........

All of the crooks in the Trump admin use mail in ballots.
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Right now, everyone should request a mail-in ballot and safely exercise their democratic right to vote.

Get Your Vote by Mail Ballot Online - VoteAmerica

They better do it damned early.

My state is offering mail-in this election due to COVID. However I am GOING. I am at extreme risk for co-morbidides. But I will mask up and distance and go anyway. I know when the crowds are light at my voting station. I always thank the station workers for their service. This year I think they need to hear from me how proud I am of them. So I AM GOING.
If Mail in voting was important to democrats then..... why wasn't it in place before Covid?

Are you telling us you can't answer this question yourself?
Unfortunately, Texas does not allow absentee ballots for those under 65 with a few exceptions... I will vote in person and continue to advocate for voter reform in Texas...
Translation: Help us steal a United States Presidential election. There is no reason you can't get your asses down to vote. None.

And it's NONE of your business how someone votes...
Translation: Help us steal a United States Presidential election. There is no reason you can't get your asses down to vote. None.

And yet there isn’t a damn thing you can do to stop it. Cause ‘Merica.

Must be frustrating to live in a country in which states determine the best, safest means for their citizens to vote.
Republicans do NOT want everyone voting. They will lose more races.

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