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Reverse Debates (1 Viewer)


Oct 9, 2005
Reaction score
Southern California
Political Leaning
Anyone ever do it? The conservative takes the liberal side and vice versa. In ninth grade, I took the side "U.S. should never have rebelled against UK" - and won.
I do this all the time, in my head.
It's not always easy to do. Arguing for a position I know to be flawed is, in my opinion, borderline intellectually dishonest. If I didn't think the position was flawed, I'd probably support it in the first place.
Of course, I'm actually a bleeding heart liberal, how am I doing?:lol:
alphamale said:
Anyone ever do it? The conservative takes the liberal side and vice versa. In ninth grade, I took the side "U.S. should never have rebelled against UK" - and won.

Well, of course you won, sweetie - common sense prevailed!!
alphamale said:
Anyone ever do it? The conservative takes the liberal side and vice versa. In ninth grade, I took the side "U.S. should never have rebelled against UK" - and won.

sometimes I play devils advocate, but I hate having to argue something which I believe is untrue. its dishonest.
Kandahar said:
Arguing for a position I know to be flawed is, in my opinion, borderline intellectually dishonest. If I didn't think the position was flawed, I'd probably support it in the first place.

You don't have to argue it publically; sometimes it's good to try an argument on in private, just to see how it fits. Defending it in your head will show you where the flaws are better than trying to attack it from the outside.

There's a reason that the worst critics of any ideology are its former adherents.
alphamale said:
Anyone ever do it? The conservative takes the liberal side and vice versa. In ninth grade, I took the side "U.S. should never have rebelled against UK" - and won.

You must've been surrounded by idiots, anyone with basic economic skills can tell you why America should've been independent.

What were your arguements?

I tried to sound liberal once in a losing battle and failed miserably, ended up using 3 different logical fallacies. :3oops:

It was the Pakistani bombing in Feb.
Synch said:
I tried to sound liberal once in a losing battle and failed miserably, ended up using 3 different logical fallacies. :3oops:
Better than actual Libs...

They use 5...:2wave:
Originally Posted by alphamale:
Anyone ever do it? The conservative takes the liberal side and vice versa. In ninth grade, I took the side "U.S. should never have rebelled against UK" - and won.
In my speech class back when I was in college, we would do this exercise in debate where you could not state your point of view on a particular issue, until you were able to state the opposing point of view back to your opponant, to his or her satisfaction.
Korimyr the Rat said:
There's a reason that the worst critics of any ideology are its former adherents.


I also argue with myself all the time............and am astoundingly good at it lol

which usually results in me taking mamby-pamby stands (more like squats) on things lol

but seeing both sides of any situation clearly really is important to the forming of an intellectual opinion

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