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Req Feedback - DP merchandise (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
[looking for feedback]




Re: Coming soon....DP merchandise - looking for feedback

Can we send Aryan Imperium one that says , "I got banned from DP and all I got was this lousy t-shirt"?...:2wave:
Re: Coming soon....DP merchandise - looking for feedback

cnredd said:
Can we send Aryan Imperium one that says , "I got banned from DP and all I got was this lousy t-shirt"?...:2wave:


Still working on the back, if we want anything on it or not.
Re: Coming soon....DP merchandise - looking for feedback

vauge said:

Still working on the back, if we want anything on it or not.
Einstein/Tammy Fay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Coming soon....DP merchandise - looking for feedback

cnredd said:
Einstein/Tammy Fay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, that should definatly be an option buddy. :mrgreen:
My wife said to get the underwear, then maybe I'll pay her some attention too!:shock: :3oops:
George_Washington said:
I think the idea sounds kind of silly but that's just me. I mean it's just, I'm not sure too many people will want to buy them. I mean we're not exactly CNN here.
You might be right.
Maybe its just my self greed - I want a T-shirt damnit and want it to look cool. Just asking for the look really. Does it look stupid, okay, or something (if I were single) could get laid with? :mrgreen:
Will there be a debatepolitics.com Harrier jet?....

I always wanted a Harrier jet....:cool:
vauge said:
You might be right.
Maybe its just my self greed - I want a T-shirt damnit and want it to look cool. Just asking for the look really. Does it look stupid, okay, or something (if I were single) could get laid with? :mrgreen:

Self greed? Nothing wrong with that. Its called.............

Capitalism. Not stupid at all. :)

If you have something marketable, which you do, then by all means, you should market it.
galenrox said:
I think it's time for me to resurrect the idea that this site should start pushing anti-Irish propaganda.

Just think, how many people do you know that would wear a shirt that says "Irish Need Not Apply"? That's right, all of them, they'd be the newest fad! People love ethnic biases from the mid 19th century, it's all the rage.

Think about it, because I would personally really enjoy a t-shirt that said "Irish Need Not Apply" with a picture of a leprachaun getting kicked out of somewhere.

Leave the Irish alone bubba....

If you really want a hot seller how about..

Hi I'm a Muslim, I’m not a bomb
Technician but if you see me wearing
with a large black belt

galenrox said:
I think it's time for me to resurrect the idea that this site should start pushing anti-Irish propaganda.

Just think, how many people do you know that would wear a shirt that says "Irish Need Not Apply"? That's right, all of them, they'd be the newest fad! People love ethnic biases from the mid 19th century, it's all the rage.

Think about it, because I would personally really enjoy a t-shirt that said "Irish Need Not Apply" with a picture of a leprachaun getting kicked out of somewhere.

Last edited:
RightatNYU, would you make that a link instead of the pic?

Though its funny as hell.... lol
vauge said:
RightatNYU, would you make that a link instead of the pic?

Though its funny as hell.... lol

oooooohoohooo, beat you to it....

guess i do have a conscience/sense of propriety somewhere deep down there.
RightatNYU said:
oooooohoohooo, beat you to it....

guess i do have a conscience/sense of propriety somewhere deep down there.
Must be that sense of humor I can only dream of...:cool:
Well, I received a coaster I ordered the other day from these guys - WOW!!

Clean and looks great - very impressed.
Gave hint to wife that B-day is this month... lol

Gunna go forward with this image and create the back slogan for the shirts.
Hopefully by next week we will open up the shop for interested folks.

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