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Repubs win @ the ballot box, dems "TRY" win by indictment (1 Viewer)

Stu Ghatze

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
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And IT IS the g-damn truth!:2wave: Hey whacko liberals, ..YOU KNOW its the truth too, because your whacko liberal democrats have NOTHING that appeals to the mainstream majority!

Gotta keep inventing conspiracies, ..& go on witch hunts. You people LOVE a magnifying glass on everybody else, except your own whacko leaders!

Will see what Curt Weldon has to say about the Clinton whitehouse, & justice dept....that did NOT do a damn thing about the knowlege in advance of Mohammed Atta's terror group residing in America a FULL year, & Clinton was WARNED in advance of 9/11, & in typical fashion he did NOTHING!

Career USELESS liberal democrats employed at the justice dept, & CIA have tried to silence Curt Weldon about "THE able body group" who at least did their job, only to be silenced by the Clinton people a year before the tragedy of 9/11!

SAndy Berger also had a hand in quelching the documents by stealing them from the NSA; cause' afteral they got to save Bill Clinton's PHONEY legacy rather than protect Americans from the terror filth.

Hey thats all cool, & we even know that Dick Durbin also wanted foreign muslim terror suspects to have constitutional rights too.

Wake up you liberal kooks, the modern democratic party is drowning in its own puke, & prefers to blame your own country for the ills of the world in the ever so liberally popular, "lets blame America first"!....

the very same ideology your lame as.s Kerry candidate espoused!
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Stu Ghatze said:
And IT IS the g-damn truth!:2wave: Hey whacko liberals, ..YOU KNOW its the truth too, because your whacko liberal democrats have NOTHING that appeals to the mainstream majority!

Gotta keep inventing conspiracies, ..& go on witch hunts. You people LOVE a magnifying glass on everybody else, except your own whacko leaders!

Will see what Curt Weldon has to say about the Clinton whitehouse, & justice dept....that did NOT do a damn thing about the knowlege in advance of Mohammed Atta's terror group residing in America a FULL year, & Clinton was WARNED in advance of 9/11, & in typical fashion he did NOTHING!

Career USELESS liberal democrats employed at the justice dept, & CIA have tried to silence Curt Weldon about "THE able body group" who at least did their job, only to be silenced by the Clinton people a year before the tragedy of 9/11!

SAndy Berger also had a hand in quelching the documents by stealing them from the NSA; cause' afteral they got to save Bill Clinton's PHONEY legacy rather than protect Americans from the terror filth.

Hey thats all cool, & we even know that Dick Durbin also wanted foreign muslim terror suspects to have constitutional rights too.

Wake up you liberal kooks, the modern democratic party is drowning in its own puke, & prefers to blame your own country for the ills of the world in the ever so liberally popular, "lets blame America first"!....

the very same ideology your lame as.s Kerry candidate espoused!

You + Keyboard = Bad
Blah said:
You + Keyboard = Bad

No,...me + keyboard = good! I will NOT allow the gross hypocrisy, bankrupt ideology, its utter failures & disingenuine behavior of liberalism to go unnoticed any longer!

I'm here to free the liberally possessed from their demons, cure their "sick" & even raise their "dead"! :smile:
Stu Ghatze said:
And IT IS the g-damn truth!:2wave: Hey whacko liberals, ..YOU KNOW its the truth too, because your whacko liberal democrats have NOTHING that appeals to the mainstream majority!

Gotta keep inventing conspiracies, ..& go on witch hunts. You people LOVE a magnifying glass on everybody else, except your own whacko leaders!

Will see what Curt Weldon has to say about the Clinton whitehouse, & justice dept....that did NOT do a damn thing about the knowlege in advance of Mohammed Atta's terror group residing in America a FULL year, & Clinton was WARNED in advance of 9/11, & in typical fashion he did NOTHING!

Career USELESS liberal democrats employed at the justice dept, & CIA have tried to silence Curt Weldon about "THE able body group" who at least did their job, only to be silenced by the Clinton people a year before the tragedy of 9/11!

SAndy Berger also had a hand in quelching the documents by stealing them from the NSA; cause' afteral they got to save Bill Clinton's PHONEY legacy rather than protect Americans from the terror filth.

Hey thats all cool, & we even know that Dick Durbin also wanted foreign muslim terror suspects to have constitutional rights too.

Wake up you liberal kooks, the modern democratic party is drowning in its own puke, & prefers to blame your own country for the ills of the world in the ever so liberally popular, "lets blame America first"!....

the very same ideology your lame as.s Kerry candidate espoused!

Of course, the Liberals are jumping all over this, but members of the Bush administration could have prevented it, and kept their party in one piece, by doing one simple thing ...... Not breaking the law. Just like Bill Clinton, they made their bed. Time for them to wallow in it, just like Bill. I dont feel a damn bit sorry for them. They thought they were above the law. Now they know better.
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AK_Conservative said:
Ignorant rebuttles like this = bad post! Be intelligent!

I thought it was pretty damned funny myself. :mrgreen:

Besides, if intelligence is the only criterion for a good post, you have to start with throwing out the first post in this thread. Regurgitated bs, childish ranting, and ignorant name calling. At least this rebuttal had some humor.
You know the old saying. Those that can't win, sue those that can :2razz:
Calm2Chaos said:
You know the old saying. Those that can't win, sue those that can :2razz:

Stu Ghatze said:
And IT IS the g-damn truth!:2wave: Hey whacko liberals, ..YOU KNOW its the truth too, because your whacko liberal democrats have NOTHING that appeals to the mainstream majority!

Gotta keep inventing conspiracies, ..& go on witch hunts. You people LOVE a magnifying glass on everybody else, except your own whacko leaders!

Will see what Curt Weldon has to say about the Clinton whitehouse, & justice dept....that did NOT do a damn thing about the knowlege in advance of Mohammed Atta's terror group residing in America a FULL year, & Clinton was WARNED in advance of 9/11, & in typical fashion he did NOTHING!

Career USELESS liberal democrats employed at the justice dept, & CIA have tried to silence Curt Weldon about "THE able body group" who at least did their job, only to be silenced by the Clinton people a year before the tragedy of 9/11!

SAndy Berger also had a hand in quelching the documents by stealing them from the NSA; cause' afteral they got to save Bill Clinton's PHONEY legacy rather than protect Americans from the terror filth.

Hey thats all cool, & we even know that Dick Durbin also wanted foreign muslim terror suspects to have constitutional rights too.

Wake up you liberal kooks, the modern democratic party is drowning in its own puke, & prefers to blame your own country for the ills of the world in the ever so liberally popular, "lets blame America first"!....

the very same ideology your lame as.s Kerry candidate espoused!

You know, Stu, you sound a little unstable to me. Yikes! You go on these tirades where you spew a bunch of very angry statements towards liberals. It's kinda scary.

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