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Republicans Send Out "Crash Call" to crash Healthcare.gov (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 19, 2013
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Dallas, TX
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Here ya go. Courtesy of Freerepublic.com. A call to Republicans to crash the site. I'm sure this isn't the only call to arms out there:

Crash HealthCare.gov
https://www.healthcare.gov ^

Posted on Tuesday, October 01, 2013 9:24:29 AM by MelSmith

Everyone go to https://www.healthcare.gov and begin the signup process. It may be "free" (being paid for by future generations thanks to the debt) but it doesn't have to be easy.

We should learn from the leftists how to collapse the system. There is no doubt that the Obamacare IT system is almost as flawed as Obamacare itself.

Click on "Apply Now" and pick your state (or any state).

Makes you proud, doesn't it? Someone with cancer and without health care is trying to sign up, but these jokers will be taking his/her place in line.
Here ya go. Courtesy of Freerepublic.com. A call to Republicans to crash the site. I'm sure this isn't the only call to arms out there:

Makes you proud, doesn't it? Someone with cancer and without health care is trying to sign up, but these jokers will be taking his/her place in line.

this is getting to the point of self parody
Freepers are the very worst of the extreme wing of the R's. There are some awful dem extremists on DU.

Thankfully, as members of the fringe, they are a marginal voice at best, and they will stay that way, due to their actions.
Here ya go. Courtesy of Freerepublic.com. A call to Republicans to crash the site. I'm sure this isn't the only call to arms out there:

Makes you proud, doesn't it? Someone with cancer and without health care is trying to sign up, but these jokers will be taking his/her place in line.
They should have done this through PMs and not announced it to the world. But hey, that's FReepers for ya.

I see nothing wrong with using the site to compare quotes.
They're bat**** crazy at FR as they are at DU. Same off the rail extremism, different political label.
Here ya go. Courtesy of Freerepublic.com. A call to Republicans to crash the site. I'm sure this isn't the only call to arms out there:

Makes you proud, doesn't it? Someone with cancer and without health care is trying to sign up, but these jokers will be taking his/her place in line.

Oooooo, those Wascaly Wepublicans! :2razz:
Oooooo, those Wascaly Wepublicans! :2razz:

If you can call trying to organize a mass felony because your blind partisan hatefest makes you want to stop people from signing up for health insurance "wascaly," yes, I guess that's "wascaly."
Here ya go. Courtesy of Freerepublic.com. A call to Republicans to crash the site. I'm sure this isn't the only call to arms out there:

Makes you proud, doesn't it? Someone with cancer and without health care is trying to sign up, but these jokers will be taking his/her place in line.

these days, that site is barely a notch above stormfront, and is one of the real cesspools of the internet. at one point, there were enough sane posters to drown out the nutbags, and then the owner banned them all. it's the DPRK of message boards.
If you can call trying to organize a mass felony because your blind partisan hatefest makes you want to stop people from signing up for health insurance "wascaly," yes, I guess that's "wascaly."

I haven't been able to confirm this story. There's nothing like that on Free Republic, unless they are talking about some random comment somewhere. So....
these days, that site is barely a notch above stormfront, and is one of the real cesspools of the internet. at one point, there were enough sane posters to drown out the nutbags, and then the owner banned them all. it's the DPRK of message boards.

How absurd.
Here ya go. Courtesy of Freerepublic.com. A call to Republicans to crash the site. I'm sure this isn't the only call to arms out there:

Makes you proud, doesn't it? Someone with cancer and without health care is trying to sign up, but these jokers will be taking his/her place in line.

Typical leftwing extremist. Make excuses for your failures.
How absurd.

not really. it has devolved from a site which once had some conservative relevance to a disgusting pit of hate.
not really. it has devolved from a site which once had some conservative relevance to a disgusting pit of hate.

Show me exactly what you mean by "disgusting pit of hate". Let's see some links.
Show me exactly what you mean by "disgusting pit of hate". Let's see some links.

i'll never visit that site again. do a search for homosexual agenda. take a look at the crime threads which are posted with the sole purpose of pointing out that a black person committed the offense.
Show me exactly what you mean by "disgusting pit of hate". Let's see some links.

I don't see the big deal they're trying to make....

There are plenty of partisan forums/sites that call for drastic, extremist measures to occur in favor of their agenda.

Think Stormfront is wild? Check out RevLeft, it'll blow your mind.

Lesson is, don't collectivize individuals based on the actions of a few hyper-partisan hacks. The title "Republicans Send Out "Crash Call" to crash Healthcare.gov" is misleading.
i'll never visit that site again. do a search for homosexual agenda. take a look at the crime threads which are posted with the sole purpose of pointing out that a black person committed the offense.

I think you are painting the site with a broad brush because a few posters are grassholes. Here's the deal: people post links to articles that other people comment on. Some people are jerks.

Shall we go over to bartcop.com to find some typical examples of liberal thought? I could post links from that site all day.
I haven't been able to confirm this story. There's nothing like that on Free Republic, unless they are talking about some random comment somewhere. So....

That's exactly what you've got here. The OP took one post from tens of thousands.

On the flip side, it's nice to know that my status as a Freeper has imbued me with the power to take over the world with a single post.
I think you are painting the site with a broad brush because a few posters are grassholes. Here's the deal: people post links to articles that other people comment on. Some people are jerks.

Shall we go over to bartcop.com to find some typical examples of liberal thought? I could post links from that site all day.

me too. DU is also a POS partisan hack forum that i will never visit again.
i'll never visit that site again. do a search for homosexual agenda. take a look at the crime threads which are posted with the sole purpose of pointing out that a black person committed the offense.

Yeah, after the "year of purges" that stuff has gotten a little out of hand but EVERY message board on the web has it's "acutely focused" users.

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