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Republicans Running Scared (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
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Several new developments are now happening, as Republicans are beginning to run away from some of the promises they had earlier made.

1) Frist has indefintely shelved the bill to repeal the death tax, which was supposed to be voted on this week. This means that the bill most likely will die.

2) Judge Roberts was picked by Bush as the new Chief justice to replace Rehnquist, whose ideology was similar, instead of picking him to replace O'Connor, a more moderate judge, whose replacement would have signaled a clear shift in the ideological makeup of the court. Liberals would have vigorously fought against an O'Connor replacement with Roberts, and the nuclear option that so many Republicans desire would likely take place. Republican analysts are saying that Bush is likely to name a moderate to take O'Connor's place.

3) Measures to curb illegal immigraton, which are popular among Americans, and gaining momentum, are now not likely to come up for a vote anytime soon.

Why all the backtracking? Because Bush's poll numbers have become a serious liability for not only the GOP in general, but specifically for elected Republicans who fear a Democratic backlash next year, and in 2008.

The Republicans constantly tell everyone that they do not pay attention to the polls. What they say, and what they do, of course, are 2 different animals. It appears that the GOP is showing it now has now developed something the Democrats have already had for a while - lack of a spine.

From this article.
These guys have a monopoly of power on government, yet they don’t actually do anything on any of the “wedge issues” that they won on.

If Republicans wanted to make Abortion illegal, it would be.

If Republicans wanted to do something about illegal immigration, they would have.

If Republicans wanted to do something about same sex marriage, they would have.

The list goes on and on.

There was a time when Conservatism was a political philosophy that valued science over theology and industry concerns. That placed economics over partisan ideology. And most importantly a party that believed that government should be small and efficient.

The Republican Party is not a party of Conservatism any longer. Instead, it is the party of fundamentalists and corporate welfare. Republicans since the Reagan Era have grown the fiscal size of government more than even Johnson and his Great Society did. We now spend more on various forms of Corporate Welfare than any other federal expenditure. They consistently attack science in favor of industry concerns and fundamentalists theology. We used to be the science leader of the world, now we are becoming the joke of the world. They will never do anything of substance on the Abortion issue because they want to be able to use it in every election. They will never do anything of substance about illegal immigration because essentially they are the party of cheap labor and they are indebted to the companies that knowing hire illegals. Their house of cards is crumbling and I honestly think the pendulum is beginning to swing the other way.
You know, I wish it were swinging the other way.. Or maybe just a different way. Any other reasonable direction other than this one could arguably be an improvement. I completely agree with the fact that conservatism has become perverted and doesn't mean the same thing anymore. Unfortunately, Karl Rove has a proven model. Just tell the American people anything, even if it's a complete an utter lie, sternly and with conviction, and they'll believe it. That is to say, at least 51% of the American people will. I think as long as the majority of people continue to act like "sheeple" and not take a closer look at what they're being spoon-fed, we'll be in for some sad(er) times here in the 21st century.
danarhea said:
Several new developments are now happening, as Republicans are beginning to run away from some of the promises they had earlier made.

1) Frist has indefintely shelved the bill to repeal the death tax, which was supposed to be voted on this week. This means that the bill most likely will die.

2) Judge Roberts was picked by Bush as the new Chief justice to replace Rehnquist, whose ideology was similar, instead of picking him to replace O'Connor, a more moderate judge, whose replacement would have signaled a clear shift in the ideological makeup of the court. Liberals would have vigorously fought against an O'Connor replacement with Roberts, and the nuclear option that so many Republicans desire would likely take place. Republican analysts are saying that Bush is likely to name a moderate to take O'Connor's place.

3) Measures to curb illegal immigraton, which are popular among Americans, and gaining momentum, are now not likely to come up for a vote anytime soon.

Why all the backtracking? Because Bush's poll numbers have become a serious liability for not only the GOP in general, but specifically for elected Republicans who fear a Democratic backlash next year, and in 2008.

The Republicans constantly tell everyone that they do not pay attention to the polls. What they say, and what they do, of course, are 2 different animals. It appears that the GOP is showing it now has now developed something the Democrats have already had for a while - lack of a spine.

From this article.

Wishful thinking perhaps on your part..? :2razz: I agree it has been a tough couple years for Bush, ..& those that love putting a magnifying glass on him, ..as well as those that have done their best in trying to destroy his presidency.

I'll tell you what though, ..perhaps the democrats will gain some ground in 08'; BUT it all depend on "who" gets the nomination from the democrats.

'THAT' will be the real issue. If they come too wrapped tight in liberal clothing, ..watch out. If they disingenously campaign as something other than what they really are,..watch out again.

It could be interesting!;)
To think that Democrats can do any better than Republicans is the purest of partisan folly. Both parties care more for their partisan ways than they do for our country and you all prove it with your words. How can a Republican be President without realizing that there are Democrats that live in the country. How can a Democrat.

When a Democrat is President or a Republican is President or either party is in charge of the Congress, the other side claims "nothing is being done right" and when something is being done right you hear not a word of praise. They simply sit and wait for the next chance to take advantage. And, do you think that kind of activity is in your best interest? Do you think they are working with each other to get the nation's business done? I figure most of you don't even think of that; you simply sit back waiting to cite your partisan websites and gripe.

Non-Partisan is the only way to get the Democrats and Republicans to do their job for "We The People". By being a registered Republican or Democrat you simply feed their desire to concentrate on bashing and getting elected or re-elected. I don't understand why you who consider yourselves party loyalists don't do more to get your own parties to perform for all of us. If you spent your time tearing down your party as well as the other they might actually have to do the work of our nation instead of working for themselves.

I tried to register Non-Partisan in my state and they made me an Independent which I am surely not. I don't want to belong to ANY political party or lable because parties such as Democrats and Republicans are such a waste of time when it comes to our nation's business actually getting done. Want to bash Presidents Bush or Clinton? Really gets things done doesn't it?

You who register as Democrats and Republicans are what is wrong with this country or do you think your party is really doing what is in our best interest?
:duel :cool:
SouthernDemocrat said:
These guys have a monopoly of power on government, yet they don’t actually do anything on any of the “wedge issues” that they won on.

If Republicans wanted to make Abortion illegal, it would be.

If Republicans wanted to do something about illegal immigration, they would have.

If Republicans wanted to do something about same sex marriage, they would have.

The list goes on and on.

There was a time when Conservatism was a political philosophy that valued science over theology and industry concerns. That placed economics over partisan ideology. And most importantly a party that believed that government should be small and efficient.

The Republican Party is not a party of Conservatism any longer. Instead, it is the party of fundamentalists and corporate welfare. Republicans since the Reagan Era have grown the fiscal size of government more than even Johnson and his Great Society did. We now spend more on various forms of Corporate Welfare than any other federal expenditure. They consistently attack science in favor of industry concerns and fundamentalists theology. We used to be the science leader of the world, now we are becoming the joke of the world. They will never do anything of substance on the Abortion issue because they want to be able to use it in every election. They will never do anything of substance about illegal immigration because essentially they are the party of cheap labor and they are indebted to the companies that knowing hire illegals. Their house of cards is crumbling and I honestly think the pendulum is beginning to swing the other way.

It seems to me that you contradict yourself. If the Republican Party is the party of fundamentalists, abortion, immigration and same sex marriages would be tackled immediately....after all, they have "a monopoly on government", don't they?

Fundamentalism is a strict adherence to a doctrine.

You say we "used to be" the science leader in the world.

Funny. Have you seen the Nobel Prizes for Physics, Chemistry and Physiology awarded during the last 40 years?
"I voted for the Democrats because I didn't like the way the Republicans were running the country. Which is turning out to be like shooting yourself in the head to stop your headache."
-- Jack Mayberry

"There is something about a Republican that you can only stand for just so long. On the other hand, there is something about a Democrat that you can't stand for quite that long."
-- Will Rogers.

"The difference between Democrats and Republicans is: Democrats have accepted some ideas of Socialism cheerfully, while Republicans have accepted them reluctantly."
-- Socialist Norman Thomas, in 1962.
One thing that I find funny, at least with the people here near home, is that ever since Bush became President the Democrats..waa waa waa waa, complain, complain, complain, blame, blame, blame! About everything! LOL. stuff Bush has no control over, they blame him for it. I can understand the position that the Democrats are the out power and that they will critize the Republicans to make themselves look better, but gosh! enough is enough! LOL.
t125eagle said:
One thing that I find funny, at least with the people here near home, is that ever since Bush became President the Democrats..waa waa waa waa, complain, complain, complain, blame, blame, blame! About everything! LOL. stuff Bush has no control over, they blame him for it. I can understand the position that the Democrats are the out power and that they will critize the Republicans to make themselves look better, but gosh! enough is enough! LOL.

Yes. I's all about 06 and 08 and the heck with us and 05. The two party system is a failure and the sooner the rank and file Democrats and Republicans realize that they are paying for what their parties DON'T do, the sooner the people will be "We The People" again. Your vote should be more powerful than any political party but as long as they think they have you in their pocket, incentive to work or work together is out the window. :duel :cool:
Stu Ghatze said:
Wishful thinking perhaps on your part..? :2razz: I agree it has been a tough couple years for Bush, ..& those that love putting a magnifying glass on him, ..as well as those that have done their best in trying to destroy his presidency.

I'll tell you what though, ..perhaps the democrats will gain some ground in 08'; BUT it all depend on "who" gets the nomination from the democrats.

'THAT' will be the real issue. If they come too wrapped tight in liberal clothing, ..watch out. If they disingenously campaign as something other than what they really are,..watch out again.

It could be interesting!;)

Resist the Fascist Anti-American Right wing. Support the liberals who want to help the poor and the sick, instead. watching them die. Isn't is strange the Religious right is totally opposed to abortion, but After they are born, it is ok for them to starve to death and live in old cars.

The NeoRight Wing, is extending the difference between Rich and Poor on the backs of taxes from the gradually diminishing middle class, and the poor.

Right Wing Conservative means, death and nepotism, depriving the poor of education, giving tax money to churches, and limiting choice. Liberalism means taking care of the elderly and the poor, supporting the schools, supporting the constitution, and being free.

The difference between right and left is becoming increasingly clear, no matter what Spin the Right Wingers use to deceive America. Bush's Speech about rebuilding the gulf coast was an eye opener. Pure cronyism. Pure deceit.
dragonslayer said:
Resist the Fascist Anti-American Right wing. Support the liberals who want to help the poor and the sick, instead. watching them die. Isn't is strange the Religious right is totally opposed to abortion, but After they are born, it is ok for them to starve to death and live in old cars.

The NeoRight Wing, is extending the difference between Rich and Poor on the backs of taxes from the gradually diminishing middle class, and the poor.

Right Wing Conservative means, death and nepotism, depriving the poor of education, giving tax money to churches, and limiting choice. Liberalism means taking care of the elderly and the poor, supporting the schools, supporting the constitution, and being free.

The difference between right and left is becoming increasingly clear, no matter what Spin the Right Wingers use to deceive America. Bush's Speech about rebuilding the gulf coast was an eye opener. Pure cronyism. Pure deceit.

As far as I am concerned,and I am; there is only one thing wrong with this country. You. :duel :cool:
In our no child left behind mentality, The bush administration and others have discoverd the secret. Make the tests easier and easier. I have heard that in some places, there is only one question. Who is the current President of the United States?

they give you an hour to complete the test and tell the students that the answer starts with the letter B and ends with an H. Still most white future Right Wing Republicans get it wrong.
dragonslayer said:
Resist the Fascist Anti-American Right wing. Support the liberals who want to help the poor and the sick, instead. watching them die. Isn't is strange the Religious right is totally opposed to abortion, but After they are born, it is ok for them to starve to death and live in old cars.

The NeoRight Wing, is extending the difference between Rich and Poor on the backs of taxes from the gradually diminishing middle class, and the poor.

Right Wing Conservative means, death and nepotism, depriving the poor of education, giving tax money to churches, and limiting choice. Liberalism means taking care of the elderly and the poor, supporting the schools, supporting the constitution, and being free.

The difference between right and left is becoming increasingly clear, no matter what Spin the Right Wingers use to deceive America. Bush's Speech about rebuilding the gulf coast was an eye opener. Pure cronyism. Pure deceit.

The problem IS that the very same people who keep saying they are poor, & sick, or underprivileged EVERYWHERE ACROSS AMERICA...have been so for decades & decades thanks to the worthless liberal intiatives that NEVER end the cycle of being dependent & poor!

No...the liberals did NOT like Bush's speech because it was his way of saying; "WE did it the liberal way, & it does NOT work", ..we are going to do it my way, & it will be better".

The hurrican did expose one thing. Why so many poor, & so many poor black faces in New Orleans? The liberals, & democrats RAN that city for over 60 years?????????

THEY recieved their federal funding for decades, ..& it was sure NOT about a lack of funding!

I would say, if anything...the liberal democrats are the ones "running scared", ..& they damn well ought to be worrying!;) For wherever liberal rule has been exposed & witnessed, ...the misery factor of generations of its failures are being seen.

You ain't kidding when you speak of the differences between the left, & the right in America. Perhaps that explains as to "why" there has only been 1-democratic president to occupy the whitehouse since the Jimmy Carter years (Clinton)...& also explains as to why the house,& the senate, & soon hopefully the courts are no longer empowered by a liberal majority anymore, as the mask of liberalism has finally been pulled off!

The truth is....the liberals NEVER ever were the majority, they just wanted mainstream Americans to believe it by their PRETENDING to be something else, except the true liberals they always were WHEN campaigning.

The glory years of unfettered liberalism, & a so called independent mass media are OVER, & the ingratitude of the so called poor have also been witnessed, ..those that recieved (demanded) their social program handouts for decades without their own lot of EVER improving themselves, or their situations!

The liberals, & democrats fear that Bush WILL be successful at rebuilding New Orleans, & be successful at EMPOWERING THE POOR with more than just "liberal" bullshyte talk, & the first place he will start will be in ways to help them with real home ownership, & incentive to better themselves, ..something that liberals could never understand, or comprehend as they cared only about giving "HANDOUTS" for g-damn votes!

Be assured, it IS the democrats who will be running scared, & I suspect that AFTER Bush gets the ball rolling in New orleans for re-construction....the worthless liberals in Congress will then try to take credit for improving the lives of the poor, ...when in FACT they had 60 years to do it before!;)
dragonslayer said:
In our no child left behind mentality, The bush administration and others have discoverd the secret. Make the tests easier and easier. I have heard that in some places, there is only one question. Who is the current President of the United States?

they give you an hour to complete the test and tell the students that the answer starts with the letter B and ends with an H. Still most white future Right Wing Republicans get it wrong.

:2razz: You could not be more wrong. It is the liberal educators who created the mindset, & the easy grade curves, & the dumbing down of education!

Not to forget to mention the liberal dogma they have been teaching for decades with the help of the worthless NEA that turned into a godless secularist mentality that has subverted our youth's minds through historic revision, afro-centrist teachings, the dismantling of American traditions, the wallowing in of past social wrongs, & the deifying of internationalism while at the same time condemning our own nation at every opportunity!;)

It will CHANGE, ...much to the liberal's chagrin!:smile:
I look at the title of this thread. We, as a country (which we are by the way) have just gone through a major disaster and are still dealing with the aftermath. Our media and many Democrats rolled up their sleeves but weren't preparing to go to work. Oh, they went to work alright; tearing down the President and his Administration on things that were deserved and things that weren't. Political hacks; Republicans and Democrats; political hacks.

Then on last Friday a reporter/news maker upper from ABC went into the Astrodome in Houston and asked 6 different black people "boy that President is a bad guy right?" The reporter almost choked when every one of the 6 said they thought the President was doing fine and they blamed their local and state government. It's true folks. ABC even reported it but ONCE only of course. Gosh. Those black folks just didn't fit ABC's agenda.

Then you get polls by ABC, CBS, CNN and Gallop/USA Today that shows the majority of people actually DO blame local and state officials for their poor showing, especially before the disaster hit.

So. Republicans are running scared? This country may disagree on taxes. This country may disagree with the war. This is a free country. But when disaster strikes, this country used to come together. If any of you partisan Democrats think your party leaders or the Governor or Mayor of New Orleans did right complaining about President Bush you now know they are happy to work with him because their own failings have come to light. Those failings were the ones that put most of those 883 (to date) on the dead list. The Governor has admitted she should have handled the disaster differently and now calls President Bush a "partner" in the recovery.

I don't understand why Democrats and Republicans at the national level can't get it like the Governor of Louisiana finally did. This is the United States of America, not Democrat or Republican Shangrila. Our politicians waste so much time and money that to blame one while petting the other is stupid folks. Stupid. You aren't stupid. Are you?
:duel :cool:
dragonslayer say's....."Resist the Fascist Anti-American Right wing. Support the liberals who want to help the poor and the sick, instead. watching them die. Isn't is strange the Religious right is totally opposed to abortion, but After they are born, it is ok for them to starve to death and live in old cars.

The NeoRight Wing, is extending the difference between Rich and Poor on the backs of taxes from the gradually diminishing middle class, and the poor.

Right Wing Conservative means, death and nepotism, depriving the poor of education, giving tax money to churches, and limiting choice. Liberalism means taking care of the elderly and the poor, supporting the schools, supporting the constitution, and being free.

The difference between right and left is becoming increasingly clear, no matter what Spin the Right Wingers use to deceive America. Bush's Speech about rebuilding the gulf coast was an eye opener. Pure cronyism. Pure deceit."

Let me ask you this.....does this include helping the Iraqis under Saddam or does the "liberals" only care about people as long as they are Americans? Just a question to the self-appointed voice of humanity.
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GySgt said:
"Resist the Fascist Anti-American Right wing. Support the liberals who want to help the poor and the sick, instead. watching them die. Isn't is strange the Religious right is totally opposed to abortion, but After they are born, it is ok for them to starve to death and live in old cars.

The NeoRight Wing, is extending the difference between Rich and Poor on the backs of taxes from the gradually diminishing middle class, and the poor.

Right Wing Conservative means, death and nepotism, depriving the poor of education, giving tax money to churches, and limiting choice. Liberalism means taking care of the elderly and the poor, supporting the schools, supporting the constitution, and being free.

The difference between right and left is becoming increasingly clear, no matter what Spin the Right Wingers use to deceive America. Bush's Speech about rebuilding the gulf coast was an eye opener. Pure cronyism. Pure deceit."

Let me ask you this.....does this include helping the Iraqis under Saddam or does the "liberals" only care about people as long as they are Americans?

You dare ask this? You expect an answer? I think you're slippin. :duel :cool:
gordontravels said:
You dare ask this? You expect an answer? I think you're slippin. :duel :cool:

It's these kinds of questions that the global left always avoid answering when speaking of their "humanity" and "people's freedoms."
GySgt said:
It's these kinds of questions that the global left always avoid answering when speaking of their "humanity" and "people's freedoms."

That's why I thought you were wasting your time lol. :duel :cool:
galenrox said:
What do you base this off of? Cause what you're saying is in direct opposition to my experience. I grew up in an extremely liberal town, and I mean ****ing wacky liberal, like the kind that make me hate liberals, christ, not only was I not considered a liberal there, I was considered a christian right facist. And we had an EXTREMELY competitive high school. I came away with a 2.8 GPA, which is a B minus average, and I was in the bottom 38% of my school. The top 10 all had averages over 4.5, meaning that they got straight A's in all honors and AP classes (classes that are considered college level, and give college credit that is recognized by as far as I know all major universities in the US). So something makes me doubt that it's liberals, who actually LIKE public education, are the ones who are trying to make it as easy as possible.

Obviously you were an exception to the rule. You can go to almost any large inner city school, & bet your house .....the kids are not comprehending the simple basics as they did back in the 50's & 60's!

The essentials in teaching, & learning are being backseated to social concerns, & political correctness, thus helping to create more hate & suspicion in our government!

You will also find more promiscuity, & more teen age pregnancies, & more disrespect for authority & law, & a lack of any moral absolutes at all.
I don't want to upset anyone but I just went to Wal-Mart and saw a guy I know standing in line. He was just standing there and I know he's a Republican. Am I missing something? He looked so calm. :duel :cool:
good one! I'm not scared either. my pocket hurts from buying gas 3 times a week, but i'm not scared! LOL
What you mistake for fear-inspired sweat, is actually the Republicans salivating at the prospect of Hillary running in 08.

Well my position is as always: Democrats and Republicans suck. They are more interested in their party than getting the work done for our country. As long as We The People allow a two party system to control our lives we get just what you have seen for years, years and years. Now we know that President Clinton wasn't ready for Katrina. If he would have he would have set up his black constituents in New Orleans with care and presidential pomp and circumstance.

Republicans are running scared? Sure you can smell them as they run by. It's just that to me, Democrats smell the same.
:duel :cool:
Tashah said:
What you mistake for fear-inspired sweat, is actually the Republicans salivating at the prospect of Hillary running in 08.

Tashah is 100% correct. Imagine the thought of Bill Clinton being "first Lady"..:rofl ! Imagine all the time on Bill's hands, ..think of all the groping, & molesting he could engage in the white house?

Naw, ..it will not happen & Hillary's pretense of being something other than what she really is will be her undoing.

After she is soundly thrashed, (should she ever get the democratic nomination),.. that should get any notion out of her head that she is as well loved as she thinks except in New York where WELFARE is king, & along the borders of the liberal mutual admiration society!:smile:

The repubs ARE licking their chops at such a Hillary prospect! She has two chances, ...slim & none!
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