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Republicans move to halt ObamaCare 'bailout' for angry unions (1 Viewer)


Feb 27, 2013
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Libertarian - Right
Capitol Hill Republicans are trying to stop the Obama administration from offering labor unions a sweetheart deal on ObamaCare, as the White House tries to quell a simmering rebellion from Big Labor over the health care law.

President Obama and White House officials reportedly have called union leaders to try and persuade them to tone down their complaints, pledging an accommodation. The AFL-CIO, though, on Wednesday approved a resolution anyway calling the law "highly disruptive" to union plans.

But reports have surfaced on a plan that would give union workers -- and only union workers -- subsidies to help pay for health insurance even if they're covered through their job. The purported "carve-out" could soothe the simmering discontent within Big Labor. The loyal Democratic supporters and early champions of ObamaCare say they have been slighted by the act’s final regulations, which they say is pushing some employees into part-time work and threatens their health insurance plans.

Read more: Republicans move to halt ObamaCare 'bailout' for angry unions | Fox News

It is going to get to the point that the determining factor on who gets any Obama Care subsidies is who you voted for last election it will be required for you to be a registered democrat to get one
I don't like Obamacare either. Who do I see about my subsidy?

Congress has exempted itself, a number of large companies have been given exemptions, Obama is now struggling for union support. This is more of the same Chicago style cronyism that we've come to expect from this president. I don't know why we keep letting them get away with it.
Its kinda funny. The people that lobbied for it are now going to be upset with the republicans for forcing them to have to accept the plans they lobbied for. Kinda speaks volumes about those 'plans' huh? Maybe people ought to think and actually support programs that are GOOD rather than vote in the name of politics with little to no regard for the **** sandwich you are voting for.

The ONLY people that are going to like Obamacare are the people that previously had no insurance and will STILL not be able to afford health care premiums. And even they are going to be pissed in short order when they realize what second rate health care looks like.
I don't like Obamacare either. Who do I see about my subsidy?


who did you vote for last election and did you contribute any money to his campaign?
It is going to get to the point that the determining factor on who gets any Obama Care subsidies is who you voted for last election it will be required for you to be a registered democrat to get one

Perhaps then, Democrats and liberals will be in favor of voter ID laws.
who did you vote for last election and did you contribute any money to his campaign?

I supported Ron Paul through his candidacy and donated a little time. When election time came, honestly I voted for anyone but Obama which meant Romney because I recognized Paul had no chance. I hope that's the last Republican vote I cast. i am very upset with that party.
It's working exactly as it was intended.
It's working exactly as it was intended.

They thought they were getting the black George Clooney when they voted for Hope and Change

Turns out we all got the black Jimmy Carter instead
Read more: Republicans move to halt ObamaCare 'bailout' for angry unions | Fox News

It is going to get to the point that the determining factor on who gets any Obama Care subsidies is who you voted for last election it will be required for you to be a registered democrat to get one

And yet...the American Sheeple don't care enough to do something about this crap the Democrats shoved down our throats.

They do, however, care about the latest reality show on TV. sigh...
And yet...the American Sheeple don't care enough to do something about this crap the Democrats shoved down our throats.

They do, however, care about the latest reality show on TV. sigh...

they will start caring when their tax refund check is confiscated by the IRS when they don't buy insurance. insurance they cant afford
I don't like Obamacare either. Who do I see about my subsidy?

Congress has exempted itself, a number of large companies have been given exemptions, Obama is now struggling for union support. This is more of the same Chicago style cronyism that we've come to expect from this president. I don't know why we keep letting them get away with it.

1, Congress isn't exempted. They will be getting their insurance through a health care exchange just like anybody else shopping for insurance.

2. No company has been given an exemption. Some have been given extensions to provide them time to comply with law, but none have received complete exemptions.
1, Congress isn't exempted. They will be getting their insurance through a health care exchange just like anybody else shopping for insurance.

2. No company has been given an exemption. Some have been given extensions to provide them time to comply with law, but none have received complete exemptions.

Uhhh, ...... WRONG!

Thom Paine
1, Congress isn't exempted. They will be getting their insurance through a health care exchange just like anybody else shopping for insurance.

2. No company has been given an exemption. Some have been given extensions to provide them time to comply with law, but none have received complete exemptions.

another not telling the full story spin away liberal. congress and their staff will be getting the same subsides given to the poor even thou they make way more then what is required to qualify for those subsides
Uhhh, ...... WRONG!

Thom Paine

No, actually I'm correct in this case.

Please provide some evidence contradicting my claims.

Also, if you're going to honor Thomas Paine by using his alias on a forum, the least you could do is respond to points in a civil and intelligent manner. His writings are some of the most thoughtful things I've ever read. He deserves more respect from you, IMHO.
another not telling the full story spin away liberal. congress and their staff will be getting the same subsides given to the poor even thou they make way more then what is required to qualify for those subsides

No, they don't get subsidies. They get employer contributions, like anyone else would from their employer. It's just that their employer happens to be the federal government. And the subsidies that they will receive are of the exact same amount that they currently receive. The only difference is that they will have to buy their insurance on the health care exchange.
I don't like Obamacare either. Who do I see about my subsidy?

You don't have to see anybody. Just claim it. The verification procedure isn't ready yet, so Obama's latest workaround is to have everyone self-declare. And in his view, everyone will be honest and fraud will be nonexistent. (Unless you are a registered Republican or a Tea Party activist or member of one of the groups on the IRS hit list.)
No, they don't get subsidies. They get employer contributions, like anyone else would from their employer. It's just that their employer happens to be the federal government. And the subsidies that they will receive are of the exact same amount that they currently receive. The only difference is that they will have to buy their insurance on the health care exchange.

And those contributions are a violation of the black-letter law, forbidden to private enterprise.
The American people overwhelmingly opposed Obamacare. It was pushed through anyway to satisfy an ego driven agenda. The very fact that Obama likes that its named after him confirmed this. Now it's gone a step further by cementing further a union system that is toxic to economic health at the government level. This will further encourage union formation accelerating this country's death of capitalism. Unfortunately that may be exactly what the left wants.
No, they don't get subsidies. They get employer contributions, like anyone else would from their employer. It's just that their employer happens to be the federal government. And the subsidies that they will receive are of the exact same amount that they currently receive. The only difference is that they will have to buy their insurance on the health care exchange.

wrong they are employed by the people of the United States paid by their tax money.
the average insurance contribution by employers is 30% congress and their employees will be getting 75% only others that will be getting that much in subsides is the poor
1, Congress isn't exempted. They will be getting their insurance through a health care exchange just like anybody else shopping for insurance.

2. No company has been given an exemption. Some have been given extensions to provide them time to comply with law, but none have received complete exemptions.

The result was a full wig out on Capitol Hill, with Members of both parties fretting about "brain drain" as staff face higher health-care costs. Democrats in particular begged the White House for help, claiming the Reid language was merely an unintentional mistake. President Obama told Democrats in a closed-door meeting last week that he would personally moonlight as HR manager and resolve the issue.

And now the White House is suspending the law to create a double standard. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) that runs federal benefits will release regulatory details this week, but leaks to the press suggest that Congress will receive extra payments based on the FEHBP defined-contribution formula, which covers about 75% of the cost of the average insurance plan. For 2013, that's about $4,900 for individuals and $10,000 for families.
Review & Outlook: Congress's ObamaCare Exemption - WSJ.com

The law is too complicated to understand but this site tries: The Six Types of Obamacare Waivers | Heartland Institute
wrong they are employed by the people of the United States paid by their tax money.
the average insurance contribution by employers is 30% congress and their employees will be getting 75% only others that will be getting that much in subsides is the poor

you don't think that the federal government counts as a employer?
The GOP don't really want to to end Obamacare. They're receiving the same money from the same insurance companies as the Dems are. They just say they do so people will continue to carry their water on internet forums and keep pulling the R lever
you don't think that the federal government counts as a employer?

why should my tax money go towards them getting 75% of their insurance paid for when the average employer only pays 30%
No, actually I'm correct in this case.

Please provide some evidence contradicting my claims.

Also, if you're going to honor Thomas Paine by using his alias on a forum, the least you could do is respond to points in a civil and intelligent manner. His writings are some of the most thoughtful things I've ever read. He deserves more respect from you, IMHO.

Impressive; Introduce yourself by casting aspersions. This will be my last response to you. You need to prove your stated case. I am not your secretary or your gofer.. do your own homework, pal; I will not do it for you.

Thom Paine
You need to prove your stated case.

Thom Paine

Exactly. And that's why when you mae incorrect claims like "congress is exempt" and "businesses are exempt" you should prove your stated case. Everything I said is common knowledge (to informed people).

No, Congress isn’t trying to exempt itself from Obamacare

The Tea Party

And if you can offer any specific companies that have been exempt from ObamaCare, please provide them and then I can show you that you're wrong, but until you provide evidence all I can do is tell you that you're wrong.

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