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Republicans is it time? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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Our president, has he gone over to Q? The fbi has named Q a domestic terrorist group but trump likes them because they like him. What do you Republicans think about that?

Is it time to admit the man is not up to the job especially when Bannon was arrested again today?

Only the best!
Our president, has he gone over to Q? The fbi has named Q a domestic terrorist group but trump likes them because they like him. What do you Republicans think about that?

Is it time to admit the man is not up to the job especially when Bannon was arrested again today?

Only the best!

ANTIFA and BLM have become the militant wing of the Democrat party. Your party has bigger problems.
ANTIFA and BLM have become the militant wing of the Democrat party. Your party has bigger problems.

So deflection is all you have. So you are perfectly ok with trump endorsing Q because they like him huh? Just more retarded comments from you as usual.
hell, they love it. a bunch of them are Q (which is nothing more than a bunch of Republicans).
Police declared the city’s 84th night of protests a riot about 11 p.m. Wednesday, but tensions did not hit a fevered pitch regularly seen at the Justice Center just a month ago

Riot declared as Portland protesters, federal officers clash in protest at ICE building - oregonlive.com

More deflections from you, this isn't a thread about BLM or ANTIFA. Are you having trouble with reading comprehension too? Seems my comments about Trump supporters making retarded comments is SPOT ON! :lamo
So deflection is all you have. So you are perfectly ok with trump endorsing Q because they like him huh? Just more retarded comments from you as usual.
How do you define the word endorse?

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Our president, has he gone over to Q? The fbi has named Q a domestic terrorist group but trump likes them because they like him. What do you Republicans think about that?

Is it time to admit the man is not up to the job especially when Bannon was arrested again today?

Only the best!

the storm is coming and I don't mean daniels! Q 2024!
Our president, has he gone over to Q? The fbi has named Q a domestic terrorist group but trump likes them because they like him. What do you Republicans think about that?

Is it time to admit the man is not up to the job especially when Bannon was arrested again today?

Only the best!

Q Non is a democratic psyops group designed to make conservatives look off their rocker by association. They are the black waitress who tweets a fake racist message she wrote and attributes to a MAGA hat wearer. They are Dolly Parton's boobs. Total fakes.
Q Non is a democratic psyops group designed to make conservatives look off their rocker by association. They are the black waitress who tweets a fake racist message she wrote and attributes to a MAGA hat wearer. They are Dolly Parton's boobs. Total fakes.

and your proof of this is ... ?
So deflection is all you have. So you are perfectly ok with trump endorsing Q because they like him huh? Just more retarded comments from you as usual.
I think he left the "q" out of his handle. Misspelled it.
Q Non is a democratic psyops group designed to make conservatives look off their rocker by association. They are the black waitress who tweets a fake racist message she wrote and attributes to a MAGA hat wearer. They are Dolly Parton's boobs. Total fakes.

with responses like yours the right does sound off their rockers no psyops needed.
with responses like yours the right does sound off their rockers no psyops needed.

I am a green. Thanks for seeing how the game is played. You get a purple star.
I am a green. Thanks for seeing how the game is played. You get a purple star.

You are a full blown conservative Trump supporter and apologist. Stop your lying.
Our president, has he gone over to Q? The fbi has named Q a domestic terrorist group but trump likes them because they like him. What do you Republicans think about that?

Is it time to admit the man is not up to the job especially when Bannon was arrested again today?

Only the best!

it's a party of con men, grifters and the mentally ill.

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