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Republicans Hired Lewinsky to Seduce Clinton (1 Viewer)

Nov 9, 2005
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Political Leaning
I couldn't make this up if I tried, folks. Here's the latest from one of our liberal friends.


Check out post #60, which says:

"Do you think any sensible male would take up with the intern? It doesn't seem that much of a reach to think she was hired."

:rofl I have now, officially, heard it all. God, I love the left.
Originally posted by KCConservative:
I have now, officially, heard it all. God, I love the left.
Don't look at me, I think this thread is stupid.
KCConservative said:
I couldn't make this up if I tried, folks. Here's the latest from one of our liberal friends.


Check out post #60, which says:

"Do you think any sensible male would take up with the intern? It doesn't seem that much of a reach to think she was hired."

:rofl I have now, officially, heard it all. God, I love the left.

Okay, I must confess. Initally, they tried to get me to seduce him, since I wear thongs, and I just couldn't do it in good conscience. :lamo
Well, to be fair, Lewinsky does look a bit like an elephant.


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