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Republicans Cheer As Congressional Candidate Demands Fauci’s Execution By Firing Squad (1 Viewer)


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Mar 27, 2022
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Republicans Cheer As Congressional Candidate Demands Fauci’s Execution By Firing Squad​

Oklahoma GOP Chair John Bennett's comments advocating violence against the top infectious disease expert earned him applause at a campaign event.

Oklahoma GOP Chair John Bennett, who is running for Congress, said he wants to put Dr. Anthony Fauci in front of a firing squad ― and the crowd at a campaign event clapped and cheered.
“We’re fighting communist Democrats, establishment RINOs!” Bennett ranted in a video that Right Wing Watch shared online Tuesday, which has now gone viral.

“We’re fighting against a system that stole the election in 2020 and nobody had been held accountable,” Bennett continued, parroting former President Donald Trump’s baseless election fraud claims. “We’re in a war with bureaucrats that have forced vaccine mandates on us, mask mandates on us.”
Bennett then railed against something he described as “wokeness confusion,” which he alleged is being pushed “down our throats now.”

Then came his sinister line about Fauci, who has been targeted by repeated death threats for his public health work during the coronavirus pandemic.
“And by the way, we should try Anthony Fauci and put him in front of a firing squad,” said Bennett, not really expanding on what crime he believes Fauci has committed.


Republicans Cheer As Congressional Candidate Demands Fauci’s Execution By Firing Squad​

Oklahoma GOP Chair John Bennett's comments advocating violence against the top infectious disease expert earned him applause at a campaign event.

Oklahoma GOP Chair John Bennett, who is running for Congress, said he wants to put Dr. Anthony Fauci in front of a firing squad ― and the crowd at a campaign event clapped and cheered.
“We’re fighting communist Democrats, establishment RINOs!” Bennett ranted in a video that Right Wing Watch shared online Tuesday, which has now gone viral.

“We’re fighting against a system that stole the election in 2020 and nobody had been held accountable,” Bennett continued, parroting former President Donald Trump’s baseless election fraud claims. “We’re in a war with bureaucrats that have forced vaccine mandates on us, mask mandates on us.”
Bennett then railed against something he described as “wokeness confusion,” which he alleged is being pushed “down our throats now.”

Then came his sinister line about Fauci, who has been targeted by repeated death threats for his public health work during the coronavirus pandemic.
“And by the way, we should try Anthony Fauci and put him in front of a firing squad,” said Bennett, not really expanding on what crime he believes Fauci has committed.


What are the Dems saying about this?
Interesting that Trump never had the balls to fire him.
What are the Dems saying about this?
Oh I'm sure they will just b**** but then nothing about it like usual. It's to be expected from the pro-life party.

Republicans Cheer As Congressional Candidate Demands Fauci’s Execution By Firing Squad​

Oklahoma GOP Chair John Bennett's comments advocating violence against the top infectious disease expert earned him applause at a campaign event.

Oklahoma GOP Chair John Bennett, who is running for Congress, said he wants to put Dr. Anthony Fauci in front of a firing squad ― and the crowd at a campaign event clapped and cheered.
“We’re fighting communist Democrats, establishment RINOs!” Bennett ranted in a video that Right Wing Watch shared online Tuesday, which has now gone viral.

“We’re fighting against a system that stole the election in 2020 and nobody had been held accountable,” Bennett continued, parroting former President Donald Trump’s baseless election fraud claims. “We’re in a war with bureaucrats that have forced vaccine mandates on us, mask mandates on us.”
Bennett then railed against something he described as “wokeness confusion,” which he alleged is being pushed “down our throats now.”

Then came his sinister line about Fauci, who has been targeted by repeated death threats for his public health work during the coronavirus pandemic.
“And by the way, we should try Anthony Fauci and put him in front of a firing squad,” said Bennett, not really expanding on what crime he believes Fauci has committed.

What is with these people? I know, they're actually antifa or BLM members...

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