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Republicans Change Rule to Shield DeLay if Indicted (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Source: Yahoo News

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -
House Republicans voted on Wednesday to change their own rules to allow their powerful Majority Leader Tom DeLay to keep his post even if he is indicted in connection with illegal fund-raising activities.
In a closed-door session, House Republicans approved the rule change in a voice vote to allow a leader or chairman to keep his post after an indictment. The leadership would then make recommendations, based on whether the indictment was deemed legitimate or politically-motivated.

[size=-1] Three of DeLay's associates were indicted by a Texas grand jury in September in connection with illegal fund-raising and the prosecutor has said the investigation is not yet finished.

This is classic. Republicans adopted the old rule in the 1990's, when they were in the minority and were trying to put the focus on investigations of prominent Democrats. "Look," they said, "we're more ethical than thou!" Now it's coming back to bite them in the ass. They say a rule change is justified because the investigation involving DeLay is politically motivated. As we all know, Republicans never do anything that's politically motivated. (Clinton impeachment anyone?) :eek:
argexpat said:
This is classic. Republicans adopted the old rule in the 1990's, when they were in the minority and were trying to put the focus on investigations of prominent Democrats. "Look," they said, "we're more ethical than thou!" Now it's coming back to bite them in the ass. They say a rule change is justified because the investigation involving DeLay is politically motivated. As we all know, Republicans never do anything that's politically motivated. (Clinton impeachment anyone?) :eek:
But Clinton was impeached because he lied and we all know that the GOP does lie. That why when Bush says the "Vast Majority" of his taxs cut went to the lower and middle class- they did, right? :liar Or when Cheney said he never met Edwards, then, by God, you're not gonna see footage of him introducing him previously. Or if he says he never said those things about Mohamand Atta, well not a chance that was a lie either, right? :liar

"They" vote with their morals ya know. Freedoms on the March!
Clinton lied about getting a blow job (as he damn well should have!), and for that he was impeached. Bush lied about going to war, and for that he was re-elected. A cum stain on a blue dress vs. tens of thousands dead.

It's good to be a Republican.
argexpat said:
Clinton lied about getting a blow job (as he damn well should have!), and for that he was impeached. Bush lied about going to war, and for that he was re-elected. A cum stain on a blue dress vs. tens of thousands dead.

It's good to be a Republican.
It's hard work, Freedoms on the March!

Blow jobs bad, Lying 'bout blow jobs real bad. Invading other sovereign nations and bombing them until they too like your form of democracy- PRICELESS!

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