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Republicans calling Harris an "affirmative action" choice (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 3, 2013
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A common talking point among the right wing fever swamp is Kamala was only chosen because she was black (this should be surprising to no-one)

Personally, I hope the Trump campaign runs with this. Airs commercials and ads all over stating Biden picked her solely because she was black. I want Trump himself to tweet it over and over again.

It would guarantee Biden wins in November.
All they've got is cultural and racial grievance issues.
A common talking point among the right wing fever swamp is Kamala was only chosen because she was black (this should be surprising to no-one)

Personally, I hope the Trump campaign runs with this. Airs commercials and ads all over stating Biden picked her solely because she was black. I want Trump himself to tweet it over and over again.

It would guarantee Biden wins in November.

That will help them expand their tent!
A common talking point among the right wing fever swamp is Kamala was only chosen because she was black (this should be surprising to no-one)

Personally, I hope the Trump campaign runs with this. Airs commercials and ads all over stating Biden picked her solely because she was black. I want Trump himself to tweet it over and over again.

It would guarantee Biden wins in November.

Another poster pointed out that Harris punches most of the right talking points; she has black and Asian roots and can pass for a Latina, trifecta! There goes the suburbs!
A common talking point among the right wing fever swamp is Kamala was only chosen because she was black (this should be surprising to no-one)

Personally, I hope the Trump campaign runs with this. Airs commercials and ads all over stating Biden picked her solely because she was black. I want Trump himself to tweet it over and over again.

It would guarantee Biden wins in November.

Wasn't that already the acknowledged requirement for his VP pick?
The bitch was picked by an idiot because of her race, which is blatant racism.

However, the joke is on the Party of Moon Bats because she ain't no real Negro. She just pretends to be.

The Democrat Negro voting block votes their race and their welfare check but they are simply too stupid to know that the Kamala Ho ain't one of them.
All they've got is cultural and racial grievance issues.

It's all they ever have.

The GOP hasn't won a single election on actual policy in my life time.
Was always gonna happen.

But any person he picked, black, brown, white, male, female, didn’t matter, they were gonna get hit with the immediate, lined up attacks.

Nature of the beast, but make no mistake, had he picked a white male, those same people attacking Harris for being an affirmative action pick would be saying something along the lines right now of:

“HAHA LIBS, Guess he ain’t that progressive :lamo You disappointed ha? :lamo”

Can’t win with people who are just gonna be clowns anyway and the racial aspect exposes a deeper understanding of their psyche.
the bitch was picked by an idiot because of her race, which is blatant racism.

However, the joke is on the party of moon bats because she ain't no real negro. She just pretends to be.

The democrat negro voting block votes their race and their welfare check but they are simply too stupid to know that the kamala ho ain't one of them.

linens, in by nine, out by five!
Was always gonna happen.

But any person he picked, black, brown, white, male, female, didn’t matter, they were gonna get hit with the immediate, lined up attacks.

Nature of the beast, but make no mistake, had he picked a white male, those same people attacking Harris for being an affirmative action pick would be saying something along the lines right now of:

“HAHA LIBS, Guess he ain’t that progressive :lamo You disappointed ha? :lamo”

Can’t win with people who are just gonna be clowns anyway and the racial aspect exposes a deeper understanding of their psyche.

Had Biden picked a white male, they would have said "HA HA LIBS, So much for the party of diversity! An all white male ticket!"

Hell, they claim Democrats are racist because older black voters in the primaries chose an old white guy as the nominee. You literally can't make this **** up.
Was always gonna happen.

But any person he picked, black, brown, white, male, female, didn’t matter, they were gonna get hit with the immediate, lined up attacks.

Nature of the beast, but make no mistake, had he picked a white male, those same people attacking Harris for being an affirmative action pick would be saying something along the lines right now of:

“HAHA LIBS, Guess he ain’t that progressive :lamo You disappointed ha? :lamo”

Can’t win with people who are just gonna be clowns anyway and the racial aspect exposes a deeper understanding of their psyche.

It’s telling that given the amount of time the Trump campaign had to ready a response, theirs was so weak............
linens, in by nine, out by five!

This kind of thread always brings them out of the woodwork.

They are livid at the idea that a black/Indian woman is going to be their Vice President. As if 8 years of the black skinny Obama wasn't enough for them. Now they have to live it all over again - and with a woman this time.
The bitch was picked by an idiot because of her race, which is blatant racism.

Hmmm... :unsure13:

PCB66 said:
The Democrat Negro voting block votes their race and their welfare check but they are simply too stupid to know that the Kamala Ho ain't one of them.


You are one confused white winger.
Had Biden picked a white male, they would have said "HA HA LIBS, So much for the party of diversity! An all white male ticket!"

Hell, they claim Democrats are racist because older black voters in the primaries chose an old white guy as the nominee. You literally can't make this **** up.

You don't even have to make it up. Trump Fan Nation delivers it on a silver platter.
Had Biden picked a white male, they would have said "HA HA LIBS, So much for the party of diversity! An all white male ticket!"

Hell, they claim Democrats are racist because older black voters in the primaries chose an old white guy as the nominee. You literally can't make this **** up.

That’s kind of true. The democrats can be attacked no matter what they do because they have no rooted principles
Had Biden picked a white male, they would have said "HA HA LIBS, So much for the party of diversity! An all white male ticket!"

Hell, they claim Democrats are racist because older black voters in the primaries chose an old white guy as the nominee. You literally can't make this **** up.

Mr. Biden had said he was not going to consider a male.
But yes, had he nominated a male the GOP would have mocked the outrage from other Democrats.
The problem is of course the creation of the Democrats.
Remember, 40% of right wingers said the first two and 20% weren't sure, across multiple polls, and for nearly a decade:

1. The first black president is lying about his place of birth.

2. The first black president is lying about his religion.

Unpolled numbers said in every forum/article comments section I saw, also that:

3. The first black president hates white people.

4. The first black president hates America.

5. The first black president is actively trying to destroy America.

6. The first black president is trying to use AGW to transfer our wealth and "sovereignty" to third world nations, to make the US a third world nation.

They also generally accused Obama voters of being complicit in all this. Now that Biden has picked a black VP in a campaign against one of the most vile specimens to desecrate the WH, an utterly corrupt pig-bastard who has brought his supporters' ugly out in to the open, expect more or worse.

There's a reason they are so keen to claim that all possible racist incidents are a hoax and to generally downplay the continued existence of racism, pretending it's only people in white hooded robes.
Public service message:

Next, they can call her Vice President, i hope.
A common talking point among the right wing fever swamp is Kamala was only chosen because she was black (this should be surprising to no-one)

Personally, I hope the Trump campaign runs with this. Airs commercials and ads all over stating Biden picked her solely because she was black. I want Trump himself to tweet it over and over again.

It would guarantee Biden wins in November.

She'll learn 'em, never fear.
The bitch was picked by an idiot because of her race, which is blatant racism.

However, the joke is on the Party of Moon Bats because she ain't no real Negro. She just pretends to be.

The Democrat Negro voting block votes their race and their welfare check but they are simply too stupid to know that the Kamala Ho ain't one of them.
Pathetic **** talking bigot too afraid to use the word he’s really thinking instead of “negro”.

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