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Republicans Ask Democrats To Please Leave Trump's Tax Returns ALONE (1 Viewer)


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Jan 22, 2019
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Republicans Ask Democrats To Please Leave Trump's Tax Returns ALONE
Arthur Delaney
February 7, 2019

Top-ranking Republicans on the House tax committee asked its chairman not to request the documents, even though federal law explicitly gives him the power to do so ― and even though Republicans used that power to oversee Barack Obama’s administration.

Are these Republicans just plain "crazy" or has Trump turned them out and made them "stump broken" to bend at his beck and call?


Then they have the audacity to say there is no Russian Collusion, when people have been indicted in a continuing cycle of people associated with Trump, his campaign and indictments of Russians. We have video documentation of Trump pandering to Russia, and violating policy and process by meeting with Russian, and expelling from the room U.S. officials, and destroying transcripts of private meeting that had no American officials present. We've seen him pushing support and praise upon Russia and Putin, while on national media deprecating our own Intelligence Community. We'd seen hims stand on a campaign podium, inviting Russia to hack our systems in his fictional drama about some emails. While having destroyed servers that were once in the Trump Towers, along with the long list of atrocious acts that damage the dignity and integrity of America.

The Entire Republican Congress should be "Censured" ( censure carries a strong suggestion of authority and often refers to an official action, some Senators, who have aided and abieted this madness of Trump and the damages done to the office of the Presidency, its stature and its integrity, and the pandering and aims to protect the ethnic, emoluments and other violations that are overtly evident in the Trump Administration, should be followed up with: "Expulsion" !!!

Article I, Section 5, of the United States Constitution provides that "Each House [of Congress] may determine the Rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member." They should be charged with subversive conduct against American, the American system and rules of governance, and being subversive in their acts and intents to damage the separation of powers in our government system. They should have the added charge of obstruction of justice, by contrived and contrite acts in process and manner, the same penalty that exist for crimes of "Felony Treason" should be laid upon them, laid out in terms that fit with American Law. i.e. ("an offense of the nature of treason as devising by overt act by Senate Legislature to compel changes of policy and to intimidate or overawe our Judicial System and Judicial Process and collude in obstructive acts and conduct of manner, dereliction of duty to fully investigate, such being an act to obstruct by omission of discovery and fact finding _ the penalty usually involving life imprisonment rather than the death penalty!!!)

Such Damage to An Entire Nation, It's Allied Relations, its Global Trade and Global Organizations who uphold the dignity and principles of Democracy around the world... is an egregious act of subversive conduct that carries the tonality of Treason against the United States Sovereignty the principles of its Democracy and the Stature as a Nation. .
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Another Trump hater who has chowed down on the multimedia nonsensical nothingburgers.

While a majority of Americans would like to see them made public.

If Trump has nothing to hide I don't know why his supporters are so rabidly opposed to him showing his tax returns, which every other presidential candidate in the last few decades has volunteered to do.

Go on, if he's innocent, if he hasn't taken foreign laundered cash, if he doesn't owe the Russians, if he hasn't broken the emoluments clause, let's prove what a decent guy he is and show everyone!
Another Trump hater who has chowed down on the multimedia nonsensical nothingburgers.


Selective Amnesia and Deflection won't void out the truth.... but keep trying... if that's what makes you happy. I'm OK, with you Dismissing yourself ...
"It is vitally important to our nation's freedom that police officers not be permitted to search my basement for the bodies of any boy scouts that routinely go missing around my home."
How utterly outrageous and arrogantly disrespectful of American governance and law !!!!! This is the conduct of a "Tyrant" !!!!

The treasury secretary isn't required to turn over anyone's tax records to Congress.

That's why the law says Congress may "request" private tax returns instead of "subpoena".

Unlawfully digging through someine private documents is a sign of tyranny. It violates the 4th and 5th Amendments.
While a majority of Americans would like to see them made public.

If Trump has nothing to hide I don't know why his supporters are so rabidly opposed to him showing his tax returns, which every other presidential candidate in the last few decades has volunteered to do.

Go on, if he's innocent, if he hasn't taken foreign laundered cash, if he doesn't owe the Russians, if he hasn't broken the emoluments clause, let's prove what a decent guy he is and show everyone!

Irrelevant. The United States isn't governed by mob rule.
While a majority of Americans would like to see them made public.

If Trump has nothing to hide I don't know why his supporters are so rabidly opposed to him showing his tax returns, which every other presidential candidate in the last few decades has volunteered to do.

Go on, if he's innocent, if he hasn't taken foreign laundered cash, if he doesn't owe the Russians, if he hasn't broken the emoluments clause, let's prove what a decent guy he is and show everyone!

He certainly does not act like an innocent man.
Irrelevant. The United States isn't governed by mob rule.

It is not 'mob rule' for congress to respect the will of the people (its constituents) and demand transparency from the executive. If the president wants to fight it, they can go to court. He might win.

But let's not pretend it is some irrational spasm of anarchy for congress to make such a request.
"It is vitally important to our nation's freedom that police officers not be permitted to search my basement for the bodies of any boy scouts that routinely go missing around my home."

Things Trump might have said for $500, Alex.
Another Trump hater who has chowed down on the multimedia nonsensical nothingburgers.


That's over 1,000 such accusations now. Is it because everyone hate Trump or its all you have as rebuttal.

Frankly I am astonished as I recall how bitterly you argued FOR MORE inquiries, into Hilary and her server. Now? Now that Trump want to play secret with his tax returns, well that's hating him.

One thing about the right, you play the "hate" card faster than any democrat can play the race card.

Are these Republicans just plain "crazy" or has Trump turned them out and made them "stump broken" to bend at his beck and call?


Then they have the audacity to say there is no Russian Collusion, when people have been indicted in a continuing cycle of people associated with Trump, his campaign and indictments of Russians. We have video documentation of Trump pandering to Russia, and violating policy and process by meeting with Russian, and expelling from the room U.S. officials, and destroying transcripts of private meeting that had no American officials present. We've seen him pushing support and praise upon Russia and Putin, while on national media deprecating our own Intelligence Community. We'd seen hims stand on a campaign podium, inviting Russia to hack our systems in his fictional drama about some emails. While having destroyed servers that were once in the Trump Towers, along with the long list of atrocious acts that damage the dignity and integrity of America.

The Entire Republican Congress should be "Censured" ( censure carries a strong suggestion of authority and often refers to an official action, some Senators, who have aided and abieted this madness of Trump and the damages done to the office of the Presidency, its stature and its integrity, and the pandering and aims to protect the ethnic, emoluments and other violations that are overtly evident in the Trump Administration, should be followed up with: "Expulsion" !!!

Article I, Section 5, of the United States Constitution provides that "Each House [of Congress] may determine the Rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member." They should be charged with subversive conduct against American, the American system and rules of governance, and being subversive in their acts and intents to damage the separation of powers in our government system. They should have the added charge of obstruction of justice, by contrived and contrite acts in process and manner, the same penalty that exist for crimes of "Felony Treason" should be laid upon them, laid out in terms that fit with American Law. i.e. ("an offense of the nature of treason as devising by overt act by Senate Legislature to compel changes of policy and to intimidate or overawe our Judicial System and Judicial Process and collude in obstructive acts and conduct of manner, dereliction of duty to fully investigate, such being an act to obstruct by omission of discovery and fact finding _ the penalty usually involving life imprisonment rather than the death penalty!!!)

Such Damage to An Entire Nation, It's Allied Relations, its Global Trade and Global Organizations who uphold the dignity and principles of Democracy around the world... is an egregious act of subversive conduct that carries the tonality of Treason against the United States Sovereignty the principles of its Democracy and the Stature as a Nation. .

First let me establish for the record that I do not hate Trump any more than any other lying son of a bitch.

But, we have a serious problem with hypocrisy. A big one. As we all know, Trump spent two years or more and God knows how much money harassing Obama about his birth certificate, which NO president has ever had to do in the history of the United States! We all know it was a charade so Trump could continue to annoy the president, which became harassment over time.

Now? Now, we have years and years of precedent of presidents providing their tax returns VOLUNTARILY, showing in EACH case there was nothing to hide. Now? Now the same asshole who harassed Obama about a stupid birth certificate is hiding HIS tax returns and is weeping about "unlimitd harassment of the president"

Now that takes a very asshole brain. He cannot grasp that he is making this problem of his own choosing? What's good for one president is good for the next, so Mr. Trump is going to have to calm down, reduce his sugar intake, stop mainlining hate, and present the goods. We all know where this leads and it isn't pretty.

Frankly, I thought he had bigger balls. He's actually a coward. Faced with true push back he folds his tent and moves on...but I suspect he is now simply going to try to go around congress and find wall $$$$$$$$$$ somewhere else.

Like all cowards, he's a sneak.
First let me establish for the record that I do not hate Trump any more than any other lying son of a bitch.

But, we have a serious problem with hypocrisy. A big one. As we all know, Trump spent two years or more and God knows how much money harassing Obama about his birth certificate, which NO president has ever had to do in the history of the United States! We all know it was a charade so Trump could continue to annoy the president, which became harassment over time.

Now? Now, we have years and years of precedent of presidents providing their tax returns VOLUNTARILY, showing in EACH case there was nothing to hide. Now? Now the same asshole who harassed Obama about a stupid birth certificate is hiding HIS tax returns and is weeping about "unlimitd harassment of the president"

Now that takes a very asshole brain. He cannot grasp that he is making this problem of his own choosing? What's good for one president is good for the next, so Mr. Trump is going to have to calm down, reduce his sugar intake, stop mainlining hate, and present the goods. We all know where this leads and it isn't pretty.

Frankly, I thought he had bigger balls. He's actually a coward. Faced with true push back he folds his tent and moves on...but I suspect he is now simply going to try to go around congress and find wall $$$$$$$$$$ somewhere else.

Like all cowards, he's a sneak.

And like all objective (if somewhat expletive) criticism of president Trump, the only appropriate rebuttal here is to attack you personally. So let me begin and save them the trouble:

You're an angry Trump hating lib, so triggered, what a snowflake, yadda yadda yadda.

Further to that I believe that the only reasonable counterpoint to your mostly factual (though mildly potty-mouthed) assessment of the president's shortcomings is to deflect to some time-honored right wing trope, so again, I shall do the honors:

Benghazi, Chappaquiddick, body trail, swift boats, Monica, Fast and Furious, Uranium One and Solyndra!!!

So now no right wingers need to bother arguing as I have done God's work for them, let me point put sir that you are more or less correct.
Are these Republicans just plain "crazy" or has Trump turned them out and made them "stump broken" to bend at his beck and call?


Then they have the audacity to say there is no Russian Collusion, when people have been indicted in a continuing cycle of people associated with Trump, his campaign and indictments of Russians. We have video documentation of Trump pandering to Russia, and violating policy and process by meeting with Russian, and expelling from the room U.S. officials, and destroying transcripts of private meeting that had no American officials present. We've seen him pushing support and praise upon Russia and Putin, while on national media deprecating our own Intelligence Community. We'd seen hims stand on a campaign podium, inviting Russia to hack our systems in his fictional drama about some emails. While having destroyed servers that were once in the Trump Towers, along with the long list of atrocious acts that damage the dignity and integrity of America.

The Entire Republican Congress should be "Censured" ( censure carries a strong suggestion of authority and often refers to an official action, some Senators, who have aided and abieted this madness of Trump and the damages done to the office of the Presidency, its stature and its integrity, and the pandering and aims to protect the ethnic, emoluments and other violations that are overtly evident in the Trump Administration, should be followed up with: "Expulsion" !!!

Article I, Section 5, of the United States Constitution provides that "Each House [of Congress] may determine the Rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member." They should be charged with subversive conduct against American, the American system and rules of governance, and being subversive in their acts and intents to damage the separation of powers in our government system. They should have the added charge of obstruction of justice, by contrived and contrite acts in process and manner, the same penalty that exist for crimes of "Felony Treason" should be laid upon them, laid out in terms that fit with American Law. i.e. ("an offense of the nature of treason as devising by overt act by Senate Legislature to compel changes of policy and to intimidate or overawe our Judicial System and Judicial Process and collude in obstructive acts and conduct of manner, dereliction of duty to fully investigate, such being an act to obstruct by omission of discovery and fact finding _ the penalty usually involving life imprisonment rather than the death penalty!!!)

Such Damage to An Entire Nation, It's Allied Relations, its Global Trade and Global Organizations who uphold the dignity and principles of Democracy around the world... is an egregious act of subversive conduct that carries the tonality of Treason against the United States Sovereignty the principles of its Democracy and the Stature as a Nation. .

This makes it absolutely clear that they are afraid.

They would not stick their necks out unless there was some risk TO THEM, and I suspect they suspect the worst and those tax returns are going to show some bad things, bad enough that Trump will go to the matresses to avoid it. They clearly know that Trump is adamant and that pursing the returns will create an incredible firestorm of which they appear to be very frightened.

They hooked their wagon to the horse they thought was strongest only to be shown they have nothing to fight with, and they mainline man is a second stringer at best. If it becomes a firestorm they know some of them are going to get roasted and they are shaking in their boots. "Please don't annoy the president" is an odd way to go about bi-partisan deal making. They may as well put up a sign "we surrender".

We really, really need to see those tax returns. before the right wing head jobs went nuts here I didn't care all that much, but if they're this afraid then WE MUST see them.

Welcome to the abyss Mr. President, I bet you didn't see this coming at all...
While a majority of Americans would like to see them made public.

If Trump has nothing to hide I don't know why his supporters are so rabidly opposed to him showing his tax returns, which every other presidential candidate in the last few decades has volunteered to do.

Go on, if he's innocent, if he hasn't taken foreign laundered cash, if he doesn't owe the Russians, if he hasn't broken the emoluments clause, let's prove what a decent guy he is and show everyone!

No one is obligated to prove their innocence; the President of the United States owes you nothing...
First let me establish for the record that I do not hate Trump any more than any other lying son of a bitch.

But, we have a serious problem with hypocrisy. A big one. As we all know, Trump spent two years or more and God knows how much money harassing Obama about his birth certificate, which NO president has ever had to do in the history of the United States! We all know it was a charade so Trump could continue to annoy the president, which became harassment over time.

Now? Now, we have years and years of precedent of presidents providing their tax returns VOLUNTARILY, showing in EACH case there was nothing to hide. Now? Now the same asshole who harassed Obama about a stupid birth certificate is hiding HIS tax returns and is weeping about "unlimitd harassment of the president"

Irrelevant. Just because something was historically done in the past is no reason to keep doing said thing...

Now that takes a very asshole brain. He cannot grasp that he is making this problem of his own choosing? What's good for one president is good for the next, so Mr. Trump is going to have to calm down, reduce his sugar intake, stop mainlining hate, and present the goods. We all know where this leads and it isn't pretty.

Frankly, I thought he had bigger balls. He's actually a coward. Faced with true push back he folds his tent and moves on...but I suspect he is now simply going to try to go around congress and find wall $$$$$$$$$$ somewhere else.

Like all cowards, he's a sneak.

Prehaps he is a coward; you're probably will still never see his tax returns. Just give it a rest...
No one is obligated to prove their innocence; the President of the United States owes you nothing...

Nice take on it, so I'll change the wording: if they can't prove him guilty then he's off the hook.

But just like a court, it is the same process: they demand evidence from a suspect and if the evidence is permissible and it exonerates the suspect, then he's innocent.

But nice attempt at turning this into an unreasonable demand made by uptower right here on these forums an hour ago, as if nobody thought of it first.

Write to your congressman.
Nice take on it, so I'll change the wording: if they can't prove him guilty then he's off the hook.

You're accussing the President of the United States of crimes he has committed before entering office; crimes that tax returns would not be able to prove regardless of whether or not your accusations had any merit.

But just like a court, it is the same process: they demand evidence from a suspect and if the evidence is permissible and it exonerates the suspect, then he's innocent.

But nice attempt at turning this into an unreasonable demand made by uptower right here on these forums an hour ago, as if nobody thought of it first.

Write to your congressman.

Volunteer for some jury duty once in a while. You'll learn that the burden of proof never falls on the accused and the accused is never obligated to prove their innocence. "If Trump has nothing to hide, why doesn't he just show his tax returns," is not an argument; it's a mere obfuscation.
Nice take on it, so I'll change the wording: if they can't prove him guilty then he's off the hook.

But just like a court, it is the same process: they demand evidence from a suspect and if the evidence is permissible and it exonerates the suspect, then he's innocent.

But nice attempt at turning this into an unreasonable demand made by uptower right here on these forums an hour ago, as if nobody thought of it first.

Write to your congressman.

Better yet, examine this: https://www.npr.org/2018/10/11/6566...-demand-and-get-trumps-tax-returns-here-s-how

If they are requested without due process, because they can request them but not subpoena them, DoJ may very well fight the request under 4th amendment protections and because it is a dead certainty they will be leaked if released, he has a strong argument that this is not investigatory or oversight but a way to politically undermine the President by spinning just about anything with partial releases and out of context reports.
You're accussing the President of the United States of crimes he has committed before entering office; crimes that tax returns would not be able to prove regardless of whether or not your accusations had any merit.

Volunteer for some jury duty once in a while. You'll learn that the burden of proof never falls on the accused and the accused is never obligated to prove their innocence. "If Trump has nothing to hide, why doesn't he just show his tax returns," is not an argument; it's a mere obfuscation.

And everyone knows a court has the right to demand evidence. Congress acts as a court in these cases. If Trump has a problem with it - and he will - then he can challenge it in court - and he will. That's due process. That's where it will be decided whether it is unreasonable to ask.

I have not accused the president of any particular crime, but it is well known he is suspected of them (and I share that suspicion) and these may not all be 'before he took office' or unrelated to his gaining the presidency. They may, in the eyes of Congress and better than half the country whom they represent, be the very 'high crimes and misdemeanors' that the constitution mentions as a condition for impeachment. The Tax returns may well be relevant evidence.

So don't pretend that simply asking is suddenly some vast overreach or 'mob rule'.

It's like saying a regular suspected criminal should not even be investigated or charged. Preposterous. He may not be found guilty, but the authorities cannot simply shirk their duty and avoid looking into it altogether.

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