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Republicans are Americans' communist party (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 22, 2019
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What are communist parties, really? They're parties that pursue total one party power for themselves, and use the state to protect their power, and the interests of a small elite.

It's what China has, it's what North Korea has, it's what Russia has even if it's not called communist, and it's what Republicans fight for.

Republicans want to say they're not communist - but Russia and China have 'private industry'. We might think of our billionaires as the opposite of communism - I'll point you to Chinese billionaires, who are being created faster than the US, and Russia's oligarchs.

This communism is fundamentally opposed to democracy - 'the power of the people', keeping power, policies, and wealth more balanced, more distributed. Republicans might not call it communism, but they are pursuing the same 'total power pursuit' one party rule communist parties do, and have made themselves the enemies of democracy and the friends of an elite class who try to take all wealth.

Republicans are the American communist party. Talk about Communism being Marx and old communist ideas is a deflection to hide what they do - just as it is in China, North Korea and Russia. Communism is one party rule, control of information, political tyranny, an elite largely above the law taking the wealth the country creates, etc.
I prefer to look at this current form of the gop as a cancer growing and spreading on america.
Capitalsocialist Party. Socializing cost and privatizing profit.
I would say they are definitely in an authortarian mode, but not specifically communist.
Right. The Republican’s goal is to make the USA more like Venezuela. For sure. That’s it.
You say that's the Democrats' goal. It's fair to say it's the republicans goal.
What are communist parties, really? They're parties that pursue total one party power for themselves, and use the state to protect their power, and the interests of a small elite.

It's what China has, it's what North Korea has, it's what Russia has even if it's not called communist, and it's what Republicans fight for.

Republicans want to say they're not communist - but Russia and China have 'private industry'. We might think of our billionaires as the opposite of communism - I'll point you to Chinese billionaires, who are being created faster than the US, and Russia's oligarchs.

This communism is fundamentally opposed to democracy - 'the power of the people', keeping power, policies, and wealth more balanced, more distributed. Republicans might not call it communism, but they are pursuing the same 'total power pursuit' one party rule communist parties do, and have made themselves the enemies of democracy and the friends of an elite class who try to take all wealth.

Republicans are the American communist party. Talk about Communism being Marx and old communist ideas is a deflection to hide what they do - just as it is in China, North Korea and Russia. Communism is one party rule, control of information, political tyranny, an elite largely above the law taking the wealth the country creates, etc.

I was just reading the post of a Republican supporter speaking of party purges.

There is a purity test here that is reminiscent of the Communust Party, especially as it involves showing fealty to one man.
What are communist parties, really? They're parties that pursue total one party power for themselves, and use the state to protect their power, and the interests of a small elite.

It's what China has, it's what North Korea has, it's what Russia has even if it's not called communist, and it's what Republicans fight for.

Republicans want to say they're not communist - but Russia and China have 'private industry'. We might think of our billionaires as the opposite of communism - I'll point you to Chinese billionaires, who are being created faster than the US, and Russia's oligarchs.

This communism is fundamentally opposed to democracy - 'the power of the people', keeping power, policies, and wealth more balanced, more distributed. Republicans might not call it communism, but they are pursuing the same 'total power pursuit' one party rule communist parties do, and have made themselves the enemies of democracy and the friends of an elite class who try to take all wealth.

Republicans are the American communist party. Talk about Communism being Marx and old communist ideas is a deflection to hide what they do - just as it is in China, North Korea and Russia. Communism is one party rule, control of information, political tyranny, an elite largely above the law taking the wealth the country creates, etc.
Except for that thorny issue of north korea which stubbornly refuses to be a communist country and still insists it is a democratic republic. By your argument then democratic republics like america also fit your description.

Except that marx did not espouse an elitist ruling class. That should be a basic marxism 101 level of understanding communism.

Your argument is superficial. You merely blame the word used by dictators to pretend legitimacy for their dictatorship. How easy it is for the american wannabe dictators to create fear of communism to cover their own deeds just as china and russia and north korea do.
Except for that thorny issue of north korea which stubbornly refuses to be a communist country and still insists it is a democratic republic. By your argument then democratic republics like america also fit your description.

Nothing thorny about it. I think they embrace the claim they're communist. I don't think they claim they hold elections, and America doesn't fit the description, other than the Republicans who want to change America.

Except that marx did not espouse an elitist ruling class. That should be a basic marxism 101 level of understanding communism.

Did you read the post? What "communist party" means isn't about Marx or his views - those are red herrings used to hide what they are. It would be like trying to claim that the definition of America requires looking at every comment of what Thomas Paine said and ignore what the country has become. Only Paine's comments can be discussed.

Your argument is superficial.

I stopped reading there because the problem is clearly your lack of reading comprehension.


You clearly did not understand a thing in the OP however clearly it was explained. Please move on to threads you understand.
Republicans are American's Communist Party

I believe I've heard it all now. This has to be one of the most moronic, asinine pieces of transparent projectionism I think I've ever seen. smh
It is asinine. That is probably by design.

The fact is that the Democratic Party is continually (and very deliberately) inching towards Communism. Many have openly embraced Karl Marx - the father of communism.

Republicans are the opposite of Communism.

The premise of this thread is absurd.

"Democracy is the road to socialism." - Karl Marx

“The goal of socialism is communism” - V. Lenin
I would say they are definitely in an authortarian mode, but not specifically communist.
But they are essentially the same. Can you point me, really, to the differences between what the Chinese Communist Party tries to do and what the Republican Party wants to do? Couldn't you equally say the CCP is "authoritarian mode, but not specifically communist"?

I'd argue the US is MORE communist than the CCP by important definitions. A point of the OP is to recognize what communist actually means today, not some obsolete topic about Marx and his views. There is no such thing as 'Marxist' government really.

Weren't Stalin and Mao easily described as "authoritarian mode, but not specifically communist"? You could point to some things with them that were a bit 'communist', but this century, what is communist? It's this government system of one party rule, control of the population, where the state is used to protect power of an 'elite class' - which fits Republicans to a tee in what they try to do.

Of course they aren't the same in details of what they do now - because they're in a very different environment with things like elections and Democrats and other differences. But in terms of what they are trying to do. Their essential pursuit of power no matter what, their allegiance to the elite they serve not caring at all about the large majority they don't serve, and so on.
I was just reading the post of a Republican supporter speaking of party purges.

There is a purity test here that is reminiscent of the Communust Party, especially as it involves showing fealty to one man.
Yes, that's part of it. The Communist Parties tend to go through similar things as different factions fight for power. Remember Stalin and Trostky, Mao did it, Ho Chin Minh murdered rival communists, communists in Iran did it (they also battled the Islamists and lost), Putin (who I consider the same regardless of not claiming to be communist) murders his rivals, etc.

Republicans have purged their party for decades and rid it of all 'liberals', and then all 'moderates', and then more and more people to where there are a tiny few 'phony moderates' left, who are pretty scorned in the party. And that blind allegiance to trump because of the pursuit of power, and don't forget 'the base' and how they treat trump. But it's not only about trump any more than the CCP is about their leader, dominant as that leader is.

It's a bit like Putin I guess, where he is a dominant figure but the system isn't really just about him, as powerful as he is. I'd say more powerful than trump is with Republicans. In fact insiders say the Ukraine war seems motivated by Putin fearing losing his grip on power where this was is a 'wag the dog' war, much as trump has reason to fear losing his grip in the Republican Party, with rivals like DeSantis and Youngkins in the wings, tensions with McConnell.

But where a large majority of the party *voted to steal the presidency* in service to that one man when it was in pursuit of power at any cost, willing to support 'the big lie' not unlike the lies Putin tells about 'winning election' - except I'd say Putin does have more support than trump did or does, even if it's boosted by things like purging rivals and control of the media. Republicans would love to be able to purge Democrats and have Fox/OAN/etc the only news IMO.
But they are essentially the same. Can you point me, really, to the differences between what the Chinese Communist Party tries to do and what the Republican Party wants to do? Couldn't you equally say the CCP is "authoritarian mode, but not specifically communist"?

I'd argue the US is MORE communist than the CCP by important definitions. A point of the OP is to recognize what communist actually means today, not some obsolete topic about Marx and his views. There is no such thing as 'Marxist' government really.

Weren't Stalin and Mao easily described as "authoritarian mode, but not specifically communist"? You could point to some things with them that were a bit 'communist', but this century, what is communist? It's this government system of one party rule, control of the population, where the state is used to protect power of an 'elite class' - which fits Republicans to a tee in what they try to do.

Of course they aren't the same in details of what they do now - because they're in a very different environment with things like elections and Democrats and other differences. But in terms of what they are trying to do. Their essential pursuit of power no matter what, their allegiance to the elite they serve not caring at all about the large majority they don't serve, and so on.
Authoritarianism does tend to blend, yes
Authoritarianism does tend to blend, yes
Yes, it does. Are the "fascism" of Hitler, the "communism" of the CCP, and whatever you want to call Putin, more similar to each other or any of them to democracy? Then look at the country wanted to make America, with a stolen presidency, a rigged system for the rest of government control, the press "the enemy of the people" where they controlled information, their political opponent jailed (LOCK HER UP), and so on?

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