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Republican Plan to address Enlistment numbers. (1 Viewer)

Why would Republicans want a larger military anyway.
I doubt they do, more like whine when recruitment goals are not met. A rather feeble attempt to win support from 'real' 'Mericans. I doubt enlistments have a dramatic rise.
Right now, we have roughly 50% of graduates going onto college. Throw in around 300,000 students in trade schools (includes adults) and this looks like another Stitt publicity stunt.
Would forcing high school graduates to apply to college of trade school make a better student??? :unsure:
I don't think this will pass the smell test in Oklahoma- no Made in China tRump bible in the mix... ✌️
No, actually it's not the same thing. The military needed to be racially integrated. However, wokeness and gender confusion should have no place in the military.
You make the same arguments as segregationists did.
I doubt they do, more like whine when recruitment goals are not met. A rather feeble attempt to win support from 'real' 'Mericans. I doubt enlistments have a dramatic rise.
Right now, we have roughly 50% of graduates going onto college. Throw in around 300,000 students in trade schools (includes adults) and this looks like another Stitt publicity stunt.
Would forcing high school graduates to apply to college of trade school make a better student??? :unsure:
I don't think this will pass the smell test in Oklahoma- no Made in China tRump bible in the mix... ✌️

Republicans (meaning Trump) will be looking for way to cut expenditure in order to finance tax cut for the mega rich.

The Army expects to meet its enlistment goals for 2025, marking a dramatic turnaround for a service that has struggled for several years to bring in enough young people and has undergone a major overhaul of its recruiting programs. In an interview with The Associated Press, Army Secretary Christine Wormuth said the Army is on pace to bring in 61,000 young people by the end of the fiscal year in September and will have more than 20,000 additional young people signed up in the delayed entry program for 2026. It's the second straight year of meeting the goals. “What’s really remarkable is the first quarter contracts that we have signed are the highest rate in the last 10 years,” Wormuth said. “We are going like gangbusters, which is terrific.”


Wormuth said "woke" has never been a part of recruiting issues that are being addressed successfully.

Wormuth pointed out that the Army’s decision to launch the Future Soldier Prep Course at Fort Jackson South Carolina in August 2022 has been a huge success. I started a thread on this innovative program earlier this year that pointed out that this program was well underway and that it had real promise. The FSPC gives recruits who just miss qualifying up to 90 days of academic or fitness instruction to help them meet military standards and move on to basic training. My thread pointed out that already half of 'em were completing their qualification in fewer than 30 days.

In the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, 2024, the Army met its recruiting goal of 55,000 and began to rebuild its delayed entry pool. About 24% of those recruits came out of the prep course that has expanded to Ft. Benning in GA which is home to the Army Infantry School. Wormuth said she expects it will contribute about 30% of this year’s recruits.

The Republican nonsense presented herein is just more Republican nonsense about the armed forces. The nonsense in this thread is convoluted Rube Goldberg stuff and nothing but. It is a distraction and it is destructive.
Get back to us when this actually becomes a national GOP policy........... until then it's just hyperbole on your part.
It's okay that a governor of a state wants to do this?
If the far right wants a draft, then I will be considering my options to push back against it.
I think uniformed compulsory service would be a great move. But not limited to the combat forces. The conscripted might be offered a choice to serve in the military branches, the Public Health Service, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or some newly created uniformed service providing noncombatant support to the general public. Some reorganization would be necessary to create an enlisted/noncommissioned tier for the Public Health Service, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

What's the benefit?

A pipeline for manpower, obviously. But that's not the benefit I want to focus upon.

Gathering up a group of young people in military or public service breaks down regional tribalistic differences. Exposed to people from different backgrounds and cultures they are compelled to work and learn together for some common purpose. For most, they will gain a familiarity with the other which inculcates tolerance and mutual respect.

Depending upon your perspective, around here, with some exceptions, we live in a melting pot or a salad bowl. Two years ago, upon graduation from high school, a grandson completed training in a different state as a power lineman. For the first time he encountered soft discrimination in the words and attitudes of trainees from different parts of the country, some of whom had never interacted significantly with a minority or a person of mixed race. By end of training all that changed.
If the far right wants a draft, then I will be considering my options to push back against it.

They may not need a draft if they destroy the economy. Lots of unemployed youth looking for work and a military looking for fresh bodies. I could see enlistment numbers rising in the future.
I think uniformed compulsory service would be a great move. But not limited to the combat forces. The conscripted might be offered a choice to serve in the military branches, the Public Health Service, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or some newly created uniformed service providing noncombatant support to the general public. Some reorganization would be necessary to create an enlisted/noncommissioned tier for the Public Health Service, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

What's the benefit?

A pipeline for manpower, obviously. But that's not the benefit I want to focus upon.

Gathering up a group of young people in military or public service breaks down regional tribalistic differences. Exposed to people from different backgrounds and cultures they are compelled to work and learn together for some common purpose. For most, they will gain a familiarity with the other which inculcates tolerance and mutual respect.

Depending upon your perspective, around here, with some exceptions, we live in a melting pot or a salad bowl. Two years ago, upon graduation from high school, a grandson completed training in a different state as a power lineman. For the first time he encountered soft discrimination in the words and attitudes of trainees from different parts of the country, some of whom had never interacted significantly with a minority or a person of mixed race. By end of training all that changed.
I don't support a draft, and will not participate in any way other than to resist it.
There would be anti draft riots in the same way there were violent anti Vietnam War riots in certain instances. There would be anti draft riots from coast to coast and especially in flyover country. The mass of draft age population abhor the idea of military service and they will fight to prevent it taking them. In 21st century America military service is for the other guy, not for the mass of the age eligible population. The mass of the military age population are about "me" not "us."
I don't support a draft, and will not participate in any way other than to resist it.

I absolutely oppose any sort of conscription and would oppose it, to the point of harboring draft evaders if it came down to it.

I am well past the age of liability. But my two sons (and for that matter my daughter) are not.

58,220 United States men died in the Vietnam War for a 100% lie. They died for nothing.

It is NOT a virtue to march off like a sheep to slaughter because your government is engaged in a lie.

The biggest heroes are the ones that told the United States Government to **** off, that they were NOT meat to be slaughtered. The ones that burned their draft cards and refused to go.

And President Carter's greatest moment was his blanket pardon of them, restoring their civil rights and ability to work in government.

The military should be 100% voluntary, no matter the scale or type of conflict we may be engaged in, even a war with China. There should never be another draft.

I also support the immediate elimination of Selective Service (here's one for you DOGE types) and the destruction of all its existing records.
I absolutely oppose any sort of conscription and would oppose it, to the point of harboring draft evaders if it came down to it.

I am well past the age of liability. But my two sons (and for that matter my daughter) are not.

58,220 United States men died in the Vietnam War for a 100% lie. They died for nothing.

It is NOT a virtue to march off like a sheep to slaughter because your government is engaged in a lie.

The biggest heroes are the ones that told the United States Government to **** off, that they were NOT meat to be slaughtered. The ones that burned their draft cards and refused to go.

And President Carter's greatest moment was his blanket pardon of them, restoring their civil rights and ability to work in government.

The military should be 100% voluntary, no matter the scale or type of conflict we may be engaged in, even a war with China. There should never be another draft.

I also support the immediate elimination of Selective Service (here's one for you DOGE types) and the destruction of all its existing records.
I'm also for ending Selective Service.
The conscripted might be offered a choice to serve in the military branches, the Public Health Service, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or some newly created uniformed service providing noncombatant support to the general public.

I have long supported a return to something like the the Civilian Conservation Corps of the 1930s. As they can do things like they had done in the past, managing the forest lands to try and prevent the out of control wildfires like we are seeing right now. Clearing underbrush, making and maintaining fire breaks, and things like this. Or even working in some urban centers, improving them.

Make it follow similar policies of the military. Low pay, but includes training, housing, and medical for their term of service.
I doubt they do, more like whine when recruitment goals are not met. A rather feeble attempt to win support from 'real' 'Mericans. I doubt enlistments have a dramatic rise.
Right now, we have roughly 50% of graduates going onto college. Throw in around 300,000 students in trade schools (includes adults) and this looks like another Stitt publicity stunt.
Would forcing high school graduates to apply to college of trade school make a better student??? :unsure:
I don't think this will pass the smell test in Oklahoma- no Made in China tRump bible in the mix... ✌️

Republicans oppose anything that requires a tax increase.
In much of Europe such as in Germany for instance conscription means choose between a civilian character of public service or go into military public service.

In the US conscription means one thing and one thing only, just as in the US conscription has always meant one thing and one thing only, which is the obligation to the country and its people of military service.

The public works and conservation programs of FDR and his New Deal such as the Works Progress Program were about the Great Depression and putting desperate civilians to work. It benefitted the civilians and the country.

FDR and Congress activating the draft was about WW II before it began for the USA and to prepare for the global war that WW 2 was. The USA draft was military and that's it, just as the draft in the US had always meant mandatory military service in return for the benefits of being born in the USA or because of more recently immigrating into it.

If conscription in the US were to fight China or Russia or any foreign aggressor enemy of democracy it would not involve draftees having the option of reforestation planting trees.
If conscription in the US were to fight China or Russia or any foreign aggressor enemy of democracy it would not involve draftees having the option of reforestation planting trees.

There will be no mass conscription in a future war that the USA fights.
I’m a Soldier who will say this. The Marines have never had an objective they failed to take. No matter the cost.

I have great respect for the Marines. The comment I was originally replying to was how we don’t need an Army. It was useless in this fight. To win anything you need grunts on the ground. The Marines, as impressive as they are, just don’t have as many as the Army.

I told my history so you would know that rapid deployment even back when I was serving was normal. I got out after nine years. Cumulative injuries meant I couldn’t be promoted again since a PT Test was impossible. My back and knees were shot. I got out and went Skilled Labor in the Civilian World.

Of course, the units sent will depend a lot on how much warning we get. The Military does not just go you. Get over there. They send some of everything. Air Defense as you pointed out. I’d bet any amount of money there is a plan already drawn up in a drawer just waiting to be activated. You know both services. This won’t be a pull it out of your Ass deployment. It will be one they’ve been planning for decades.

The ships at Diego Garcia with a Brigade of Armor will be sailing thataway. The Army tends to throw the Kitchen Sink into the mix. Anything and everything that might help will be headed that way as soon as the orders are given.

Until you have seen the branches working together. Air, Artillery, and Ground. Until you have seen the effects, it is easy to say that you need more of this, or that. When you have seen aircraft working with forward observers. Artillery adjusted by a guy with a radio to hit the target. It is easy to say that grunts are not needed.

Grunts are always needed.

Viet Nam!

Sit down now
No, Congress merely approves it.
Ummm no, Congress has the power of the purse. The President presents a budget request. Congress can do as they damn well please when it comes to where and how much taxpayer money is spent. After Nixon tried to impound money Congress had already approved to be spent a new law was passed to prohibit a president from doing as the Convict in Chief is trying to do now.... :unsure:
Now THIS MAGA congress may merely approve whatever DonOld demands but Congress controls the flow of money.... ✌️

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