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Republican Plan to address Enlistment numbers. (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jul 28, 2024
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Republicans have a plan. Those words will cheer the hearts of the MAGA fanboys. It is a plan to deal with low enlistment numbers for the Military. Hearts just fluttered in the fanboys.

The Governor of Oklahoma has decided his education system will focus on a plan called Classroom to Careers. His plan? To graduate High School you must be accepted into College. If you can’t afford College, no worries you can also go to a Trade School. What if you can’t afford that? You have a third option. Aren’t options grand? You can join the Military.

Yep. You would have to do one of those three things to graduate High School.

Governor Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma unveiled his proposals on Friday the 27th of December. That is S T I T T folks. There is no H in his name.

I wonder if the Department of Education will adopt this nationally. Oh wait. They’re getting rid of that department. Well. They might keep it around for this.

Does this idiocy give anyone a headache besides me?
Why not just have an option at the 8th grade to continue in a Vocational Technical High School for those who prefer to pursue a trade rather than college?
Does this idiocy give anyone a headache besides me?
In your case, the solution for your headache is to stop spinning around and around like a top. Doing that will give anyone a headache.

You can also stop lying. That'll help stop the headache.

I mean, damn...just the spinning and lying required to write that thread title of yours must have made your head ache for hours.
In your case, the solution for your headache is to stop spinning around and around like a top. Doing that will give anyone a headache.

You can also stop lying. That'll help stop the headache.

I mean, damn...just the spinning and lying required to write that thread title of yours must have made your head ache for hours.

From your sig:
"attack the post, not the poster"

Seems you can't defend the governors ridiculous graduation plan, and can't maintain the civil silence appropriate to someone with no opinion.
In your case, the solution for your headache is to stop spinning around and around like a top. Doing that will give anyone a headache.

You can also stop lying. That'll help stop the headache.

I mean, damn...just the spinning and lying required to write that thread title of yours must have made your head ache for hours.
I like how you didn't even bother to read the OP before accusing somebody of lying.

Speaking of lies, did you ever get around to finding that incontrovertible proof of 2020 massive electoral fraud, Mycroft? I mean, we've been waiting for over four years and you've still yet to deliver a single shred of that pile of evidence you claimed to have. Are you ready to admit that you spent years posting lies about the 2020 election? Was your claim to personally have this treasure trove of evidence also another lie? If so, why did you post lies so many thousands of times, Mycroft?
Republicans have a plan. Those words will cheer the hearts of the MAGA fanboys. It is a plan to deal with low enlistment numbers for the Military. Hearts just fluttered in the fanboys.

The Governor of Oklahoma has decided his education system will focus on a plan called Classroom to Careers. His plan? To graduate High School you must be accepted into College. If you can’t afford College, no worries you can also go to a Trade School. What if you can’t afford that? You have a third option. Aren’t options grand? You can join the Military.

Yep. You would have to do one of those three things to graduate High School.

Governor Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma unveiled his proposals on Friday the 27th of December. That is S T I T T folks. There is no H in his name.

I wonder if the Department of Education will adopt this nationally. Oh wait. They’re getting rid of that department. Well. They might keep it around for this.

Does this idiocy give anyone a headache besides me?
So essentially, compulsory military service for poor and/or uneducated people.
So essentially, compulsory military service for poor and/or uneducated people.
Sure, let's do it. The people of Oklahoma clearly voted for Donald and his acolytes. Elections have consequences and one of those consequences going forward is that if Oklahoman high schoolers can't afford college or trade school, then they can either join the military or drop out without a high school diploma. If they dislike this, then they are welcome to leave Oklahoma and/or consider voting differently in the future. Until then, off to Boot Camp for the lot of them.
What is Oklahoma's education rankings (49th?)

Seems to me Oklahoma might want to get their own house in order first. If I'm not mistaken, most trade schools, and definitely colleges and the military require applicants to be able to read at a minimum level.
Get back to us when this actually becomes a national GOP policy........... until then it's just hyperbole on your part.

You could defend Republicans everywhere by saying "that's only a state policy." Even if it is national policy, you could still dodge responsibility by saying it doesn't apply in EVERY state.

Republicans in Oklahoma are utter trash (not just for this idea.) If you don't want Federal Republicans tarred with the same brush, you should call on them to denounce Oklahoma Republicans. For that matter, you could condemn it yourself.

If they go ahead with this, all their Federal education funding should be pulled. People with ONLY a high school diploma, are disadvantaged already. Trying to coerce their further education choices by withholding a diploma, is stupid and cruel. In particular stupid: the military does not need young people who are only enlisting to get a piece of paper.
You could defend Republicans everywhere by saying "that's only a state policy." Even if it is national policy, you could still dodge responsibility by saying it doesn't apply in EVERY state.

Republicans in Oklahoma are utter trash (not just for this idea.) If you don't want Federal Republicans tarred with the same brush, you should call on them to denounce Oklahoma Republicans. For that matter, you could condemn it yourself.

If they go ahead with this, all their Federal education funding should be pulled. People with ONLY a high school diploma, are disadvantaged already. Trying to coerce their further education choices by withholding a diploma, is stupid and cruel. In particular stupid: the military does not need young people who are only enlisting to get a piece of paper.

Get back to me when the OK Senate votes on this.
What is Oklahoma's education rankings (49th?)

Seems to me Oklahoma might want to get their own house in order first. If I'm not mistaken, most trade schools, and definitely colleges and the military require applicants to be able to read at a minimum level.

In those rankings, non-graduates don't count as zero. Their marks don't count at all. So there's a pernicious motive to making it hard for (non college) high school students to graduate. It would make the average look better.
Hold a high school diploma hostage then.

Under that, I would be inclined to test out for a GED or simply get accepted into college but never attend if I were a student who was satisfied with a HS diploma. Screw some governor telling me what to do in this way.
Republicans have a plan. Those words will cheer the hearts of the MAGA fanboys. It is a plan to deal with low enlistment numbers for the Military. Hearts just fluttered in the fanboys.

The Governor of Oklahoma has decided his education system will focus on a plan called Classroom to Careers. His plan? To graduate High School you must be accepted into College. If you can’t afford College, no worries you can also go to a Trade School. What if you can’t afford that? You have a third option. Aren’t options grand? You can join the Military.

Yep. You would have to do one of those three things to graduate High School.

Governor Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma unveiled his proposals on Friday the 27th of December. That is S T I T T folks. There is no H in his name.

I wonder if the Department of Education will adopt this nationally. Oh wait. They’re getting rid of that department. Well. They might keep it around for this.

Does this idiocy give anyone a headache besides me?
Shame the state superintendent didn't get in on the deal and also require high school students to pass a bible literacy test to graduate as well.
Republicans have a plan. Those words will cheer the hearts of the MAGA fanboys. It is a plan to deal with low enlistment numbers for the Military. Hearts just fluttered in the fanboys.

The Governor of Oklahoma has decided his education system will focus on a plan called Classroom to Careers. His plan? To graduate High School you must be accepted into College. If you can’t afford College, no worries you can also go to a Trade School. What if you can’t afford that? You have a third option. Aren’t options grand? You can join the Military.

Yep. You would have to do one of those three things to graduate High School.

Governor Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma unveiled his proposals on Friday the 27th of December. That is S T I T T folks. There is no H in his name.

I wonder if the Department of Education will adopt this nationally. Oh wait. They’re getting rid of that department. Well. They might keep it around for this.

Does this idiocy give anyone a headache besides me?
Sounds good but is a dumb plan. What if I want to hang out and blow blunts after graduation?

What if I want to work at Pizza Hut and drive for Uber?

What if I plan to move to Nebraska after graduation?

The legislation is not at all what is being portrayed in the OP.
I have to agree, but the article that was linked was not very clear tbf.

There doesn't appear to be any requirements to be accepted into college, trade school, or the military. There are extra course requirements that are tailored towards going on to be a part of any of those however, though not specifically the military.

In your case, the solution for your headache is to stop spinning around and around like a top. Doing that will give anyone a headache.

You can also stop lying. That'll help stop the headache.

I mean, damn...just the spinning and lying required to write that thread title of yours must have made your head ache for hours.

Is Stitt a Republican? Yes. Would his proposal increase military enlistments? Certainly. Are all branches suffering from low enlistment numbers? Yes. So what was the spin or lie?
Is Stitt a Republican? Yes. Would his proposal increase military enlistments? Certainly. Are all branches suffering from low enlistment numbers? Yes. So what was the spin or lie?
Increasing military enlistments ISN'T the purpose of his proposal. And...you know it.

But you have deliberately spun it into something it isn't and you are lying about his motives.

That is giving you a headache.
Increasing military enlistments ISN'T the purpose of his proposal. And...you know it.

But you have deliberately spun it into something it isn't and you are lying about his motives.

That is giving you a headache.

Baloney. His proposal would would have rich and middle class kids going to college and technical schools. The poor kids would go to the Military. And claiming that is a career enhancing thing is laughable. What exactly could an Infantryman apply his training towards? Fighting for the drug cartels?

Oh they might learn to be an Airplane Mechanic. Well first of all there aren’t that many of those. And secondly the military training isn’t transferable to Civilian aircraft. The licenses and certifications you would need would mean still going to a trade school after the time in the military.

Unless they finish their tour as a cook and start working at The Waffle House there isn’t much that is nearly as transferable as you imagine.

I was a Combat Engineer. Not much call for a specialist in landmire warfare. Or building Concertina Wire Fences. Even my experience driving trucks didn’t help, I still had to go to a Civilian Truck Driving School to get a License that worked in the real world.

So the claim it will help them get a career is nonsense.
Baloney. His proposal would would have rich and middle class kids going to college and technical schools. The poor kids would go to the Military. And claiming that is a career enhancing thing is laughable. What exactly could an Infantryman apply his training towards? Fighting for the drug cartels?

Oh they might learn to be an Airplane Mechanic. Well first of all there aren’t that many of those. And secondly the military training isn’t transferable to Civilian aircraft. The licenses and certifications you would need would mean still going to a trade school after the time in the military.

Unless they finish their tour as a cook and start working at The Waffle House there isn’t much that is nearly as transferable as you imagine.

I was a Combat Engineer. Not much call for a specialist in landmire warfare. Or building Concertina Wire Fences. Even my experience driving trucks didn’t help, I still had to go to a Civilian Truck Driving School to get a License that worked in the real world.

So the claim it will help them get a career is nonsense.
Yeah...maybe I'm wrong.

It's not your spin and lies giving you a headache. It's your defeatist attitude.

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