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Republican National Convention (1 Viewer)


Retired Navy Commander
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Sep 3, 2014
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Consider this:

The 2012 GOP presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, is not welcome at next week's RNC.
The 2008 GOP presidential candidate, John McCain, would not be welcome at next week's RNC.
The last GOP president, George W Bush, is not welcome at next week's RNC.

Nor would any of the three want to be there.

The Republican has been destroyed. Destroyed by Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, all the Vichy Republicans in the Senate led by Mitch McConnell, the members of the Aryan Caucus in the House, and finally, by QANON supporter Donald Trump.

Consider this:

The 2012 GOP presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, is not welcome at next week's RNC.
The 2008 GOP presidential candidate, John McCain, would not be welcome at next week's RNC.
The last GOP president, George W Bush, is not welcome at next week's RNC.

You obviously don't understand the Trump populist movement.
Mitch McConnell is skipping the RNC.
You obviously don't understand the Trump populist movement.

Oh we understand Trump supporters are authoritarian fascists. We quite enjoy watching the Republicans move toward fascism because NOW they are out in the open. Trumptards actually support QAnon like the idiots they are. Trump supporters can burn in hell for what they have done to this country.
Mitch McConnell is skipping the RNC.

What a loss for the Republic.

See where RNC events are being held in the venue closest to the Trump Hotel in DC? And rates have gone up 60 percent there for the week?

Grifters. The whole administration is one big grifting machine. What amazes me is the zeal with which so many people line up to be fleeced.

Three Trump campaign managers have been arrested. Think about that. Why didn't "Crooked Hillary" have this problem? Why didn't Obama have this problem? Why hasn't Biden had this problem? What is it about the Trump circle that attracts criminals like flies to sh*t?

What is the RNC going to consist of? I'm guessing non-stop scare stories about "Commie" liberals and blood running in the streets. And opening the border. And the Green New Deal. Not much about governing.
A Tale of Two Conventions.

Hope vs Hate
i would expect the Confederates to be well represented. and the Christians that support them.
Mitch McConnell is skipping the RNC.

Surprising. He was responsible for Trump's stupid acquittal by by refusing to let any Democrats call witnesses.

What about Lindsey Graham?
A Tale of Two Conventions.

Hope vs Hate

Correct, we had the "hate" convention this past week.

The "hope" convention will start Sunday night.

I can tell exactly what you all will be doing. You will literally count the number of "brown and black people" pictured at the RNC, compare that to the number of "brown and black people" at the DNC. And that will be your entire argument.
Consider this:

The 2012 GOP presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, is not welcome at next week's RNC.
The 2008 GOP presidential candidate, John McCain, would not be welcome at next week's RNC.
The last GOP president, George W Bush, is not welcome at next week's RNC.

Nor would any of the three want to be there.
And you know that how? Obviously McCain isn't going to make it.
jpn said:
The Republican has been destroyed. Destroyed by Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, all the Vichy Republicans in the Senate led by Mitch McConnell, the members of the Aryan Caucus in the House, and finally, by QANON supporter Donald Trump.

"Unlike its Democratic counterpart, the Republican Convention still plans on hosting some in-person business. NPR has reported that people will need to wear masks and social distance. Those attending will also be given a self-swab Covid-19 test before travelling and entering their hotels. Attendees will have temperature checks and will also wear Bluetooth badges that allow for tracking and contact tracing."
This thread derailed quickly, instead of talking about the RNC we are now comparing the worst supporters for each party?
Surprising. He was responsible for Trump's stupid acquittal by by refusing to let any Democrats call witnesses.

What about Lindsey Graham?
The democrats were free to call all the witnesses they wanted in the house.

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MSNBC will be televising the GOP convention in it's entirety.

Fox News did not televise but portions of the Democratic convention.

Which is fair and balanced?
Correct, we had the "hate" convention this past week.

The "hope" convention will start Sunday night.

I can tell exactly what you all will be doing. You will literally count the number of "brown and black people" pictured at the RNC, compare that to the number of "brown and black people" at the DNC. And that will be your entire argument.

Exactly what makes you think the DNC was the "hate" convention?

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