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Republican congressman says US close to dictatorship. (1 Viewer)

He's a libertarian who runs on the Republican ticket, a John Bircher, his comments are not surprising.
fourddream said:
Republican Congrssman Ron Paul has gone on record saying US on verge of dictatorship.
Read interview here:


For a guy, me, who only uses his right blinker... the article points out some,
not all, things I certainly agree with.

The Patriot Act is a misnomer. Patriots, in the historical sense, would have
never allowed such legislation to see the light of day.

The pendulum of oppression is swinging. It's gaining momentum as we
speak. Lord help us if another 9/11 type incident occurs -- can you say
"police state?" Laugh. Until it affects the current set of "patriots" this
laugh will be subdued. Once it does affect everyone, it's only a matter
of time, then, and only then, will people take notice. Problem? It'll be
too late to turn back the clock.

Business will buy right into the patriot hype. One good computer worm
or viral infection will lead big business to beg for government intervention.
This intervention will be in the form of internet control. No one will
squawk because it will be deemed for the good of the economy.

Remember, we're all just one bill or one SC decision from totalitarianism.:spin:
A true statesman.

"It's getting close to it, it's called usurpation of power and it's done in many ways with Congress just going along because they're sound asleep and this certainly is an attack on our Constitution and on our freedoms."
It seems to me that people are highly ignorant of what the actual Patriot Act entails.

Michael Moore types did a good job of spreading rhetoric and misinformation on this.
SixStringHero said:
It seems to me that people are highly ignorant of what the actual Patriot Act entails.

Michael Moore types did a good job of spreading rhetoric and misinformation on this.

And what makes you so enlightened? Do you feel you know more about it then Ron Paul?
zymurgy said:
And what makes you so enlightened? Do you feel you know more about it then Ron Paul?

He actually might.. Congress is not always that well informed about the issues they vote on. They just vote with the party usually.

A quote from that article
"It's getting close to it, it's called usurpation of power and it's done in many ways with Congress just going along because they're sound asleep and this certainly is an attack on our Constitution and on our freedoms." - Congressman Ron Paul

- To use his metaphor.. if Congress is sound asleep its his job to wake them the hell up.
LogicalReason said:
He actually might.. Congress is not always that well informed about the issues they vote on. They just vote with the party usually.

A quote from that article
"It's getting close to it, it's called usurpation of power and it's done in many ways with Congress just going along because they're sound asleep and this certainly is an attack on our Constitution and on our freedoms." - Congressman Ron Paul

- To use his metaphor.. if Congress is sound asleep its his job to wake them the hell up.

Unfortunately, Ron Paul is not like most politicians.

This poster has given no reason to suggest he is any more versed in the patriot act then you or I.

I suggest people should bring the cliff notes prior to the long climb up the soap box.
How is this a political scandal?
XShipRider said:
For a guy, me, who only uses his right blinker... the article points out some,
not all, things I certainly agree with.

The Patriot Act is a misnomer. Patriots, in the historical sense, would have
never allowed such legislation to see the light of day.

The pendulum of oppression is swinging. It's gaining momentum as we
speak. Lord help us if another 9/11 type incident occurs -- can you say
"police state?" Laugh. Until it affects the current set of "patriots" this
laugh will be subdued. Once it does affect everyone, it's only a matter
of time, then, and only then, will people take notice. Problem? It'll be
too late to turn back the clock.

Business will buy right into the patriot hype. One good computer worm
or viral infection will lead big business to beg for government intervention.
This intervention will be in the form of internet control. No one will
squawk because it will be deemed for the good of the economy.

Remember, we're all just one bill or one SC decision from totalitarianism.:spin:

Well said. We'd probably be safer from terror attacks in a state of Marshall Law - is that where we want this country to go?

How about making the speed limit 5 MPH to eliminate fatal traffic accidents?

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