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Repub. Nat'l Security Advisor to Bush & Ford endorses Hillary Clinton (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 19, 2013
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Dallas, TX
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Brent Scowcroft, GW Bush's and Ford's National Security Advisor, who worked in the White House of Presidents Richard Nixon and George W. Bush, has backed Clinton for President, saying "brings truly unique experience and perspective to the White House."

"She brings deep expertise in international affairs and a sophisticated understanding of the world, which I believe are essential for the commander-in-chief," Scowcroft said.

"I believe Hillary Clinton has the wisdom and experience to lead our country at this critical time," Scowcroft said.

His backing follows that of another prominent Republican in national security circles. Richard Armitage, who served in the State and Defense Departments under George W. Bush and President Ronald Reagan, announced last week that he will vote for Clinton over Trump.

Republican Brent Scowcroft backs Clinton - CNNPolitics.com

It's looking more and more like there may be a push by the Republicans to nominate someone other than Trump, I think. These endorsements by Republican heavyweights are a big deal.
She's the only reasonable choice.

Sucks, but that's the situation.
Brent Scowcroft, GW Bush's and Ford's National Security Advisor, who worked in the White House of Presidents Richard Nixon and George W. Bush, has backed Clinton for President, saying "brings truly unique experience and perspective to the White House."

"She brings deep expertise in international affairs and a sophisticated understanding of the world, which I believe are essential for the commander-in-chief," Scowcroft said.

"I believe Hillary Clinton has the wisdom and experience to lead our country at this critical time," Scowcroft said.

His backing follows that of another prominent Republican in national security circles. Richard Armitage, who served in the State and Defense Departments under George W. Bush and President Ronald Reagan, announced last week that he will vote for Clinton over Trump.

Republican Brent Scowcroft backs Clinton - CNNPolitics.com

It's looking more and more like there may be a push by the Republicans to nominate someone other than Trump, I think. These endorsements by Republican heavyweights are a big deal.

Real household names there. Nobody remembers who they are now.
I know a little something about these fellas.

Take Armitage, for instance. I'll tell you a little story.

Back in the day, right about the time Kennedy got killed, the Golden Triangle was becoming the focus of the world's heroin supply.

At the same time, the Vietnam war was expanding, and the CIA contracted a number of US companies to begin laying some communications framework through the area. The advance teams found the Hmong tribesmen welcoming and friendly, and they were also the ones growing much of the opium, and all they really needed was a little organization...

Well, the CIA preceded our military into Laos, and Santos Trafficante preceded the CIA. Imagine the surprise of our CIA's Hmong liaisons when they were told that someone had already wrapped up the contracts, for long term supply from the Hmong.

Guess who was Santos Trafficante's point person in that endeavor? (Point person and bag man)?

None other than.... Richard Armitage. One and the same.

And, everyone knew about this. It wasn't a secret. Somehow, Armitage continued to climb in the military hierarchy. And he eventually ended up in Bush's state department. Go figure.
Brent Scowcroft, GW Bush's and Ford's National Security Advisor, who worked in the White House of Presidents Richard Nixon and George W. Bush, has backed Clinton for President, saying "brings truly unique experience and perspective to the White House."

"She brings deep expertise in international affairs and a sophisticated understanding of the world, which I believe are essential for the commander-in-chief," Scowcroft said.

"I believe Hillary Clinton has the wisdom and experience to lead our country at this critical time," Scowcroft said.

His backing follows that of another prominent Republican in national security circles. Richard Armitage, who served in the State and Defense Departments under George W. Bush and President Ronald Reagan, announced last week that he will vote for Clinton over Trump.

Republican Brent Scowcroft backs Clinton - CNNPolitics.com

It's looking more and more like there may be a push by the Republicans to nominate someone other than Trump, I think. These endorsements by Republican heavyweights are a big deal.

Scowcroft and Armitage are not "heavyweights", they're has-beens. They're part of the Republican establishment that everyone wants gone. Because they've sold out the conservative representation, and at this point the Republican establishment is nothing more than a bunch of RINO's and closet liberals.

Scowcroft is an idiot. How can you have national security when you have open borders? Hm? ???
Real household names there. Nobody remembers who they are now.
Scowcroft was almost as old as Methuselah when in GHW's administration... obviously a little addled now.

And that true heal of a coward that is the one that actually "outed" Valerie the not so secret agent not much of an agent at all Plame in which Scooter Libby went to jail and this piece of junk, Armitiage said nothing...nor did the skunk Colin Powell... who has to be one of the next on the defection to the openly stupidity list, speaking of being outed.
Scowcroft was almost as old as Methuselah when in GHW's administration... obviously a little addled now.

And that true heal of a coward that is the one that actually "outed" Valerie the not so secret agent not much of an agent at all Plame in which Scooter Libby went to jail and this piece of junk, Armitiage said nothing...nor did the skunk Colin Powell... who has to be one of the next on the defection to the openly stupidity list, speaking of being outed.
I know a little something about these fellas.

Take Armitage, for instance. I'll tell you a little story.

Back in the day, right about the time Kennedy got killed, the Golden Triangle was becoming the focus of the world's heroin supply.

At the same time, the Vietnam war was expanding, and the CIA contracted a number of US companies to begin laying some communications framework through the area. The advance teams found the Hmong tribesmen welcoming and friendly, and they were also the ones growing much of the opium, and all they really needed was a little organization...

Well, the CIA preceded our military into Laos, and Santos Trafficante preceded the CIA. Imagine the surprise of our CIA's Hmong liaisons when they were told that someone had already wrapped up the contracts, for long term supply from the Hmong.

Guess who was Santos Trafficante's point person in that endeavor? (Point person and bag man)?

None other than.... Richard Armitage. One and the same.

And, everyone knew about this. It wasn't a secret. Somehow, Armitage continued to climb in the military hierarchy. And he eventually ended up in Bush's state department. Go figure.

Looks like he will fit right in with Hillary. May be he can pal around with Bill and George.

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