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REPORT: UN Soldiers raping kids on epic scale... (1 Viewer)

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DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
Political Leaning
UN Peacekeepers have been raping children in the Central African Republic.

MINUSCA, the mission resulting in nearly a hundred allegations of child sexual abuse, gave soldiers the mandate “to protect civilians and support transition processes” following the devastation of war.

UN Soldiers Are Committing Widespread Child Rape | Heat Street
There seems to be an objective of getting UN troops out of CAR. Is this due to there being an actual problem with such happenings or are the war lords of the region ableto use social media?
There seems to be an objective of getting UN troops out of CAR. Is this due to there being an actual problem with such happenings or are the war lords of the region ableto use social media?

I am taking bets that the rapists are not white.
I am taking bets that the rapists are not white.

The core issue is quality and discipline of the contingent units, not the ethnicity of the soldiers.

That aside, the report wentions French troops. The French army is largely whote, so my guess is that it is pretty hazardous to guess that ethnicity of those soldiers is "non white". The worst criminal act committed by US soldiers in Iraq invovled the rape / murder of a child and was orchestrated by a white soldier and included other white soldiers.

In addition, the Bulgarian aka "vulgarian" militry units had a very bad reputation for not only patronizing under aged prostitutes in Cambodia, but actually running brothels specializing in them. Bulgarians are "white".
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