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Rep. Doug Collins Ripped For Telling the Truth About Abortion Under Ginsburg's Tenure (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 26, 2019
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Here is Rep. Doug Collins' tweet on Ginsburg's death.

RIP to the more than 30 million innocent babies that have been murdered during the decades that Ruth Bader Ginsburg defended pro-abortion laws. With @realDonaldTrump nominating a replacement that values human life, generations of unborn children have a chance to live.

Collins cut through the phony icon talk and told the truth, but somehow the Democrats and the media have turned it into Collins 'celebrating' Ginsburg's death, when his tweet showing nothing of the kind.

It's great when an elected official shows courage in the face of pervasive Marxist groupseak.
Here is Rep. Doug Collins' tweet on Ginsburg's death.

RIP to the more than 30 million innocent babies that have been murdered during the decades that Ruth Bader Ginsburg defended pro-abortion laws. With @realDonaldTrump nominating a replacement that values human life, generations of unborn children have a chance to live.

Collins cut through the phony icon talk and told the truth, but somehow the Democrats and the media have turned it into Collins 'celebrating' Ginsburg's death, when his tweet showing nothing of the kind.

It's great when an elected official shows courage in the face of pervasive Marxist groupseak.

When Collins gets a clue, you let know, OK?
Here is Rep. Doug Collins' tweet on Ginsburg's death.

RIP to the more than 30 million innocent babies that have been murdered during the decades that Ruth Bader Ginsburg defended pro-abortion laws. With @realDonaldTrump nominating a replacement that values human life, generations of unborn children have a chance to live.

Collins cut through the phony icon talk and told the truth, but somehow the Democrats and the media have turned it into Collins 'celebrating' Ginsburg's death, when his tweet showing nothing of the kind.

It's great when an elected official shows courage in the face of pervasive Marxist groupseak.
I have a few questions. If abortion had been illegal from the get go, how many abortions would have been prevented? And if everyone is getting an abortion on the black market, how much would it cost taxpayers in after the fact medical costs?

IMO We are much better off as a society leaving the laws as they are and insuring the health of the mothers. If nothing other than financial reasons.
Doug Collins is in a heated race this election session, watching this play out down here suggests everyone is trying to one up each other in going furthest right while taking every opportunity to stay in the news even if for polarizing reasons.

No matter if he actually has the conviction behind a... tweet... it was in poor taste.

And we can add Doug Collins and his supporters her to the growing list of people who are hypocrites for how some take political advantage in the death of someone from arguably the other side of the isle.
Totally agree..just kinda surprised it was Collins who said this..why aren't other senators saying similar things ?

A lot of them are rino ass kissers
Here is Rep. Doug Collins' tweet on Ginsburg's death.

Here is Rep. Doug Collins' tweet on Ginsburg's death.

RIP to the more than 30 million innocent babies that have been murdered during the decades that Ruth Bader Ginsburg defended pro-abortion laws. With @realDonaldTrump nominating a replacement that values human life, generations of unborn children have a chance to live.

Collins cut through the phony icon talk and told the truth, but somehow the Democrats and the media have turned it into Collins 'celebrating' Ginsburg's death, when his tweet showing nothing of the kind.

It's great when an elected official shows courage in the face of pervasive Marxist groupseak.
Trump butt hugger, Collins, attacks a dead liberal icon. Classy.
They aren't babies, and it isn't murder.

But sure, facts like that aside, it was an informative tweet.
Abysmally ironic...no wonder I and so many others are R

You don't know what "ironic" means.

You are in over your head.

People who are in over their head are almost never aware of it.

You're welcome.
I have a few questions. If abortion had been illegal from the get go, how many abortions would have been prevented? And if everyone is getting an abortion on the black market, how much would it cost taxpayers in after the fact medical costs?

IMO We are much better off as a society leaving the laws as they are and insuring the health of the mothers. If nothing other than financial reasons.

I suspect very few would go to the back alleys. Many girls think abortion is no big deal because society says so. But if society and the laws were different, these girls would think twice before having them
Perhaps they would have decided to own up to their responsibility and raise the child.
But look on the bright side: 15 million of them were "leftists".


PS: a fetus is no more a baby than is a zygote.
At least 10 million black children. Margaret Sanger would be proud of her organization.
But look on the bright side: 15 million of them were "leftists".


PS: a fetus is no more a baby than is a zygote.

Like we need more assholes taking up compact parking spaces.
PS: a fetus is no more a baby than is a zygote.
:rolleyes: For arguments sake; I am taking the opposite side of the coin here.

And yet, still a life worthy of outlawing any attempts to deliberately extinguish it.
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:rolleyes: For arguments sake; I am taking the opposite e side of the coin here.

And yet, still a life worthy of saving, and therefore worthy of outlawing any attempts to deliberately extinguish it.
Opinion noted and dismissed
I suspect very few would go to the back alleys. Many girls think abortion is no big deal because society says so. But if society and the laws were different, these girls would think twice before having them
Perhaps they would have decided to own up to their responsibility and raise the child.
If anything, help girls and women reject the notion of abortion as a progressive sacrament, empowering and right of passage, feminist bona fides.
No one gives a shit about abortion except old crusty ass right wingers that have this self absorbed idea that anyone takes them seriously.
If anything, help girls and women reject the notion of abortion as a progressive sacrament, empowering and right of passage, feminist bona fides.
Or right wing wing losers can stop fighting sex ed in schools which not only leads to less teenage pregnancy, but also less abortions.

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