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Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
You may have noticed we that have increased the amount of ads displayed on our website.

This was done as an attempt to get more advertising funds. Our bills are due in October, and it will be a challenge to get of all the funds that are needed for the next year. Last year, we had a significant anonymous donation that helped to purchase the forum and pay the upfront costs to get us rolling. However, this year we need to raise the funds ourself.

If you wish not to display these ads, a donation option is available. We have $10, $25, and $50 increments. This is for an entire year. Our competitors charge these prices on a monthly basis. Web sites are cheap - the forum software and additional charges are not. The goal is not to provide an income but just to pay our bills.

We appreciate your membership, and please remember that donations are simply an option for you to help monetarily where you have already contributed by just being part of our increadible community. This is by no means a requirement or expectation to be a member here at Debate Politics.

Please click on the paypal link at the top of the page for more infomation as well as benefits to donating.

Thank you to the folks that have donated thus far.
We have almost reached our goal - about half way!
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I was wondering if there are any alternative methods of payment for donations I would be happy to make a donation but have serious qualms against placing my credit card number on the net, this is not to say that I distrust the mods on the forum, it's just that you hear so much about hackers and the like about Identity theft these days.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
I was wondering if there are any alternative methods of payment for donations I would be happy to make a donation but have serious qualms against placing my credit card number on the net, this is not to say that I distrust the mods on the forum, it's just that you hear so much about hackers and the like about Identity theft these days.

I believe...not a hundred percent positive...that you can send a money order to pay pal.
Kelzie said:
I believe...not a hundred percent positive...that you can send a money order to pay pal.
Paypal offers different methods.
Checks, money orders, direct bank deposits, and of course credit cards.

We are looking into other options such as Worldpay. Worldpay is not active yet.

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