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Remember When These Were Considered to be Unacceptable Excuses?[W:76] (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2012
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  • Sportscaster Says Trump Supporter Deserved Abuse Because She Was Dressed Provocatively.
  • WaPo: Female Trump Supporter Beaned in Face w/ Eggs Was “TAUNTING” Mob By Smiling, Making Peace Signs, Wearing Trump Jersey.
  • Hillary: Trump partly to blame for violent anti-Trump protestors.
Hey, you wear a skirt that short, what did you expect was going to happen?

Related: “Commenting in a tweet showing video of a female Trump supporter having eggs hurled at her, CBS News legal correspondent Jan Crawford opined that ‘[t]his is incredibly disturbing’ and asked followers to ‘magine the reaction if she’d been leaving an HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton] rally and assaulted [sic] like this.’

It's no use trying to shame Democrats for this hypocrisy. They are clearly comfortable with it.

Re: Remember When These Were Considered to be Unacceptable Excuses?

It's no use trying to shame Democrats for this hypocrisy. They are clearly comfortable with it.


The Sportscaster that you referenced was shamed into deleting his twitter account and issuing an apology.

Yes, blaming the victim is something that should be criticized.
Re: Remember When These Were Considered to be Unacceptable Excuses?

This is getting to the truly disturbing stage. What was done to Sarah Palin, how low they are willing to go was incredibly deep... but this violence is outrageous. Wonder where those beacons of free speech, the ACLU, are on all this? Had some of those attacked been black? Maybe, you know, BLM or Sharpton or Jackson would ride into town and defend them?

Has the president gotten involved, sent to the Justice Dept down to investigate?
Re: Remember When These Were Considered to be Unacceptable Excuses?

Maybe the GOP shouldn't have allowed Trump to be their nominee. ****ing national disgrace that is. On this issue, I have no pity for Trump supporters, the level of idiocy it takes to back that charlatan should be justly rewarded.
Re: Remember When These Were Considered to be Unacceptable Excuses?

Maybe the GOP shouldn't have allowed Trump to be their nominee. ****ing national disgrace that is. On this issue, I have no pity for Trump supporters, the level of idiocy it takes to back that charlatan should be justly rewarded.

Trump gets more votes with every left wing calumny against him and his supporters. This is probably not what you mean by "justly rewarded"
Re: Remember When These Were Considered to be Unacceptable Excuses?

Trump gets more votes with every left wing calumny against him and his supporters. This is probably not what you mean by "justly rewarded"

Do you think these types of attacks would stop or change if he were elected President?
Re: Remember When These Were Considered to be Unacceptable Excuses?

Maybe the GOP shouldn't have allowed Trump to be their nominee. ****ing national disgrace that is. On this issue, I have no pity for Trump supporters, the level of idiocy it takes to back that charlatan should be justly rewarded.

Some may see even more idiocy in attemptng to back those that burn the US flag, fly the Mexcan flag, toss eggs at and beat folks that dare to support another candidate for POTUS. The nerve of that evil GOP for allowing mere voters, instead of the deep pocket backstage elite, to select their nominee for POTUS is truly astounding. ;)
Re: Remember When These Were Considered to be Unacceptable Excuses?

This is getting to the truly disturbing stage. What was done to Sarah Palin, how low they are willing to go was incredibly deep... but this violence is outrageous. Wonder where those beacons of free speech, the ACLU, are on all this? Had some of those attacked been black? Maybe, you know, BLM or Sharpton or Jackson would ride into town and defend them?

Has the president gotten involved, sent to the Justice Dept down to investigate?

Yawn. Nothing was 'done' to Sarah Palin. She simply opened her mouth and did it to herself.
Re: Remember When These Were Considered to be Unacceptable Excuses?

Do you think these types of attacks would stop or change if he were elected President?

Knowing the left, no, they wouldn't.
Re: Remember When These Were Considered to be Unacceptable Excuses?

Yawn. Nothing was 'done' to Sarah Palin. She simply opened her mouth and did it to herself.

More blaming the victim? You guys just can't help yourselves, can you.
Re: Remember When These Were Considered to be Unacceptable Excuses?

More blaming the victim? You guys just can't help yourselves, can you.

Not possible. She wasn't a victim of anything.

Please try reality one day. I know it's scary, but you might come to like it!
Re: Remember When These Were Considered to be Unacceptable Excuses?

Knowing the left, no, they wouldn't.

Do you think these types of attacks would stop or change if Hillary were elected President?
Re: Remember When These Were Considered to be Unacceptable Excuses?

Maybe the GOP shouldn't have allowed Trump to be their nominee. ****ing national disgrace that is. On this issue, I have no pity for Trump supporters, the level of idiocy it takes to back that charlatan should be justly rewarded.

I guess it is difficult for some to accept there are 10's of millions of people in the United States who embrace the freedoms and rights the United States was founded on.

Encouraging violence will certainly result in those who do so getting the just reward they deserve.
Re: Remember When These Were Considered to be Unacceptable Excuses?

I guess it is difficult for some to accept there are 10's of millions of people in the United States who embrace the freedoms and rights the United States was founded on.

Encouraging violence will certainly result in those who do so getting the just reward they deserve.

The United States was founded on "**** you, got mine"?

That's news to me.
Re: Remember When These Were Considered to be Unacceptable Excuses?

No. It was founded on "**** you, I'll get it myself"

That's funny, seeing as that's not the message of any candidate.
Re: Remember When These Were Considered to be Unacceptable Excuses?

That's funny, seeing as that's not the message of any candidate.

The question related to the foundation of the United States. It is the message of at least one candidate.
Re: Remember When These Were Considered to be Unacceptable Excuses?

The question related to the foundation of the United States. It is the message of at least one candidate.

Assuming your referring to Trump; the founders would revolve in their graves at approximately light speed.
Re: Remember When These Were Considered to be Unacceptable Excuses?

Not possible. She wasn't a victim of anything.

Please try reality one day. I know it's scary, but you might come to like it!

Well, to be fair, whiny illogical Conservatives always portray themselves as victims.
Re: Remember When These Were Considered to be Unacceptable Excuses?

Assuming your referring to Trump; the founders would revolve in their graves at approximately light speed.

Thank you for your personal opinion.
Re: Remember When These Were Considered to be Unacceptable Excuses?

Maybe the GOP shouldn't have allowed Trump to be their nominee. ****ing national disgrace that is. On this issue, I have no pity for Trump supporters, the level of idiocy it takes to back that charlatan should be justly rewarded.

I know, right? After all, he left an entire embassy to die at the hands of terrorists, lied about the attack and never admitted that he did any of those things in the light of overwhelming evidence and used an insecure server to transmit and receive sensitive information that is now likely known by every country in the world and may have led to the failures of multiple anti terror missions.....Wait....I'm sorry. I got my national disgraces mixed up. Trump is the one that is a disgrace because he makes a lot of money and isn't politically correct. My bad.
Re: Remember When These Were Considered to be Unacceptable Excuses?

Thank you for your personal opinion.

Oh, it's more then my personal opinion. The man is a total scumbag.
Re: Remember When These Were Considered to be Unacceptable Excuses?

Oh, it's more then my personal opinion. The man is a total scumbag.


I would add reevaluating your understanding of what a personal opinion is to your list of challenges needing attention.
Re: Remember When These Were Considered to be Unacceptable Excuses?


I would add reevaluating your understanding of what a personal opinion is to your list of challenges needing attention.

I know very well what a personal opinion is. In addition to that, other people also think he's a scumbag.

Which is obvious.
Re: Remember When These Were Considered to be Unacceptable Excuses?

I know, right? After all, he left an entire embassy to die at the hands of terrorists, lied about the attack and never admitted that he did any of those things in the light of overwhelming evidence and used an insecure server to transmit and receive sensitive information that is now likely known by every country in the world and may have led to the failures of multiple anti terror missions.....Wait....I'm sorry. I got my national disgraces mixed up. Trump is the one that is a disgrace because he makes a lot of money and isn't politically correct. My bad.

And, you know, thinks the Constitution is toilet paper. And is insanely petty. But hey---at least he succeeded in the monumental task of looking just as bad as Hilary.

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