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Relativity In the Quran Yes, Einstein's Relativity (1 Viewer)

biblemark1018 said:
we may have to take away credit from Einstein maybe he just read the quran.

i am doing a study on faiths at the monment and while in study i have found this
i was also told there is much more to be found i will post when i see it

I hope your study on faiths is as fact based and in depth as your study on the causes of 9/11.

RightatNYU said:
I hope your study on faiths is as fact based and in depth as your study on the causes of 9/11.


I usually refrain from using icons, nothing against them just lazy, but in this case I think :rofl is appropriate. Mainly because I find your post to be very accurate and, frankly, funny as h*ll.

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