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Registered Republican pleads guilty after being caught voting in two states (1 Viewer)


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Mar 27, 2022
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A registered Republican who voted in both New Hampshire and Massachusetts in the 2016 general election pleaded guilty this Friday to voting in more than one state. He was given a 90-day suspended sentence and ordered to pay a $4,000 fine, plus a $960 penalty, according to the Boston Globe.


A registered Republican who voted in both New Hampshire and Massachusetts in the 2016 general election pleaded guilty this Friday to voting in more than one state. He was given a 90-day suspended sentence and ordered to pay a $4,000 fine, plus a $960 penalty, according to the Boston Globe.


This has to be fake nooz. The fakest nooz. Trump and his Nazi troll Stephen Miller said Hillary Clinton personally bussed hundreds of people from MA to vote in NH to throw the state for her in 2016. After that was proven to be a lie, we find out that an NH Republican went over the border to MA to vote again?
I have a question for everyone..

So far I have seen multiple news stories about republicans getting caught for voter fraud. Have we seen any leftists doing the same?
I have a question for everyone..

So far I have seen multiple news stories about republicans getting caught for voter fraud. Have we seen any leftists doing the same?

I have no idea what "leftist" is supposed to mean other than "pejorative for someone who leans left", but I would imagine that some non-zero number of people who lean left have in fact voted illegally. Like this one black woman who probation falsely told could vote, registered and did so, then was prosecuted anyway.

Whatever the number, it's negligible. The last time someone with a motive to find voter fraud - Bush - ordered an investigation, the DOJ conducted it over five years and found not even 150 cases of incorrectly cast ballots, something like only 87 of which resulted in conviction. Most were in local/state elections.

It's all bullshit, so it's especially amusing to see morons get busted committing voter fraud in the name of fighting voter fraud.
I have a question for everyone..

So far I have seen multiple news stories about republicans getting caught for voter fraud. Have we seen any leftists doing the same?

It is extremely rare for a Democratic voter to get caught illegally voting. Like sharks-in-tornadoes rare.

A registered Republican who voted in both New Hampshire and Massachusetts in the 2016 general election pleaded guilty this Friday to voting in more than one state. He was given a 90-day suspended sentence and ordered to pay a $4,000 fine, plus a $960 penalty, according to the Boston Globe.

Those damn republicans. They are the only ones that commit voter fraud. We all know that.


Did you reel anything in with this stupid thread?
Those damn republicans. They are the only ones that commit voter fraud. We all know that.


Did you reel anything in with this stupid thread?
You alright?
These days, "election fraud" simply means, "My guy didn't win."
It is extremely rare for a Democratic voter to get caught illegally voting. Like sharks-in-tornadoes rare.
Well that's because they wouldn't be caught dead illegally voting, hmmmm, or is that because they are dead while illegally voting?
Well that's because they wouldn't be caught dead illegally voting, hmmmm, or is that because they are dead while illegally voting?

^ Haven't heard that canard in awhile! :LOL:

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