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Regardless of what sarah sanders says about god and trump...well god just talked to me too (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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Regardless of what sarah sanders says about god and trump...well god just talked to me too and he/she/it said I lied to sarah, I really had trump elected to punish the GOP for their arrogance and callousness.

Anyone have the audacity to tell me god didn't talk to me and tell me that? If so, prove it. If you can't prove it, I'll sue you. See what I mean about arrogance?
Regardless of what sarah sanders says about god and trump...well god just talked to me too and he/she/it said I lied to sarah, I really had trump elected to punish the GOP for their arrogance and callousness.

Anyone have the audacity to tell me god didn't talk to me and tell me that? If so, prove it. If you can't prove it, I'll sue you. See what I mean about arrogance?

You have to wonder if a mighty deity made it possible for Trump to be President - perhaps it was the opposite of God?
Regardless of what sarah sanders says about god and trump...well god just talked to me too and he/she/it said I lied to sarah, I really had trump elected to punish the GOP for their arrogance and callousness.

Anyone have the audacity to tell me god didn't talk to me and tell me that? If so, prove it. If you can't prove it, I'll sue you. See what I mean about arrogance?

Next time you talk to God can you please ask why God is more concerned with our political picks than with first graders making gingerbread houses in their classrooms, and maybe why God doesn't focus any effort on protecting them?
Next time you talk to God can you please ask why God is more concerned with our political picks than with first graders making gingerbread houses in their classrooms, and maybe why God doesn't focus any effort on protecting them?

I can try but like I mentioned, god talked to me.
Regardless of what sarah sanders says about god and trump...well god just talked to me too and he/she/it said I lied to sarah, I really had trump elected to punish the GOP for their arrogance and callousness.

Anyone have the audacity to tell me god didn't talk to me and tell me that? If so, prove it. If you can't prove it, I'll sue you. See what I mean about arrogance?

You certainly are arrogant but it is a common theme of you politically correct lefties who think you can bully everyone else into your way of thinking.
You certainly are arrogant but it is a common theme of you politically correct lefties who think you can bully everyone else into your way of thinking.

? Why does sarah get to make such a ridiculous statement but I can't? I'm not trying to bully anyone, I was just making my own outrageous statement and pointing out in the process what I meant by arrogant. It's exactly the same kind of thing our president does. He hears or reads something he doesn't like, he's suing.
? Why does sarah get to make such a ridiculous statement but I can't? I'm not trying to bully anyone, I was just making my own outrageous statement and pointing out in the process what I meant by arrogant. It's exactly the same kind of thing our president does. He hears or reads something he doesn't like, he's suing.

It was just a statement. That's it. You blew it way up into something that it was not. She was being interviewed by a Christian media and she is a Christian so she gave her Christian answer. She is not arrogant for answering a question in this manner. Religious people have beliefs and you should not bully or intimidate or call them arrogant just because they have beliefs. The left is always for not judging others and accepting people for who they are and having tolerance of others - unless the other side is religious or does not share their lefty values. Then the gloves come off and everything is fair game. Tolerance and acceptance of others for who they are is no longer necessary.
It was just a statement. That's it. You blew it way up into something that it was not. She was being interviewed by a Christian media and she is a Christian so she gave her Christian answer. She is not arrogant for answering a question in this manner. Religious people have beliefs and you should not bully or intimidate or call them arrogant just because they have beliefs. The left is always for not judging others and accepting people for who they are and having tolerance of others - unless the other side is religious or does not share their lefty values. Then the gloves come off and everything is fair game. Tolerance and acceptance of others for who they are is no longer necessary.

You know I must presume she was lying to them too, right?
I thought Sanders’ statement was pretty bold, but on par with her normal idiotic rhetoric.
You certainly are arrogant but it is a common theme of you politically correct lefties who think you can bully everyone else into your way of thinking.

God just told me he wants you to stop posting here. You'd think he'd have better things to worry about...being God and all...but he's the omnipotent and omniscient cosmic entity here, so what do I know?
God just told me one of my shoes isn’t tied.
It was just a statement. That's it. You blew it way up into something that it was not. She was being interviewed by a Christian media and she is a Christian so she gave her Christian answer. She is not arrogant for answering a question in this manner. Religious people have beliefs and you should not bully or intimidate or call them arrogant just because they have beliefs. The left is always for not judging others and accepting people for who they are and having tolerance of others - unless the other side is religious or does not share their lefty values. Then the gloves come off and everything is fair game. Tolerance and acceptance of others for who they are is no longer necessary.

That was the old left you are thinking of. The new left, we're not ******s anymore we fight fire with fire. Sarah made a ridiculous statement, I responded. You see it as I attacked her religion or her beliefs. I didn't, she is welcome to believe as she wishes, she is also allowed to be criticized when claiming anything about god. I have the right to not accept her crazy statement just like she has the right to make it.
God just told me to put $100 on the Browns to win the Super Bowl next year.

I think God is screwing with all of us.
That was the old left you are thinking of. The new left, we're not ******s anymore we fight fire with fire. Sarah made a ridiculous statement, I responded. You see it as I attacked her religion or her beliefs. I didn't, she is welcome to believe as she wishes, she is also allowed to be criticized when claiming anything about god. I have the right to not accept her crazy statement just like she has the right to make it.

So, you are admitting that you are no better than Trump. Well, at least you are honest. But, if Trump doesn't deserve to be president because of how he is, then anyone who thinks like you doesn't deserve to be either.
So, you are admitting that you are no better than Trump. Well, at least you are honest. But, if Trump doesn't deserve to be president because of how he is, then anyone who thinks like you doesn't deserve to be either.

You are free to dislike my answers all you wish but please don't make me into a trump.

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