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Reform Party (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Political Leaning
The complete platform of the Reform Party can be found here:


This party seems to be most interested in protecting people from big corporations. One thing I found interesting is their platform on foreign policy. Section G2 states:

In the words of John Quincy Adams, "Wherever the standard of freedom and independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will her [America's] heart, her benedictions, and her prayers be. But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy."
2a) We respect the sovereignty of all nations, and reject the belief that the United States should use its military power to engage in nation-building.
2b) The United States should not be the policeman of the world.
2c) The United States should no longer support foreign despots who utilize torture, murder and genocide to control their people. Rather than supporting these regimes we should utilize pressure through international cooperation, including volunteer boycotts.

I agree with this. I think we play "world police" too much. Every nation has the right to sovereignty. Of course this does not mean we should ignore countries that are a threat to us, but that we should mind our own business in regards to nations that are not a direct threat to us.

Please post any other interesting things found in this platform.
An interesting platform to say the least, but within the court's latest term, I found this part of theirs a little amusing to see.
J) Redevelopment

1) All redevelopment projects should be subject to voter approval.

2) The RPUSA opposes the taking of private property by eminent domain from one private individual in order to transfer the property to another private owner, developers or corporation.
Obviously, the Court doesn't agree.
ShamMol said:
An interesting platform to say the least, but within the court's latest term, I found this part of theirs a little amusing to see.

Obviously, the Court doesn't agree.
Was there even a Reform candidate in the last election? I haven't heard them mentioned in while so I assumed they had died.
rudy0908 said:
Was there even a Reform candidate in the last election? I haven't heard them mentioned in while so I assumed they had died.
I believe they did a joint ticket with the Independents...not sure, that might have been 2000...
ShamMol said:
I believe they did a joint ticket with the Independents...not sure, that might have been 2000...

This is correct. The candidates were:

Ralph Nader (I-Connecticut)
Presidential Nominee

Peter M. Camejo (Green-California)
Vice Presidential Nominee

They received 411,304 total votes (1%) and 0 electoral college votes.

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