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'Red line' just one of roughly 500 Obama promises that have come and gone (1 Viewer)

Very true, because Obama didn't use the military he must be an awful person.

From your source which you probably should have read:

The project finds that Obama has kept 241, or 45 percent, of his roughly 500 campaign promises, while breaking 118, or 22 percent, and compromising on roughly 25 percent. The remaining 8 percent are essentially still to be determined.

70 % fully or partially kept promises is not a terrible record.

Personally, staying out of Syria or not bombing them is alright in my book. I would like to see the U.S. keep it nose out of other countries goings on and not get involved for a geopolitical reason. Only get involved if our national security is threaten. I do not feel our national security is threaten in Syria, at least not at the moment. I didn't think our national security was threaten in Libya either.
I don't know about you, but I'm not weeping about us not bombing Syria. (it looks like we're not now, but that could change.)

It depends what the puppet masters program in Obama.
Personally, staying out of Syria or not bombing them is alright in my book. I would like to see the U.S. keep it nose out of other countries goings on and not get involved for a geopolitical reason. Only get involved if our national security is threaten. I do not feel our national security is threaten in Syria, at least not at the moment. I didn't think our national security was threaten in Libya either.

The point is Obama drew a red line in the sand if they used Chemical weapons and then back down making him look very weak in the eyes of the countries in the mid east.
The point is Obama drew a red line in the sand if they used Chemical weapons and then back down making him look very weak in the eyes of the countries in the mid east.

I'm not worried about that. If the president was as smart a politician as the Republicans seem to think he is, he would have never made that remark to begin with.
I'm not worried about that. If the president was as smart a politician as the Republicans seem to think he is, he would have never made that remark to begin with.

He does what he is told.
I'm not worried about that. If the president was as smart a politician as the Republicans seem to think he is, he would have never made that remark to begin with.

What Republican thinks he is a smart politician?
The point is Obama drew a red line in the sand if they used Chemical weapons and then back down making him look very weak in the eyes of the countries in the mid east.

Wrong, it takes a stronger man to back away from a fight.
Syria was merely a purposeful diversion.
Are you so blind don't you see what it looks like to the rest of the world.....The man is weak.

According to what you said earlier it's not the president that's weak, it's the people pulling the strings. So who are those people you were referring to?
The point is Obama drew a red line in the sand if they used Chemical weapons and then back down making him look very weak in the eyes of the countries in the mid east.

LOL says the man who was on here just weeks ago urging a vote against attacking Syria. You are so predictable NP....If they have an (R) you support everything they do. If they have a (D) you are against everything they do. You are a good soldier Republican through and through.

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