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Reckless Homicide or Premeditated Murder = Rump Knew COVID 19 is Deadly as did the GOP (1 Viewer)

Though unsurprised at the news that President Donald Trump deliberately lied about and downplayed the threat posed by the coronavirus pandemic, political observers on Wednesday were outraged following the release of audio recordings of interviews veteran journalist Bob Woodward conducted with the president in February and March in which Trump openly admitted he didn't share with the public his own understanding that the pandemic was "deadly stuff."

Ahead of the release of his new book about Trump's presidency, "Rage," Woodward leaked audio interviews from February 7 and March 19, in which the president shared his knowledge that the pandemic was a serious threat to Americans' lives—and his intention to keep that a secret.

Trump told Woodward in February—10 days after being told by his national security team that the coronavirus was "the biggest national security threat" he would face—that the coronavirus was an airborne virus and "more deadly than even your strenuous flu."

"You just breathe the air and that's how it’s passed," Trump said. "This is deadly stuff."
Cohen was Trump's lawyer for years.

Cohen said that if Trump loses in November, he'll resign so that Pence can pardon him.

Though unsurprised at the news that President Donald Trump deliberately lied about and downplayed the threat posed by the coronavirus pandemic, political observers on Wednesday were outraged following the release of audio recordings of interviews veteran journalist Bob Woodward conducted with the president in February and March in which Trump openly admitted he didn't share with the public his own understanding that the pandemic was "deadly stuff."

Ahead of the release of his new book about Trump's presidency, "Rage," Woodward leaked audio interviews from February 7 and March 19, in which the president shared his knowledge that the pandemic was a serious threat to Americans' lives—and his intention to keep that a secret.

Trump told Woodward in February—10 days after being told by his national security team that the coronavirus was "the biggest national security threat" he would face—that the coronavirus was an airborne virus and "more deadly than even your strenuous flu."

"You just breathe the air and that's how it’s passed," Trump said. "This is deadly stuff."
It is absolutely amazing that Trumpers can hear him ON TAPE admitting that he endangered our lives, and instead, now they're attacking the messenger and pretending that it's not Trump speaking.
Cohen was Trump's lawyer for years.

Cohen said that if Trump loses in November, he'll resign so that Pence can pardon him.

On one hand Cohen has been eerily prescient about Trump's behavior. On the other hand there's one problem I've always had with this line of reasoning, which is that resigning so that Pence can pardon him requires total vulnerability to Pence. Forget whether or not it's likely that Pence would pardon him...that's not the point. Instead, ask whether it would be like Trump to make himself so perfectly vulnerable to another human being. It doesn't sound right to me.

It's much more likely to me that Trump is going to go the "burn the whole country to the ground before he leaves office" approach.
It is absolutely amazing that Trumpers can hear him ON TAPE admitting that he endangered our lives, and instead, now they're attacking the messenger and pretending that it's not Trump speaking.

This is why you ignore their "it's just an anonymous source" arguments. There's no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you manage to convince them the source is legitimate. Behind every wall of nonsense lies another wall of nonsense.
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This is why you ignore their "it's just an anonymous source" arguments. There's no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you manage to convince them the source is truthful.

He "didn't want to cause a PANIC"....how CUTE!

Panic 1.jpg

Panic 2.jpg

And Trump knew the Emergency Preparedness Inventory was in need of restocking in late 2106 then again in 2017 the military once again reminded the Trump admin but Donald blew it off .........

Thus COVID 19 had more than enough time to permeate the USA. The USA is now the epicenter.

China has 5000 deaths , Japan has damn few, New Zealand has defeated COVID 19 yet the USA has 200,000 deaths.

COVID 19 is treacherous and so is Donald Trump.

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