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Rebellion (1 Viewer)


Sit Nomine Digna
DP Veteran
Jul 14, 2012
Reaction score
Montreal, QC
Political Leaning
A few weeks ago I watched Rebellion on Netflix, it was a really good series albeit rather short. It tells the the story of the Easter Rising from the point of view of the three main female leads as well as English elites and a soldier, showing both sides of the conflict. It has a really good mix of drama and action.

Here is the trailer:


Has anyone else seen it?
It is on Netflix as well.

I don't have Netflix either. Or Hulu. Or XFinity TV. Or anything else beyond the Cable Tier that has HBO and SyFy.

I still use a basic cellphone and have no "aps" (or GPS tracking). I read actual books I buy at the bookstore, no "Kindles" or other electronic books for me.

I am a simple man, with minimal needs.

I don't desire on demand services. Maybe if it ever comes out on a channel I have I'll get a chance to see it sometime. :shrug:
Thanks, I have been looking for a new series to binge watch while I wait for the end of the season to Game of Thrones. This ought to fill in nicely since I like historical drama. :mrgreen:

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