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Really democrats (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
I continue to be amazed by democrats. They claim plastic straws are a national crisis. Yet they cant see that drug smuggling and child trafficing across the border really is a crisis.
I continue to be amazed by democrats. They claim plastic straws are a national crisis. Yet they cant see that drug smuggling and child trafficing across the border really is a crisis.

I continue to be amazed by democrats. They claim plastic straws are a national crisis. Yet they cant see that drug smuggling and child trafficing across the border really is a crisis.

You are so right!

Think of all of the plastic straw threads we see on here.

You are so right!

Think of all of the plastic straw threads we see on here.


But what if the smugglers start crossing the border with plastic straws?
I continue to be amazed by democrats. They claim plastic straws are a national crisis. Yet they cant see that drug smuggling and child trafficing across the border really is a crisis.

We just don't need to make up things to justify our beliefs like conservatives. Its why we laugh at them! LMAO!
I continue to be amazed by democrats. They claim plastic straws are a national crisis. Yet they cant see that drug smuggling and child trafficing across the border really is a crisis.

Your right !!!!! Global warming is a crises, Russia all of in our business is a problem, The opiods/drug crises killing 200 white people a day is a problem the wall has less people crossing now than in the last 20 years so it aint a big problem. we got way bigger problems than a wall to shut down the gov over!!!!! sorry boss
I use a rolled up $100 when I snort some crushed up goofballs.

So I am good... right?

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