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Real Americans (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 2, 2005
Reaction score
Pacific Northwest, Oregon
Political Leaning
Real Americans Not only Bash and nash the president, they do so proudly and openly.

Real Germans did not disagree with Hitler
Real Russians did not disagree with Stalin
Real Chinese did not disagree with Mao
Real Ugandans did not disagree with Idi Amin
Real Italians did not disagree with Musolini
Real Haitians did not disagree with Papa Doc

Even though there were plenty who disagreed with the above listed world leaders, these felt a funny desire to be alive, instead of disagreeing with these People.

Real American do disagree with Bush, They do so proudly, and with honor. They do so because, real Americans don't want Bush to become like those listed above. Real americans are critical of government whether that government is democratic or republican, whether we are at war? If we are at war in some little country that we invaded for no reason like the Iraq situation, we need to scream and shout and demonstrate. The Patriot Act is pure unamerican. Bush is using the patriot act to cover up atrocities and to protect his rear end from public scrutiny. George Bush (junior) is the worst president we have ever had. He is pure greed and nastiness. Bush is the enemy of the American people and promoter of greed and personal power. Bush enjoys sending American troops to dies. It makes hiim feel strong and good.

If one trusts our current president and his polices, One will certainly trust SATAN.

I see tinfoil was on sale this week....
This doesn't seem to be specifically about the US Constitution.

I'm moving it to US politics. [Though it might be at home in The Basement.]

Please fasten you seat belts and return your trays to their upright positions
What is appeasement?

Is it solving problems that people have? Is it saying no way jose and having them drop an atomic bomb on us ? would you rather see hundreds of people killed in the NY subway , or another plane attack like 911?

We are set on a course that assures that that we will have terrorists trying to kill Americans for the rest of the 21st century. This is a great legacy for my children and grandchildren. The legacy or the Right Wingers is death for my grandchildren and great grandchildren.

In report published recently, it is reported that the safety of raising our children, when compared to other countries we are not #1, We are down to #49. Now that is not Bush' fault, but it is the fault of the right wing and corporatism.. It has been getting more and more violent at an increasing pace, since world war two.

Bush and the Right are totally opposed to the interests of the American people and soon I and I think soon. America will wake up.
Arch Enemy said:
pretty colors!!!!

reminds me of Christmas....or a bleeding turtle....
dragonslayer said:
Real Americans Not only Bash and nash the president, they do so proudly and openly.

Real Germans did not disagree with Hitler
Real Russians did not disagree with Stalin
Real Chinese did not disagree with Mao
Real Ugandans did not disagree with Idi Amin
Real Italians did not disagree with Musolini
Real Haitians did not disagree with Papa Doc

Even though there were plenty who disagreed with the above listed world leaders, these felt a funny desire to be alive, instead of disagreeing with these People.

Real American do disagree with Bush, They do so proudly, and with honor. They do so because, real Americans don't want Bush to become like those listed above. Real americans are critical of government whether that government is democratic or republican, whether we are at war? If we are at war in some little country that we invaded for no reason like the Iraq situation, we need to scream and shout and demonstrate. The Patriot Act is pure unamerican. Bush is using the patriot act to cover up atrocities and to protect his rear end from public scrutiny. George Bush (junior) is the worst president we have ever had. He is pure greed and nastiness. Bush is the enemy of the American people and promoter of greed and personal power. Bush enjoys sending American troops to dies. It makes hiim feel strong and good.

If one trusts our current president and his polices, One will certainly trust SATAN.


The drugs are frying your brain cells..........Stop using before its to late......

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