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Reagan would not vote Trump (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 21, 2016
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Charleston, SC
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Left
Ronald Reagan's Son: I'm Not Voting For Trump And Neither Would My Dad

Ronald Reagan's own son says he will not vote for Trump and does not believe his father would have either. Now you might be thinking, "yeah, yeah, we all know that Ron Reagan is a huge liberal," but as it turns out even Michael Reagan the adopted son of Ronald Reagan who is generally a hardcore conservative nut has come out and said even he will not support him. Ronald Reagan was a Democrat back in the day before he switched parties and I think it's safe to say that if he were alive today he would have switched back by now. With the Bush's running from Trump like the plague it seems safe to say that there isn't a single solitary former president in decades that would support Trump. But hey, what would former president's know about the temperament and character necessary to do the job.
Yep, all true (hardcore?) conservatives should not vote for Trump and then express amazement when Hillary wins. ;)
Ronald Reagan's Son: I'm Not Voting For Trump And Neither Would My Dad

Ronald Reagan's own son says he will not vote for Trump and does not believe his father would have either. Now you might be thinking, "yeah, yeah, we all know that Ron Reagan is a huge liberal," but as it turns out even Michael Reagan the adopted son of Ronald Reagan who is generally a hardcore conservative nut has come out and said even he will not support him. Ronald Reagan was a Democrat back in the day before he switched parties and I think it's safe to say that if he were alive today he would have switched back by now. With the Bush's running from Trump like the plague it seems safe to say that there isn't a single solitary former president in decades that would support Trump. But hey, what would former president's know about the temperament and character necessary to do the job.

Says a guy will vote Democrat.
Ronald Reagan's Son: I'm Not Voting For Trump And Neither Would My Dad

Ronald Reagan's own son says he will not vote for Trump and does not believe his father would have either. Now you might be thinking, "yeah, yeah, we all know that Ron Reagan is a huge liberal," but as it turns out even Michael Reagan the adopted son of Ronald Reagan who is generally a hardcore conservative nut has come out and said even he will not support him. Ronald Reagan was a Democrat back in the day before he switched parties and I think it's safe to say that if he were alive today he would have switched back by now. With the Bush's running from Trump like the plague it seems safe to say that there isn't a single solitary former president in decades that would support Trump. But hey, what would former president's know about the temperament and character necessary to do the job.

Says a guy will vote Democrat.
After 2012 everyone, including the Republicans own people said for the GOP to win the WH in 2016 they have to make nice with minorities, mostly Hispanics and women. Obviously Trump has not made nice, he's actually made it worse.

Short of a economic meltdown like we saw in 2008 I don't see how Clinton loses in November. So I think what we are starting to see from Republicans on the national stage, and in the conservative media is damage control. They are writing off the WH, and are going to do anything they can to distance themselves from Trump to try and hold onto Congress, especially the Senate. They know if Trump keeps pissing people off the backlash could cost the Republicans Congress, big time.

So the GOP, and it's supporters may have to make up their minds. Back Trump who will probably lose and backing him will also cost the GOP Congress? Or completely write Trump off and try to hold onto Congress?
Says a guy will vote Democrat.

That's an interesting accusation - I didn't see in the article where he said he would be voting for either Democrat running at the top of a major party ticket. Can you point it out?
After 2012 everyone, including the Republicans own people said for the GOP to win the WH in 2016 they have to make nice with minorities, mostly Hispanics and women. Obviously Trump has not made nice, he's actually made it worse.

Short of a economic meltdown like we saw in 2008 I don't see how Clinton loses in November. So I think what we are starting to see from Republicans on the national stage, and in the conservative media is damage control. They are writing off the WH, and are going to do anything they can to distance themselves from Trump to try and hold onto Congress, especially the Senate. They know if Trump keeps pissing people off the backlash could cost the Republicans Congress, big time.

:shrug: I can't speak directly for anyone else, but I think most Conservatives did this immediately after Cruz conceded.
So the GOP, and it's supporters may have to make up their minds. Back Trump who will probably lose and backing him will also cost the GOP Congress? Or completely write Trump off and try to hold onto Congress?

I realize they won't do this, but if republicans would really really like to hold on to congress, the best thing they could do is start working together with Obama. Trump, and Bernie rose to power because everyone hates the establishment. Well the establishment has five months to try and convince America that they can and will actually work together and if they don't they're history. The Republican party needs to wake up to the reality that President Obama isn't their enemy anymore. He's not running again. What they should do is get as much done now as they can so Clinton doesn't have **** to do when she gets into office. Confirm as many judges as you possibly can. Pass immigration reform so Democrats can't keep holding it over your head. Pass the TPP before you end up with one of two candidates that say they're against it. Make some obvious changes that would improve the ACA before you get single payer.
:shrug: I can't speak directly for anyone else, but I think most Conservatives did this immediately after Cruz conceded.

Cruz and his likes were catering to the social Cons, the part of the GOP that are more worried about gay marriage than actually conservative issues like smaller government and being fiscally conservative. They talk about getting the government out of their lives, but the reality is they want just the opposite.. They, IMO, aren't real conservatives.

Obviously because of Trump's past views on social issues the social Cons should be very, very worried about Trump.
That's an interesting accusation - I didn't see in the article where he said he would be voting for either Democrat running at the top of a major party ticket. Can you point it out?
I was talking to wonka

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Says a guy will vote Democrat.

I was talking to wonka

Reality is reality regardless of who explains it to you, and considering that even the son of Ronald Reagan is starting to wake up to the reality of how horribly, hatefully, delusional the bulk of the republican party is maybe it's time that you do to.
Yes, he is a liberal but I also think he knows his own father. I think some partisans do have a limit to how far they will go in support of the party. And I think Trump is that limit for many of them. Or they won't support him precisely because they think he will hurt the party. My guess is president Reagan would do what the Bushes are doing. Keep silent. Odds are they won't vote for either Clinton or Trump.
Please show me the pay phone were you got that call from Ronald Reagan calling from the grave telling you how he would vote!

All you are arguing is that the dead vote. We already know that.

Bull... o...ney....
Reality is reality regardless of who explains it to you, and considering that even the son of Ronald Reagan is starting to wake up to the reality of how horribly, hatefully, delusional the bulk of the republican party is maybe it's time that you do to.

That's an interesting thing to consider.

However, I don't think it's possible for so many people to adopt the extreme self centered greed and sense of entitlement required to do that.

Total surrender doesn't appear to be part of the psychology of the bulk of the republican party, so I think all you have is wishful thinking.
I don't think it's possible for so many people to adopt the extreme self centered greed and sense of entitlement required to do that.

HAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!!! Good lord the delusion of you people is astounding. A political party who is dedicated to tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires and unfettered acquisition of profit at all costs, while millions live in poverty. A party filled with people to cry about how they "want THEIR country back" when a black man wins the white house as if it some how belongs to white people and only white people. My god.....the world has never seen more greed and more entitlement than what has been fueling the republican party for the better part of three decades now. You're only lying to yourself.
Yes, he is a liberal but I also think he knows his own father.
Read the article. Ron Reagan is a liberal, but Michael Reagan is a massive conservative. This article is about how even Michael Reagan wont vote Trump.

My guess is president Reagan would do what the Bushes are doing. Keep silent. Odds are they won't vote for either Clinton or Trump.

The Bush's don't have the political clout that Reagan had. 41 and 43 were very unpopular in office, and Jeb clearly could get anybody to vote for him in the primary. They're staying silent because they probably realize coming out against Trump might actually help his chances. If Reagan were alive today I think the Republican party would be very different. No longer would these nut jobs be able to go around attributing beliefs to him that he would not actually support. Without Reagan here to defend his beliefs they simply claim he believes whatever they believe and there's no way to know for sure.
HAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!!! Good lord the delusion of you people is astounding. A political party who is dedicated to tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires and unfettered acquisition of profit at all costs, while millions live in poverty. A party filled with people to cry about how they "want THEIR country back" when a black man wins the white house as if it some how belongs to white people and only white people. My god.....the world has never seen more greed and more entitlement than what has been fueling the republican party for the better part of three decades now. You're only lying to yourself.

I think a large part of the Trump supporters are Blue Collar Republicans who are just sick and tired of being lied to by the GOP. For decades the GOP promised to end illegal immigration, but the reality finally sunk in to many republicans that because the GOP is very business friendly, and businesses love illegals, the GOP never even tired to stop illegals. I think many Republican Blue Collar workers are tired of the GOP telling them how they will protect American jobs but then help the GOP helps their millionaires and billionaires buddies and donors move their businesses overseas.

I was a Republican. Long before Donald Trump came along I left the GOP because I was sick and tired of seeing Republican politicians defending and kissing the asses of the rich and Corps, EVERY SINGLE time. They never defend or represent the working class anymore.
Ronald Reagan's Son: I'm Not Voting For Trump And Neither Would My Dad

Ronald Reagan's own son says he will not vote for Trump and does not believe his father would have either. Now you might be thinking, "yeah, yeah, we all know that Ron Reagan is a huge liberal," but as it turns out even Michael Reagan the adopted son of Ronald Reagan who is generally a hardcore conservative nut has come out and said even he will not support him. Ronald Reagan was a Democrat back in the day before he switched parties and I think it's safe to say that if he were alive today he would have switched back by now. With the Bush's running from Trump like the plague it seems safe to say that there isn't a single solitary former president in decades that would support Trump. But hey, what would former president's know about the temperament and character necessary to do the job.
In 2008- 2012 republicans spoke out against Obama-care, man made global warming fairy tale nonsense, abortion, Obama trying to infringe on the 2nd amendment. But these were same people who voted for a man that came out with the predecessor to Obama-care,supported cap and trade, support abortion, and enacted anti-2nd amendment laws that Obama has wet dreams about passing. Logically this person should have never ever got the GOP nominee, but he did get it. So I do not agree with Reagan's son that Reagan would never vote for Trump.
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Read the article. Ron Reagan is a liberal, but Michael Reagan is a massive conservative. This article is about how even Michael Reagan wont vote Trump.

My mistake.
Reality is reality regardless of who explains it to you, and considering that even the son of Ronald Reagan is starting to wake up to the reality of how horribly, hatefully, delusional the bulk of the republican party is maybe it's time that you do to.

There is no "waking up". Reagan has been pretty clear on this from the get-go, as have most ideological conservatives, including the staff at National Review, Eric Ericson, etc. It's the Partisans who are having trouble dealing with Trump's abuses, because they are the ones who are drawn to defend them.
Yep, all true (hardcore?) conservatives should not vote for Trump and then express amazement when Hillary wins. ;)

When republicans pick RINOS like Trump and Romney then they deserve to lose. How can republicans sit there and say they oppose socialized medicine, gun control, abortion, man made global warming fairy tale and other liberal nonsense but vote for someone who is on record of supporting those things? When you vote for RINOs you are giving the republican party your permission for move further and further to the left.
In 2008- 2012 republicans spoke out against Obama-care, man made global warming fairy tale nonsense, abortion, Obama trying to infringe on the 2nd amendment. But these were same people who voted for a man that came out with the predecessor to Obama-care,supported cap and trade, support abortion, and enacted anti-2nd amendment laws that Obama has wet dreams about passing. Logically this person should have never ever got the GOP nominee, but he did get it. So I do not agree with Reagan's son that Reagan would never vote for Trump.

Yeah, see this just highlights the massive massive delusion that people like yourself have been living under for the past few decades. The problem here isn't that Mitt Romney isn't a Republican. He's a textbook Republican in virtually every way. The problem here is that Republicans realize that a party which caters only to wealth business owners cannot win elections because there simply aren't enough of them. So for decades they have been dependent on poor dumb racist, xenophobic, homophobic, misogynist, religious, gun nuts to help get them over the finish line come election time.

Donald Trump's rise has proven that every single solitary thing that Liberals have been saying about the republican base is 100% true. It's nothing but poor stupid white people that are easily manipulated by appeals to their hateful bigoted beliefs. In reality they'd be better off economically, and educationally if they supported Democrats, but they're too ****ing stupid to understand basic economic realities so they get fooled into supporting trickle down bull****. The reality is that Democrats were never coming for your guns, God doesn't exist, our military creates more terrorists than it destroys, and while both political parties are some what okay with your jobs being shipped overseas, at least democrats want to offer you the education necessary to help you get a better one.
Obviously because of Trump's past views on social issues the social Cons should be very, very worried about Trump.

I am no "social con", but I am 100% #NeverTrump: his views on immigration and trade; his astonishing ignorance about economy, fiscal or foreign policy; his (quite skillful) stoking the basest emotions of the crowd; his contempt for constitutional restraints on executive power; his almost caricature vulgarity - the list can be continued, but that's quite enough I think - without ever going into the "social issues".
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Cruz and his likes were catering to the social Cons, the part of the GOP that are more worried about gay marriage than actually conservative issues like smaller government and being fiscally conservative.

I would non-concur with this. Cruz was pretty much the hardest of the solid-full-conservatives out there, on all three sides of the stool.

Obviously because of Trump's past views on social issues the social Cons should be very, very worried about Trump.

All conservatives of all stripes should be worried about him. Hell, this should worry all Americans. He's a #$(#*@ing travesty.
I would non-concur with this. Cruz was pretty much the hardest of the solid-full-conservatives out there, on all three sides of the stool.

All conservatives of all stripes should be worried about him. Hell, this should worry all Americans. He's a #$(#*@ing travesty.

I don't agree with you on Cruz. But I 110% agree with you on Trump.

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