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Reagan who? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 26, 2020
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menifee calif.
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We have folks that are attacked, for not acting ENOUGH like Trump. All the lemmings are in line, thruout the congress. Almost unanimous, in all respects. This Republican party has chosen its standardbearer, and it is the bull in chinashop, [is that racist?]Trump buffoon. Ignores all laws and GETS **** done. Brings the fight to the libs, and ruins people, to maintain order.

There is no dogma, no convictions, no pragmatic negotiations. No city on a hill. No immigration is an important part of our history. Trump, and really, every one of you right wingers, have expunged Reagan from your thoughts. And I dont think it is simply so many young coming onboard. I think Reagan is really done.

Thus, Trump is your prototype. Trump is the model. Trump is the touchstone. You worship Trump. Well, at least revere. Or am I wrong? Are there righteous men in the Republican party? Mitt Romney is now a nevertrumper traitor. Anyone with a speck of dignity, has been driven out in shame. What are the enduring principles that the Republican party bases itself? Might makes right? Caveat Emptor? To the victor goes the spoils? Eliminate the opponent? What possible enduring principles can be gleaned from this Trump era? Does ANYTHING GOES remain the enduring principle?

And why should we vote for your enduring principle?

Reagan Foundation to Trump, RNC: Quit raising money off Ronald Reagan’s legacy

Reagan against Trump Advert "Shining city on a hill" - YouTube

Reagan vs Trump Debate | Cartoon Rap Battle - YouTube
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There is no dogma, no convictions, no pragmatic negotiations. No city on a hill. No immigration is an important part of our history. Trump, and really, every one of you right wingers, have expunged Reagan from your thoughts. And I dont think it is simply so many young coming onboard. I think Reagan is really done.

Why did they really like Reagan? Because he won against Democrats and insulted him. It wasn't really about whatever he said. It's really the same since Nixon for the same reasons. trump screams fake news, Nixon had his VP attack 'nattering nabobs of negativism'. Roger Ailes, Roy Cohn, and Roger Stone all served both trump and Nixon (Stone introduced Reagan to Ailes, etc.)
Why did they really like Reagan? Because he won against Democrats and insulted him. It wasn't really about whatever he said. It's really the same since Nixon for the same reasons. trump screams fake news, Nixon had his VP attack 'nattering nabobs of negativism'. Roger Ailes, Roy Cohn, and Roger Stone all served both trump and Nixon (Stone introduced Reagan to Ailes, etc.)

This is why we cant let them all skate. We need accountability. Prosecution.
This is why we cant let them all skate. We need accountability. Prosecution.

They've already proven that the law can't touch them so I am done hoping for the law to deal with them.
I figure that the Trumpers have already written in stone what needs to be done with them, pity they seem to think it's a prescription for us instead, so I expect they will be floored when it all gets turned around and pointed at them.
specifically, which laws have been broken ?
Make your case.

Trump SHould have been brought up on fraud charges, on his charity, and his university, for starters. Then all the gals he either raped or assaulted, trafficked, etc. His own wife said he raped her.

A THOROUGH investigation into WHAT Trump has done and is doing, needs to be done. SDNY has plenty of proper format ready to go prosecutions, indictments, grand juries. He is going to regret the Karma he has wrought.
Trump SHould have been brought up on fraud charges, on his charity, and his university, for starters. Then all the gals he either raped or assaulted, trafficked, etc. His own wife said he raped her.

A THOROUGH investigation into WHAT Trump has done and is doing, needs to be done. SDNY has plenty of proper format ready to go prosecutions, indictments, grand juries. He is going to regret the Karma he has wrought.

How about some specific acts ?
only conjecture is stated above; make your case; any case.
Are you a U.S citizen?
Sounds much like third world vindictive political actions.
How about some specific acts ?
only conjecture is stated above; make your case; any case.
Are you a U.S citizen?
Sounds much like third world vindictive political actions.

Let me ask you THIS?????? Should Obama be investigated?

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