It is no secret, indeed, that the current outcry of Islamic radicals in Europe and Islamic countries has been sparked not only and not so much by the very cartoons depicting prophet Mohammed, but, in the first place by web-sites of various Islamic radical organizations and communities.
We can take for example web-sites of Chechen separatists where we can read seditions towards all Moslems to torch Danish consulate that appeared almost right off the scandalous publications (just like it was a few months ago during the unrest in France). And here is what I was able to copy-paste from one of them.
Of course, you won't find this text or other beatings to arms on Chechens web-sites anymore - moderators know what to do and hide them in time covering up traces of crime. However, there's no need of them any more. So to say, "The Moor has done his part, the Moor might be gone..." (© W. Shakespear). In this respect I only want to ask you - are we not going to do a hand's turn and will just be waiting until various Moslem extremists start calling their brothers take up arms and set Europe afire or we do pull ourselves up at last to prevent it and insistently suggest authorities of those European states where Islamic extremist web-sites find host to suppress them?... I guess it is time we make our choice.
We can take for example web-sites of Chechen separatists where we can read seditions towards all Moslems to torch Danish consulate that appeared almost right off the scandalous publications (just like it was a few months ago during the unrest in France). And here is what I was able to copy-paste from one of them.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful!
We are members of Ichkerian group of mojaheds "Borz-2". We declare that we are starting to make jihad against all Danish nationals on the territory of all Moslem states, for their physical presence in the states where Islam is practiced can be estimated as an even grosser insult to Prophet Mohammed and all faithful Moslems. The jihad is leveled against every resident of Denmark, whether he be an authorized diplomat or person of business, politician or tourist. This also has to do with every national of any other country where the Danish blasphemous cartoons have been reprinted. We hope such an approach will release Europeans from a delusion that living in a democratic state casts off moral responsibility for their fellow nationals' acts. Our first aim will be embassies and missions of Denmark and other European states participative of insult of faithful Moslems. Nextly, if no proper conclusion were drawn, we will spread jihad against private business and representations of foreign companies in Moslem countries, and further (insha'Allah) - abroad, on the territory of Denmark and other states responsible! We invoke all Moslems join us or assist our struggle according to your possibilities!
Allah Acbar!
Of course, you won't find this text or other beatings to arms on Chechens web-sites anymore - moderators know what to do and hide them in time covering up traces of crime. However, there's no need of them any more. So to say, "The Moor has done his part, the Moor might be gone..." (© W. Shakespear). In this respect I only want to ask you - are we not going to do a hand's turn and will just be waiting until various Moslem extremists start calling their brothers take up arms and set Europe afire or we do pull ourselves up at last to prevent it and insistently suggest authorities of those European states where Islamic extremist web-sites find host to suppress them?... I guess it is time we make our choice.