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RE: those Confederate monuments (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 12, 2018
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RE: those Confederate monuments

I was leafing through a magazine this morning when I came across a one-sided article re: those monuments. So I decided not to read it.

But knowing that some members (and guests) want to read about this topic, I decided to let you know about this article.

Title: "The Costs of the Confederacy"
Authors: Brian Palmer and Seth Freed Wessler
Magazine: (Print) issue of Smithsonian for December, 2018, pages 54 - 63, 76 -78. (I assume that it's online.)


Here are some comments that are prominently displayed in the article:

P. 55: "In the last decade alone, American taxpayers have spent at least $40 million on Confederate monuments and groups that distort U.S. history and perpetuate racist ideology."

P. 57: "The state is giving the stamp of approval to these lost cause ideas, and the money is a symbol of that approval. What does that say to black citizens?"

P. 60: "Monuments to the 'Lost Cause' will prove monuments of folly," [Frederick] Douglass wrote in 1870. "It is a needless record of stupidity and wrong."
Re: those Confederate monuments

I was leafing through a magazine this morning when I came across a one-sided article re: those monuments. So I decided not to read it.

But knowing that some members (and guests) want to read about this topic, I decided to let you know about this article.

Title: "The Costs of the Confederacy"
Authors: Brian Palmer and Seth Freed Wessler
Magazine: (Print) issue of Smithsonian for December, 2018, pages 54 - 63, 76 -78. (I assume that it's online.)


Here are some comments that are prominently displayed in the article:

P. 55: "In the last decade alone, American taxpayers have spent at least $40 million on Confederate monuments and groups that distort U.S. history and perpetuate racist ideology."

P. 57: "The state is giving the stamp of approval to these lost cause ideas, and the money is a symbol of that approval. What does that say to black citizens?"

P. 60: "Monuments to the 'Lost Cause' will prove monuments of folly," [Frederick] Douglass wrote in 1870. "It is a needless record of stupidity and wrong."

It is online.

The Costs of the Confederacy | History | Smithsonian

Thanks for the tip. It sure looks like a well written article highlighting the menace that White Supremacists pose to our society.
Re: those Confederate monuments

It is online.

Thanks for the link.

This computer illiterate senior citizen depends on the kindness of people like you.

By the way, I like the LAST sentence of what I think is called your "signature."

Best wishes
Re: those Confederate monuments

I was leafing through a magazine this morning when I came across a one-sided article re: those monuments. So I decided not to read it.

But knowing that some members (and guests) want to read about this topic, I decided to let you know about this article.

Title: "The Costs of the Confederacy"
Authors: Brian Palmer and Seth Freed Wessler
Magazine: (Print) issue of Smithsonian for December, 2018, pages 54 - 63, 76 -78. (I assume that it's online.)


Here are some comments that are prominently displayed in the article:

P. 55: "In the last decade alone, American taxpayers have spent at least $40 million on Confederate monuments and groups that distort U.S. history and perpetuate racist ideology."

P. 57: "The state is giving the stamp of approval to these lost cause ideas, and the money is a symbol of that approval. What does that say to black citizens?"

P. 60: "Monuments to the 'Lost Cause' will prove monuments of folly," [Frederick] Douglass wrote in 1870. "It is a needless record of stupidity and wrong."

Yes, the state governments in the south did give their approval to the “Lost Cause” thugs who celebrated the murder of American soldiers and sailors.

Yes, the Confederate cause was both deeply wrong and deeply stupid.

What’s your point?

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