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RCP Shows Trump Winning Florida and Ohio, Narrowing Gap In PA (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
May 6, 2020
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San Luis Obispo, CA
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
RCP now shows Trump +0.4 in Florida.

RCP now shows Trump +0.6 in Ohio.

In PA, RCP has the average at Biden +3.8, with one recent poll showing Trump up 2, Trafalgar showing a tie, and multiple polls showing Biden leading.

Only 0.6 in Ohio after carrying it be 10 in '16? Damn.
That seems to be Trump's one remaining path to victory. If he does squeak out FL and OH, he's also got to get NC and AZ and he just makes it.

This is the kind of thing that could energize both sides--I think.
Only 0.6 in Ohio after carrying it be 10 in '16? Damn.
Ohio was one of about eight states that had Senate coattails that helped Trump. Rubio won by more than 600,000 more than Trump in Florida.

The same discussion will be had after the 2020s, when we know all the winners. Such as Senate RCV in Maine and two Senate runoffs in Georgia.

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