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Random Thread #2 (1 Viewer)


Only Way Round is Through
DP Veteran
Feb 24, 2005
Reaction score
Pasadena, California
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
Hey, I need somewhere in which I can kinda spam. So, here it is. You can have the wierdest conversation you want. Go wild...just like your mother last night trebek!

The squirrels are going to control the world soon with their nut mines...so it doesn't matter.
Sometimes...I look under my bed to make sure there is not an evil monkey...then i gas my room to be double sure...what? Oh, jack and coke.
I drink the BLOOD OF MY ENEMIES, and occaisonally a strawberry yu hoo or, a sasparilla. Granadine. Straight from the can, DELICOUS! Oh occasionally I enjoy a "Sex on the Beach" or a Pina Colada. If you like Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain. If your not into yoga.
Speaking of jack....my boss jack sucks.

Blood of my Enemies by Man O War said:
Strong winds - magic mist
To Asgard the Valkries fly
High overhead - they carry the dead
Where the blood of my enemy lies.

No Voice of Mercy no Evangle of LIGHT!
Vodka is good...really good...like milf good...like monkey in my closet good...
Cause you have such a hard work schedule. Hows that book you are writing? Huh? Working hard? Characters developing?
I'm writing a book on World War III, got 176 pages done in 12 point font, single spaced and it's not crap either. :mrgreen: Seriously though I am writing a book, I'll have to wait a year to get it published because I'd need a couple of people to promote it.
My life is now complete. I love floating cows....but I...hate...baseball...cards...
the family guy quotes here are going to run wild...

"women are not people they are objects created by the lord jesus christ for our entertainment.
Here are two profound statements:

"Quite frankly, teachers are the only
profession that teach our children."

- J. Danforth Quayle,
former U.S. Vice-President, September 18, 1990

"I get to go to lots of overseas places, like Canada." - Britney Spears

Any thoughts?
one that i wouldn't hesitate to show the ol' knob to either.

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