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Rand Paul out of touch and selfish as usual. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 30, 2019
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Ukraine is being invaded fuel and inflation are issues and this is what he’s busy doing. Pathetic.

Ukraine is being invaded fuel and inflation are issues and this is what he’s busy doing. Pathetic.

Rand Paul is still butthurt over Anthony Fauci proving that he is a fool in front of Congress.

Unfortunately, Paul, who believes it’s “authoritarian” to enforce rules meant to prevent people from dying a horrible death, wasn’t finished. “You’ve been a big fan of Cuomo and the shutdown in New York, you’ve lauded New York for their policy,” he said to Fauci. “New York had the highest death rate in the world, how could we possibly be jumping up and down and saying, ‘Oh, Governor Cuomo did a great job,’ he had the worst death rate in the world?”

At this point, Fauci had had it with Paul, who apparently thinks having been an ophthalmologist before joining the Senate qualifies him to expound on infectious diseases. All but yelling “Listen here, you little pissant,” Fauci got the most visibly angry he has over the course of the entire pandemic. “No, you’ve misconstrued that, Senator, and you’ve done that repetitively in the past,” he said. “[New York] got hit very badly, they’ve made some mistakes. Right now, if you look at what’s going on right now, the things that are going in New York to get their test positivity to 1% or less is because they are looking at the guidelines that we have put together from the task force of the four or five things of masks, social distancing, outdoors more than indoors, avoiding crowds, and washing hands.”

“Or they’ve developed enough community immunity that they’re no longer having the pandemic because they have enough immunity to actually stop that,” Paul shot back. Which Fauci was having absolutely none of, effectively telling the senator that his medical degree isn’t worth the paper it was printed on, and if there happens to be another toilet paper shortage, it wouldn’t be a sacrifice to use it as a wipe.

I challenge that, Senator,” Fauci said, telling an interrupting lawmaker, “Please sir, I would like to be able to do this because this happens with Senator Rand all the time. You are not listening to what the director of the CDC said. Because in New York it’s about 22%, if you believe that 22% is herd immunity I believe you’re alone in that.”
Ukraine is being invaded fuel and inflation are issues and this is what he’s busy doing. Pathetic.

Yeah but that idiotic move on Rand Paul's part will PLAY BIGLY with his debased base!
He will gain more votes with this move than he will loose.
He won't lose any that I can think of. The folks that elected him are looking for this sort of Congressional lunacy, obviously.
I’m sure he will loose a few but he will pick up more than he looses from people ready to move forward
That doesn't say much for the folks of kentucky if it turns out to be accurate. He has such a hard on for fauci he just can't help making an idiot of himself over the issue.
It would say the people of Kentucky are tired of Fauci. Maybe it’s time for a new approach as this one has run its course.
I’m sure he will loose a few but he will pick up more than he looses from people ready to move forward
Meh. Since you can't prove one way or another, it's a pointless comment.
Fauxi is a bigger threat to the republic than Russia
that disgusting politician is infatuated with Fauci.
Ukraine is being invaded fuel and inflation are issues and this is what he’s busy doing. Pathetic.

Rand paul is functionally retarded. I've been saying it for years.
Ukraine is being invaded fuel and inflation are issues and this is what he’s busy doing. Pathetic.

Instead of one person making important decisions that effect the lives of 320 million, he wants three.
I'm sure glad Biden has inflation, southern border, crime and Ukraine under control. Is there a plan to solve any of these issues?
Too bad the left can't walk and chew gum at the same time.
Instead of one person making important decisions that effect the lives of 320 million, he wants three.
I'm sure glad Biden has inflation, southern border, crime and Ukraine under control. Is there a plan to solve any of these issues?
Too bad the left can't walk and chew gum at the same time.
What a simplistic and bias post. I am shocked
What a simplistic and bias post. I am shocked
"Rand Paul accomplished what exactly since being elected?"

What did you say about simplistic and bias?
"Rand Paul accomplished what exactly since being elected?"

What did you say about simplistic and bias?
It was an honest question, I was unable to find any of Rand’s sponsored and signed laws. Please enlighten me.

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