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Rand Paul Hijacks Congress for 13 Hours (1 Viewer)

Apparently Rand Paul has a sugar high and wants to flex his senatorial muscles. Single Handedly the Libertarian Senator from Kentucky who many on the right now hail as the front runner for the 2016 elections, stalled Congress yesterday as he talked for thirteen hours on the Senate Floor!

Despite cheers from all members of the paranoid conspiracy minded morons who think they follow politics, Rand Paul's filibuster included him eating dinner reading Alice in Wonderland as well as eating various candy bars while joking with Marco Rubio about water... President Obama and Eric Holder were laughing throughout the whole debacle because the very question that Rand Paul spent 14 hours trying to ask, was already answered numerous times by the Administration. President Obama will NOT use Drones on US Citizens. You see, he phrases this in a way that makes it seem that Obama is sitting in the oval office and just planning random attacks on random citizens. This was probably more damaging to the Republican Party than George Bush, Sarah Palin, and Oil combined!!! I'm ashamed that more people aren't criticizing Rand Paul for stalling the government for his own personal Television Show!

Let me know when Drones start attacking random people. This falls under black helicopter nonsense.

If you want to have some fun with the paultards on this one, please ask them the following questions:

As I mentioned last night, The Drone issue is one where libertarians twist and revise so much that it is sitting on the edge of paranoia and is once again, inconsistent with the libertarian message. Would it be better to send out US troops and use more government resources to find and/or prove that this suspected terrorist really is a terrorist? Then, you'd really see martial law and tanks in the streets!

Did Rand Paul ever mention the word terrorist? Remember the supposed Benghazi Conspiracy Theory? One where Obama refused to call it a terrorist attack? Well, how come that same standard isn’t given to crazy right wing kooks? Rand Paul never talked about terrorists in specific terms. That’s why this whole situation is ridiculous. Rand Paul is putting on a show! He is making a bunch of noise while the opposition just sits back and laughs. Rand Paul talks about US Citizens as if Obama wants to kill all of his opposition with drones. He is basically saying that drones are the new black helicopters! I am not kidding you.

Ask the paultard this question and they just leave you hanging. Do you know of any terrorist that has been targeted in the US on US soil, is currently dead because of US Drones and has not received a trial because he was killed by said Drone? It would be different if Rand Paul was accusing the Obama Administration of actually killing a US citizen that was not a terrorist and the government thought he was a terrorist. That is just plain old incompetence, and we have seen this before, from this administration AKA Benghazi.

I never believed in the whole, Drones are going to come and kill me thing. So forgive me for saying that Rand Paul is all going crazy about nothing. There are much more things to worry about then, if Obama wants to kill Fox News pundits with his drones. Of course he doesn't, otherwise he would have! I strongly believe however, that if an American Citizen cooperates with Al Qaeda or any other terrorist group in anyway, they lose all rights and can therefore be targeted!

It's that simple.

Rand Paul once again, fighting for rights of terrorists in the craziest what if scenario the man has yet to dream up: This is why we are considered the crazy party: What do you think about the hypothetical scenario where Obama just starts sending drones to paultards houses? I would love that!

Anti-Ron Paul Bot: Rand Paul Hijacks Congress for 13 Hours:
Rand Paul was doing his job and speaking up for the American people. And you want to villify him for trying to do the right thing.
Since I oppose the federal government using drones for domestic surveillance and can think of no circumstance where an F16 could not do a faster and better job than a drone - plus there is better authorization control over a piloted plane than a drone, you're raging is just that - raging.

Paul's move was political genious given not only did he receive cheers from Libertarians, but also the ACLU and Amesty International.

You are mistaken about the GOP. Not all in the GOP agree with you in wanting an ever increasingly powerful and overseeing domestic militarized Federal government against us citizens in the USA.

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