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Rainbow Party? (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
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Libertarian - Right
Source: FoxNEWS

NEW YORK — "Rainbow Party" is a controversial book about a group of teenagers getting together to engage in group oral sex and it has critics saying the material isn't the best way to educate today's kids about the ramifications of being sexually irresponsible. The novel by Paul Ruditis, according to publisher Simon & Schuster, was "inspired by numerous news reports about the prevalence and attitudes among teens towards certain types of sexual behavior, and is intended to engage readers in this real-life issue in a responsible and constructive fashion." Simon & Schuster says it's a cautionary tale written for kids age 14 and older.

A "rainbow party" is described as a gathering of boys and girls where the participants engage in group oral sex. Each girl wears a different colored lipstick to leave their mark on each boy. At the end of the book, news of a wave of sexually transmitted diseases sends shockwaves throughout the school.

Should this book be allowed in YOUR school?
If I were on crack. That is totally repulsive and disgusting.

Does this novel, as it is described as being, tell a story of consequences involved, or does it just narrate like a typical teenage novel? If it's just the latter, I would slap my child for checking it out, slap the librarian, slap the principal, the school superintendent, the author, and the head of Simon & Schuster publishing.

A discussion with teenagers of the ramificiations is more appropriate, alongside the parents, moreso than the schools.
Apparently it is a stoy about a group of kids getting ready for the party.
But, in the end they found out an STD was around school so the "party" didn't happen.
I don't think this book should be allowed in Schools, maybe in a health class but not in actual Literature courses.

It puts most teens at an awkward position just talking about normal intercourse, talking about oral sex would just be ridiculous. I've personally never heard of this Rainbow Party but I wasn't surprised when hearing about this, teenagers are getting out of control as we speak.

I personally have a problem with the obsessive sexually active teenagers at my school. I guess if it happens once every year, that should be fine, but just about every weekend is nothing to be proud of. Events like that trigger less thinking of school academics and more thinking of social life. I've found out how hard it is to focus on my academics when becoming too filled with the social events of school.
That doesn't mean having a social life is a bad thing, in-fact, if someone doesn't have a social they're more likely to not succeed, they don't have a basic understanding of human interactions. I just don't like too much of a social life which eliminates the ability to focus on academics, it's pr oven that academics will help oneself more than a strong social life.

Disgusting book, unless it shows the horrors which can happen because of this "Rainbow Party"
Ya know, I'm usually socially liberal when it comes to things like this...but I read the first page and it's pretty much just porn dressed up as something else.

Gin took the slender shaft of the tube in her palm. She gave a gentle tug along the base and watched as the lipstick extended to its full length. Her eyes darted to the sides, making sure no one was watching as she tilted the ruby red tip to her lips.
Now when I was 14 the idea of a party like this would be a wet dream come true, however it was all a fantasy.The fact that our schools want to distribute this fith is unfukin beleivable.Last time I checked you had to be 18 to purchase porn related mags, movies etc... So know the schools want to peddle porn to our kids. And most think homeschooling is for far right wing extremists.
Arch Enemy said:
I don't think this book should be allowed in Schools, maybe in a health class but not in actual Literature courses.

It puts most teens at an awkward position just talking about normal intercourse, talking about oral sex would just be ridiculous. I've personally never heard of this Rainbow Party but I wasn't surprised when hearing about this, teenagers are getting out of control as we speak.

I personally have a problem with the obsessive sexually active teenagers at my school. I guess if it happens once every year, that should be fine, but just about every weekend is nothing to be proud of. Events like that trigger less thinking of school academics and more thinking of social life. I've found out how hard it is to focus on my academics when becoming too filled with the social events of school.
That doesn't mean having a social life is a bad thing, in-fact, if someone doesn't have a social they're more likely to not succeed, they don't have a basic understanding of human interactions. I just don't like too much of a social life which eliminates the ability to focus on academics, it's pr oven that academics will help oneself more than a strong social life.

Disgusting book, unless it shows the horrors which can happen because of this "Rainbow Party"

I stongly disagree with this statement. There are some socially isolated occupations where loners do quite well. I find it interesting that this poster contradicted themselves with their next to last sentence, stating that academics are proven to help one more than a social life after they just stated that people without social lives are not likely to succeed.

On a sidenote, I don't think that it is appropriate material for 14 year olds. Personally, I've never heard of these "Rainbow parties." I'm sure they exist, but not on the level that every American junior high or high schooler should have to be exposed to this book.
CSA_TX said:
Now when I was 14 the idea of a party like this would be a wet dream come true, however it was all a fantasy.

You and me both.

The more stuff like this gets headline news on tv, I think a campaign for homeschooling or educational opportunity scholarships to attend private schools could reignite. Something like this certainly makes the case for homeschooling or the EO scholarships.
jobezee said:
I stongly disagree with this statement. There are some socially isolated occupations where loners do quite well. I find it interesting that this poster contradicted themselves with their next to last sentence, stating that academics are proven to help one more than a social life after they just stated that people without social lives are not likely to succeed.

On a sidenote, I don't think that it is appropriate material for 14 year olds. Personally, I've never heard of these "Rainbow parties." I'm sure they exist, but not on the level that every American junior high or high schooler should have to be exposed to this book.
Alright, I must say that I originally agreed with Arch's post, but you brought something to light I hadn't seen.

My take on this is that it woudl be entirely appropriate for a health class. It would teach them the dangers of behavior such as this to their health and might actually allow them to see that it is wrong and has consequences. It should be for high schools (14=freshman in high school) and could teach a very valuable lesson.
CSA_TX said:
Now when I was 14 the idea of a party like this would be a wet dream come true, however it was all a fantasy.The fact that our schools want to distribute this fith is unfukin beleivable.Last time I checked you had to be 18 to purchase porn related mags, movies etc... So know the schools want to peddle porn to our kids. And most think homeschooling is for far right wing extremists.

Far right wing extremists started homeschooling 25 years ago. The rest of us got a slow start. I've been homeschooling six years after pulling my kids from public school.
Rev. said:
Far right wing extremists started homeschooling 25 years ago. The rest of us got a slow start. I've been homeschooling six years after pulling my kids from public school.

There are some things though that you cannot teach at home
I'm not going to judge a book I haven't actually seen. Often these stories are blown out of all proportion by the rabid right.
When I lived in the UK there was a furore over a lovely Danish book called "Jenny Lives With Eric and Martin" which told the story of a young girl who lived with her gay dad and his partner. The book was very well done, and helped children understand that gay people can be loving parents and that Jenny was just as happy and well cared for with two dads, that she still saw her mother etc. Of course the Christian "we preach love but we practise hate" brigade got their knickers in a twist over a very helpful book, and I suspect the same has very possibly happened here.
I was given vile books to read at school which promoted fear and hatred: the cathechism and the bible. I'd like to see them banned from schools.
I thought Bibles weren't allowed in public schools? That's here in America, of course.

Crazy Brits and their teeth.
flip2 said:
I thought Bibles weren't allowed in public schools? That's here in America, of course.

Crazy Brits and their teeth.

I went to school in the UK, where they are, sadly, allowed.
galenrox said:
Oh, so should they teach anti-capitalist views, like of the success of the USSR? Jackass.

What is better is that they teach subjects like sociology, social theory, social philosophy and political science giving all sides of an argument (pro and anti capitalist, pro and anti communist etc.), expose children to various texts, encourage their own library research and encourage them to debate in seminars, developing their own skills of analysis and assessment.

Where the French education system shines is in its great emphasis on philosophy as a core subject, thus encouraging students to actually think for themselves and not be spoonfed. This is in stark contrast to the education I had in the UK, which avoided poltitics and preached social issues with a moral agenda. Bad, and totally wrong.
galenrox said:
But I don't know about France though. For all I can tell (yet I can't say I'm extremely versed in French culture, so please correct me if I'm wrong), most of them seem to draw the same far left, socialist conclusions, .

Sadly that's not true (I wish it was!) which is why we have a right wing president and a right wing government in power.

France has the full spectrum of political belief active in political life, from 3 communist parties who between them poll around 10%, to the socialists, greens, centrists, centre-right (who between them poll the majority) and extreme right FN who poll about 15%.

I find US politics too one sided, with no real left and very little difference between the two major parties, who at the end of the day are both lacquies of corporate USA.
Originally Posted by galenrox
But I don't know about France though. For all I can tell (yet I can't say I'm extremely versed in French culture, so please correct me if I'm wrong), most of them seem to draw the same far left, socialist conclusions, .

Urethra Franklin said:
Sadly that's not true (I wish it was!) which is why we have a right wing president and a right wing government in power.

I think we have a conservative president and a conservative congressial majority because that is what the voters elected.

France has the full spectrum of political belief active in political life, from 3 communist parties who between them poll around 10%, to the socialists, greens, centrists, centre-right (who between them poll the majority) and extreme right FN who poll about 15%.

I note you left out "extreme left" in fact you didn't even use the word "left"

I find US politics too one sided,

It's actually about 55-45 and you call that too one sided?

with no real left

And what would a "real left" be like?

and very little difference between the two major parties,

I don't think you are looking too closely then, what are the issues they agree on?

who at the end of the day are both lacquies of corporate USA.

You believe government should be anti-business?
WHOA where do I begin

galenrox said:
I think American politics get somewhat of a bad rap in the world's view, like I'm fully aware that you guys all look down on our politics, and I don't think it's entirely fair.

We are more successful and provide more freedom and opportunity than any country in the world, therefore they try to make themselves appear better by denigrating the US.

First, I think we are quite a bit more conservative as a nation than most of Europe, so our definition of left wing is quite different, but we definately have a left wing.

On that point we agree, to an extent. Many in the Democrat Party would LIKE us to be more European, Kerry for one. But it is another downfall for them to hold that position.
First is that we're a different country with a different culture, which is, I think, a tad more conservative as a whole.

We area culture and a country that believes more in private property and personal responsibility. It's the root of our success as a nation and stability as a government.

What we also have is a democratic party completely full of idiots and incompetents.

Not completely but on certainly on the natiional level the leadership seems to exhibit those traits. But then when you don't have alternative programs or policies to offer you are religated to negitivism and soon that becomes idiotic and people begin to see through it.

The democrats have been neutured ever since Bill Clinton left office and the republicans won the majority in the house and senate, and so they act like they need the republicans' permission to do anything,

Actually they are probably the most powerful miniority this country has ever seen. They have been able to stall, hold-up an prevent much needed legislation simply for political reasons.

and maybe it's just us, but as a society, we don't want to be led by a p*ssy. Unfortunately, the liberals who have any balls are insane, while teh intelligent, and occasionally brilliant moderate democrats are completely neutured.

Dean and Pelosi, well I have to agree with that. But then it's not balls the Democrats need, it policies that the American people will agree with. Why the leadership think that bashing Bill Oriely, or Fox News or Christians or Whites is the way to go is beyond me.

On the other side, all of the republicans outside of certain major cities have more confidence and abrasiveness to run down any democrat lacking the balls to assert him or herself,

Confidence yes, when you believe in your principles and can clearly state them you tend to gain a lot of confidence. ABrasiveness, sorry but there is little of that on the Republican side, in fact I think for being a party that controls most of government they have been quite concillitory and inclusive towards the Democrat party. The Democrats just can't seem to grasp the point that they lost. All they offer are over-the-top bashing of Republicans and I certainl don't see Republicans responding in kind.

and thus, republicans rule the country,

and thus they hold power because the majority of citizens prefer thier policies and programs

not based on us being white trash hillbillies, but by a horribly mismanaged democratiuc party.

Actually based on us believing in freedom and opportunity, the most for the most. That we are better off when we manage our own affairs and that those who sit in Washington are not our parents and guardians.

Like, you know I'm on the liberal side of things, but even I considered voting for Bush over Kerry. I didn't but I thought about it.

What were the issues that had you considering Bush and what were the issues that convinced you to vote for Kerry.
While I have no issues with teens experiencing physical and sexual pleasure, after all, it is quite healthy to experience pleasure and there is a scientific reason why females reach menarche at 12-13 and males can ejaculate sperm at 13-14-humans are unrebuttably designed to be having sex at that age......morality is to be taught by parents, not the government.
Stinger said:
I note you left out "extreme left" in fact you didn't even use the word "left"

I was assuming that most people know that communist = extreme left and socialist = left. If you need these things spelling out, why don't you investigate a political science evening class at your local college?

Stinger said:
It's actually about 55-45 and you call that too one sided?

When both "sides" are devoted to propping up capitalism, yes.

Stinger said:
And what would a "real left" be like?

Doubtless on your new political science evening class you'll find out.

Far more left than your Democrats, who are not left at all.
For "left" look to most European socialist and green parties
For far "left" look to most European communist parties

Stinger said:
I don't think you are looking too closely then, what are the issues they agree on?

Neither would advocate the abolition, or even extreme state control of capitalism, and that's a pretty fundamental agreement.

Stinger said:
You believe government should be anti-business?


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