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Queue the John Philip Sousa (1 Viewer)


Computer Gaming Nerd
DP Veteran
Feb 24, 2013
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Political Leaning
Electic Bus failure in Paris is pretty epic!

"Dozens of electric buses will be taken off the streets of Paris temporarily "as a precaution" after two of the vehicles caught fire within a month, in a possible setback for the French capital's green transport ambitions.

Following a second blaze on Friday morning, in which no one was hurt, "RATP has taken the decision to suspend use of 149 electric buses" of manufacturer Bollore's Bluebus 5SE model, the state-owned public transport operator said.

That number amounts to almost one-third of the city's electric bus fleet.

The number 71 bus that caught fire in southeast Paris early Friday released thick clouds of black smoke and a strong smell of burning plastic, according to an AFP journalist on the scene."

The idiot left response will be "so? buses on fossil fuel catch on fire too!"
Whoa! Impressive - and not a little scary.

"Hey honey, let's go green and take the bus today!"

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