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Question: (1 Viewer)

Frank Apisa

Supporting Member
DP Veteran
Mar 4, 2008
Reaction score
New Jersey
Political Leaning
Not sure where to post this, so I am trying here. If it is inappropriate, I hope a moderator will move it to where is ought to be.

I cannot access my "Participated" segment...where I normally go to do my posting.

Is it just my account...or is it a forum-wide problem.

I can access "What's New"...and have been able to post.
For future reference, in case you have any other problems in the future, threads like these go in the Tech Support forum.
For future reference, in case you have any other problems in the future, threads like these go in the Tech Support forum.

Thanks, OS.

Thanks, Jesse.

Now...if I can remember all this!!!
Just do what I do, and get vital information tattooed backwards on your forehead. That way, every time you look in a mirror, you have a permanent reminder about something significant!

I try to stay away from mirrors these days. They are a bunch of damn liars. Either that, or some old guy has taken over my body!

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