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Question zillion for Christians (1 Viewer)

Naughty Nurse

DP Veteran
Feb 5, 2005
Reaction score
The UK
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
Does it bother you that non-Christians keep asking you stupid questions?
Naughty Nurse said:
Does it bother you that non-Christians keep asking you stupid questions?

Does it bother you that you are being asked all those questions about being gay on the homosexuality board? :smile:

I think we both agree, whatever questions are asked, if they are asked with a sincere desire to understand who I am and how I believe, then they are good questions and I don't mind. I've read through your thread BTW, and I really appreciate the honesty (though it's a little raw in places, but what do I expect, right?) I appreciate the opportunity to know your heart a little better. Thanks for sharing!
Rev. said:
Does it bother you that you are being asked all those questions about being gay on the homosexuality board? :smile:

I think we both agree, whatever questions are asked, if they are asked with a sincere desire to understand who I am and how I believe, then they are good questions and I don't mind. I've read through your thread BTW, and I really appreciate the honesty (though it's a little raw in places, but what do I expect, right?) I appreciate the opportunity to know your heart a little better. Thanks for sharing!

You're very welcome, Rev.

I absolutely agree with your ststements above, but it does appear that some of the questions posted in this section are not really aimed at getting to know Christians better.

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